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That sounds awful. Where is she catching these colds? It doesn't sound as if you are ill. You have your hands full. Good luck with your course.
Sara you sound tired Hun, have you got a vibrating chair? This worked well for lexi when she was little, she hates the swing but loved this, lay maybe for grey to? Worth I try ladies an I hope you both get well earned rest soon, it's tough but soon it will be a memory xx

Hoping gorgeous pics, an such a lovely idea ur very organised, with regards to surrogacy I always think of Charlotte from sex in the city I don't no if you ladies watched it but she had trouble conceiving an she adopted a little girl, when she saw the picture of the little girl sge cried an said 'that's our baby' I think that it's true when it's right you will no. Love your updates, I hope penny enjoys her travels xx

Melfy lexi has always been a wriggler in bed, she hated the crib! Hence we co slept, that's why she went in her cot so young as she liked the space, I have had her doing 180 spins also rolling one end to the other! I now use rolled up towels under the sheet but my mum used to do it when I was tiny she said its like a security thing! Try it Hun x

Just could she be having a growth spurt? Lexi slept through the night at that age to, but whenever she had a growth spurt she would need extra milk an become fussy for 3-7 days!! I used to write it down an see if it lasted etc hope it is an she's back to normal in no time xx

Heart so nice to hear from you, so sorry d is poorly, an poor you sleeping with her on you again, must be hard as there so heavy now!!! I hope she's better soon does she have teeth yet? X

Afm lexi is good just had few days of growth spurt, very hard to settle, I had to lay her on my bed with the fan on! Lol, it's February!!! My daughter hates hates hates being hot bless her! It took one an half hours to get her to bed an to take milk, she's not taking any solids at all now, so I stopped for few days an I will try again! Hope everyone is well, I'm awake as madam is still waking during the night, even though she's 6 months! I only give her 3oz though an she will go from 7-7 with one feed, it's just frustrating when she slept so well from 2 months - 4 1/2 months through the night!! Oh well compared to early days of up every few hours or all night with a colicky baby this is heaven so I no I should shut up! Feel free to tell me to ladies!!!! Lol xx
Heart- sorry to hear Delilah's got another cold. It sounds frustrating and tiring for you both. Hope you enjoy your course.

Davies- I imagine its very hard to deal with sleep regression when you've gotten used to Lexi sleeping through the night. Lol about the fan in February.
Heart poor Delilah :hugs: and kisses for her. And poor you! That must be exhausting for you
And best of luck with your course - exciting!

I had to go to hospital yesterday as my scar was bleeding ever so slightly. It's a superficial break in the scar caused by an infection. Been given antibiotics... He also tested for a womb infection as I have flu symptoms so I had to do a vaginal swab, be mentioned that still bleeding 4.5 weeks after c section might mean an infection - hope not :nope: results next week. I thought bleeding up to 6 weeks past c section was normal - I am 4.5 and it's eased off massively. Anyway I'm not bleeding it's more like scanty brown spotting now and again.

Sara how you doing Hun? Hw are things with dh now?
Hi ladies,

Heart, that is ashame for Delilah having one cold after another, it must be horrible to watch your baby suffering with a cold, I cant stand it myself and night time is always the worst when lying down and you cant breathe so being raised upright will help I guess, hope it eases up soon.

Davies, that sounds ideal/amazing when Lexi sleeps through the night from 7-7! wow I cant wait for that day. Iy sounds wise to give up on teh solids for a few days and then try again, all babies will take it in their own time I guess.
Emelia has been sleeping great again, it seems like that was a one off on Thursday night. She is continuing to sleep from 11pm until 7,8 or even 9am it was this morning, its brilliant.

Fili, I hope you dont have an infection when you get the results back. I thought upto 6 weeks bleeding was classed as normal aswell. I think I had quite heavy bleeding period-like for 3-4 weeks actually.
It sounds like you have a good agreement in the evenings when your hubby takes over with Lexi, thats what we try to do aswell.

We did have a stressful evening last night though as Emelia cried unsettled from 6.30pm until 11pm, we tried everything as she wasnt hungry or colicky or anything. But a rash started to appear on her cheeks and I was freaking out about meningitis but we did the glass test and that was fine. We think that she is showing early signs of teething.
She has red/blotchy cheeks, is drooling a lot and keeps sticking her tongue out and just generally upset at times.
We were at a christening today and one of my husbands friends is a dentist and said that the way her cheeks were is a classic sign and that its not too early or young for it as some babies are born with teeth. He said that a way of telling is to check her gumline and if its hard and normally has purple coloured dots that is a sign, well her gumline is very hard at the top.
I actually ended up crying last night so frustrated that I was unable to settle her after hours of crying. Thats the worst that I've felt myself getting upset and frustrated aswell, I just had a bit of a breakdown.
I feel terrible for getting upset and frustrated as I know by all means that she is not being bad but there is something genuinely wrong, but after hours of crying I have to keep reminding myself of that.
When she's not troubled she is such a happy babay and smiles all of the time, people are always commenting on how she is such a happy wee soul. They just dont get to experience the hard times.
Just I am actually dreading the teething stage more than anything because as far as I've heard that's exactly the nightmare you describe! I know so many mums who were reduced to tears including my sister. It's awful to see them in pain too. So glad it wasn't meningitis what a scare and a shock! :hugs:
You are still allowed to complain. You lived through the newborn stage too and it sucks going backwards.

I hope it is not a womb infection. Keep us posted.

How unpleasant. I think all moms cry. I cry weekly in frustration. I have heard of babies cutting teeth as early as 2 months.

DH is really putting into practice trying to teach Grey to fall asleep without nursing/bouncing. It was a painful night. Luckily DH is a very patient man. I don't want to do family bed long-term, so we need to teach Grey how to sleep.
Fili- I had bleeding until about 6 weeks after my section and my dr said it was normal. Also scar oozed (sorry tmi) for a while but it cleared up with topical antibiotics. I hope your infection is superficial an localized. I'm sure it is.
Dh and I are doing wonderfully, thanks. I think we needed a fight in order to clear the air and reopen lines if communication.

Just- you must have had quite a scare! It's amazing that Emelia has started cutting teeth so early. I hope the process isn't to hard on you guys.

Kat- it's wonderful that Dh is so patient with Grey. Tbh Alex had far more patience with Eva than I do sometimes... This came as something of s surprise. I hope Grey is receptive to sleep training!

Afm- it's 2 am and I'm trying to resettle Eva- no surprise there. I'm pretty sure we're in the middle of her 3 month growth spurt- she's been very unsettled the last 2 days and bfing constantly!
Oh that's great news about you and DH Sara - it had been playing on MY mind and I was worrying about you from time to time and hoping it was just a blip. :yipee:

I don't think I have a womb infection as they said the doctor would call me if I did and he hasn't :) Thanks for letting me know about your scar problem when you had it. How long was it before it was completely healed?

Good luck Kat I hope you succeed!! My close friend did controlled crying with her little baby boy and has never looked back.

Sara I know they're different ages but Lexi has insane frantic feeding frenzies now and again - some days I can't seem to get enough down her. On those days she doesn't sleep well at all :shrug:
Evening ladies I'm feeding my tired bubba in her rocking chair so thought I would catch up, lexi is over tired today she literally had an hour an half all day!! She got very overtired earlier!! X

Kat does grey sleep well when you have been to the sea? I wondered if the sea air helped him? X

Mel hope ur scars ok Hun x
Fili- The scar takes awhile to heal... mine's still occasionally itchy, though it's technically healed since it's fully closed. I think it took about 2 months. A friend of mine who has had 2 sections showed me her scar and it was practically non-existent. It just takes time.
Hi ladies,

I want to clarify that DH and I are NOT doing controlled crying. We are (He is) simply bouncing the baby to almost sleeping and then placing him in his crib swaddled to fall asleep on his own. When Grey cries, DH picks him up immediately and starts again. When Grey gets too frustrated I nurse and cuddle him down. We do NOT believe in controlled crying at this age.

Here are his 2 month shots:
Baby Grey 2 Months1.jpg

Baby Grey 2 Months5.jpg

Good news on no infection.

No Grey does not sleep at the ocean one bit.

Any sleep?

Ladies with the older babies that helped me keep my sanity... You were right. It did get so much better. Baby Grey is now 2 months old and tons of fun. He has an easy going demeanor and is all play and happiness during the day. We are still having issues with self-soothing and sleep, but the day times are a dream. DH and I are very happy. We love playing with him and making him laugh and smile.
Beautiful photos Kat. He is such a gorgeous baby.
Fili I'm pleased you don't have an infection. Louis has days where he guzzles loads too. He also doesn't sleep so well on those days.
Sara, I'm pleased things are better with hubby.
Just, teething is hell and it lasts so bloody long!! The teeth come down in stages and they seem to suffer with it for ages before the teeth cut.
Hi everyone else. Louis is now 10lb 2 at almost 6 weeks. He isn't well at the moment so isn't sleeping well. I thought it wa reflux but its a combination of colic and a very chesty cold. He has green poo though he hasn't pood yet today which is unheard of for him. He is struggling with his feeds as he can't breathe very well. I hate it because he is unsettled.
Aww sorry Louis is unsettled Hun :-( it's so upsetting isn't it? Can anything be done to help him with meds etc?

Kat i hope that helps Grey to self comfort and get himself off to sleep - controlled crying is very extreme, my hubs wants to do that but I'm not so sure. My friend said it was very emotionally hard but worth it so I don't know but not thinking about that yet! And Grey is such a cutie pie!!! :cloud9:

Davies hiya hun, why are these babies so unpredictable!!! Love the name you chose for your baby girl btw, wish I'd chosen it for my daughter! :haha: how you feeling?

Very tiny tiny amounts of Clear stuff coming out of a tiny tiny hole of my scar so feeling better about that! I've stopped bleeding and just have yellow goo discharge but not much of it! (sorry tmi!). Any how in my extreme fashion I am staying in all week to care for this scar and let the air get to it and keep dressing it. Also I need the rest i think i went too far with all my outings so cancelled all social things till further notice lol!

Lexi is.... Asleep :yipee: in her cot :yipee: !!!
Thanks Fili, I don't think there is anything they can give him at this age. I have been sitting him in the bathroom while I shower so the steam helps. Dentinox colic drops really help with the colic, I swear by that stuff. I'm pleased to report that he just completely filled his nappy and instantly settled right down.
You do right cancelling your engagements and staying in. I'd do the same if it wasn't for Edie. Staying in the house for longer than a day drives me nuts! You do need to rest and let that scar heal.
Hope your sweetie feels better soon. Have you tried breast milk up the nose with the nose frieda. The girls are right to rave about it. It works! Don't worry about the green poop. Grey had it for almost 2 weeks straight and then it disappeared and has been nothing but yellow for weeks now. I spent way too much time worrying about it. It's normal for them to slow down poop wise after a month. Grey hasn't but we are hoping he does soon.

Good news on your scar progressing. Stay in and rest. I think babies under 4 months are too young to control cry... just my opinion. I am not saying I would do it even then. I think most experts recommend 6 months at the earliest for CIO.
Kat - the 2 month pics of Grey are so sweet! He is getting so big. We started to sleep train at about 5.5 months and Levi got it. I wanted to wait until 6 months but we needed sleep and he knew when it was bedtime because he would start to fuss when we put on his sleep sack. You will know for Grey when (if) it is the right time for him and you guys. I am so glad you are enjoying all his smiles and cuteness. They only get more fun as they get older but it goes by fast! :)

Mrs M - We are big fans of the nose freida too. We also did the steam in the bathroom and found an infant chest rub to help. There is an ingredient in some vapor rubs that babies can't have but I forget what it is maybe Menthol? So just make sure its safe for infants if you are looking for one.

Fili - my scar is just now turning white/skin coloured from red. And we are at 6 months.

afm - DH has been away for a couple of days so I have been single parenting it. I am pooped. His flight lands in an hour and a half and I am so ready. Levi is in bed. So I am catching up on emails and stuff and having some me time :) I was going to work out but I just started my period so I am eating chocolate instead. It's my second one since Levi but it was about 37 days after the last one. Those of you who have Aunt flo back, did it take a while to get back to normal or did it come back in a cycle like pre baby right away?
Levi turned 6 months yesterday, i just can't believe it. He is such a fun loving little man. He is sitting up by himself and doesn't really need cushions at all. He is also scooting around on his belly, not fast and he gets mad because he wants to be moving, but I am not ready for that quite yet. I feel so blessed, just overwhelmed with love for this little man.

Hi Sara, and you other ladies!
Hi ladies!
Kat - happy 2 months to grey he's adorable!!
Fili - sorry to hear about your wound sounds like its doing ok but prob a good idea to take it easy for a few days. Mine was bad for about 2 weeks and I was leaking a lot of fluidy stuff at the beginning (mainly during my week in hospital) but it sealed pretty quick. It's still red now but getting fainter.
Croy good to hear from you - happy 6 months gorgeous chops!
Mrsm - sorry to hear Louis is sick - I HATE it when bubbas are sick you feel so helpless :0( I read somewhere that Vicks rubbed on the soles of their feet and then socks on top works (yes really!!) I'm not sure if he is too young for Vicks but might be worth reading up on. We have snuffle babe which is similair and you can also put some on a muslin and tie near there cot. I hope he gets better soon.
Davies I hope Lexi starts to enjoy good more soon I think its a good idea to leave a few days and then try again. We started just this week. So far Alfie has tried carrot purée - liked the first day and pulled horrible faces the second day but still opened his mouth for more! Yesterday he tried pear and LOVED it!! I'm only introducing new flavours every few days to make sure he tolerates it - then I will start mixing things together! Next on the menu is either swede or parsnip - both are prepared and in the freezer ready to go!!
Davies we also use the towel trick since Alfie likes to swivel and roll in his cot! Works wonders!!
Sara - so glad you and hubby are getting on better!
Hi just - love the recent pics!
Hi everyone else!
Hi all. I you're a first time mom like me (or even if you're not) check this out, I think it's spot on:

Kat- Love the pics of Grey (happy 2 months!)- He's so big too! We're also waiting to sleep train. I can't see us doing any cold turkey CIO methods but there are quite a few 'softer'methods out there which we're looking into for when the time is right. This link gives a great index of different methods with a review for each and when it's developmentally best to try them (follow the link for best timing). The different methods are listed and reviewed at the bottom of the page.

Croy- It's so tough when they're away and we have to do it all on our own. I hope You get a chance to relax now that dh is home. Enjoy your chocolate:) Happy six months Levi!

Mismig- so sorry Louis is doing poorly:( He's a great weight!

Fili- don't overdo it!!!! Caring for a newborn is hard enough. Get some rest.

Bumpy- Sounds like you're enjoying introducing Alfie to solids! I'm looking forward to it too!

afm- the night before last we did well, sleeping 8:30-2:15 and then 3:15- 5:30. I had hoped it might be a sign that things were improving but alas it was not to be. Last night we slept from 9:15- 11:45 then 1-3:30 and then nothing!!! She was up and raring to go. Wanted to play at 4:30 after she'd finished eating! I finally got her down at 8am and then she only slept or 25 minutes. What's amazing is that though all this she's been positively cheerful, only complaining when she wants the boob :shrug:
Oh and we're 3 months today! :happydance:


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Hello ladies I'm finally moving across.

Isla Jessica was born on the 8th feb at 08.11am weighing 8lb 7oz via emergency c section due to fetal distress. Still working on my full birth story.

I came out if hospital Monday. Midwife weighed Isla today and she has only lost 3oz taking her to 8lb 5 oz. cannot be solely congratulated on this as I am formula feeding as well as breast as my milk hasn't come in yet. Thinking I may just solely ff. so hello to all. So pleased I made it here.

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