Mums/Moms after Recurrent Losses (MARL) - Come join us!

Hi ladies, hope everyones doing well, ist been quiet on here for a few days.

Kat, lovely pics of Grey. I wish I had done that - took pics of Emelia with a sign next to her how old she was just to remember. I have lots of pics but cant always remember how old she was in them.

Fili, you get your feet up, you deserve it. I go through spells like that where I take Emelia everywhere and have lots of things on but then sometimes you just want to chill out in the house.

MrsM, sorry to hear Louis is unwell. I have a cold/fluey symptoms just now and Im just waiting for Emelia to suffer from it ( hopefully not) but these things seem inevitable. It sounds like wise advice about getting a suitable vapour rub to try, even on his feet as Bumpy said, that sounds like a good trick.

Croy, I've has two periods aswell now. The first one was much lighter than normal and then I got another only about 24 days after the first one. Im guessing it takes a few months to regulate, and that one was much heavier.

Sara, thats a lovely picture of Eva, Im sure she's going too surprise you one of these days and sleep right through the night. Im going to copy you and post a pic of Emelia in her big cot. I only set it up for her last night with her new bedding and cot mobile. She's not sleeping in it yet but I want to try and get her used to it as she will be in a few weeks as she's getting too big for the moses basket now.

We're still very lucky that she is sleeping through the night now and still quite well during the day. She went down at midnight last night and slept until 8am. Then awake for 2 hours and fell asleep 10-11. Then another sleep from1-2. Then another sleep right now since 3pm so half an hour so far. I love it to catch up on housework and TV etc. but it dosent always happen as yesterday she only had 10 minute power naps during the day.

With regards to crying it out ladies, I know I said that Id done it with Emelia and it works after 10 minutes she would fall asleep. Well just to clarify aswell that you can barely call it a cry when I've let her do it but I've now experienced the purple rage that some of you described.

Last night for example we put her into her moses basket at midnight and she was wide awake so she started to cry a light cry for 5 minutes which we ignored and she then fell sleep, I think thats acceptable.

The other day though I put her in her car seat and she started screaming like I'd never heard her before and going purple so I couldnt ignore that, but basically I picked up teh car seat and started to swing it and she fell straight asleep. I've started to notice this problem with over tiredness aswell when she gets very cranky, but as I said there is obviously cries that you can ignore and others you cant, not when its a hysterical cry.

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Welcome Debzie! So glad you made it here. Isla is gorgeous! Well done mama.

Sara, that article is the best I've read. These are sentiments I've tried to describe more than once, but in a sleep deprived state have not found the words. I feel like I could have written this. Thanks for sharing! Eva is adorable!

Kat, I'm so glad things are getting a little better. Grey is so super cute! What a doll.

Just, Emeila is gorgeous.

Sorry girls, all I've had time to do is look at pics and read a few things. Not really caught up properly. Delilah is pretty sick. The cold moved to her chest and it rattles when she breathes. She is still in bed with me, though she managed to sleep from 10pm - 5am next to me, not on me. It was the best night of sleep I've had in a long time. Our router broke so we don't get internet connection right now either. Typing on my phone. Hope everyone is doing as well as any new mom can be!
Hi Debzie, congratulations, thats fantastic news and glad to hear that Isla is here safely. Look forward to seeing pictures but I know how manic the first few days can be if you can find the time.
!!!!!Congratulations Debzie and welcome to the world Isla!!!!!
Ahhhh love love love the gorgeous pictures !!!

Heart sorry to hear D is so sick I hope she gets better soon.

Debzie congrats, and you did hold out and have her on my birthday - what a great day lol! The name Isla is beautiful! Hope u are recovering well.
Congratulations Debzie - looking forward to seeing pictures - Zach would have been called Isla if he had been a girl :D

Hi ladies, I'm still following you all - reading stories and looking at your gorgeous pictures, I'm sorry I don't post, the days seem to fly past and I always run out of time. Zach is truely amazing, I feel so blessed to have him and am absolutely head over heals in love with him :cloud9: even at 3 o'clock in the morning!!
Hi Ladies,
Love all the lovely pics of our cuties. I want to see more.

I can't believe Levi is already 6 months!!! Pics please. He is such a cutie. When did you first put him in a jumparoo?
Yikes on being a single mom. I do not know how they do it. DH shoulders a lot of the work, so I can maintain my sanity.
That is good to know that Levi understood the sleep routine by 5.5 months. I pray that we can get some sleep in the near future. Days are great. Nights... Not so much.

Thanks for the links. Love the Huffington Post article. It is refreshing when moms are honest. I am so happy we can be real here and even admit when we lose it and yell at the baby a bit.
I am guilty of wearing ONLY yoga clothes and PJ's for over 2 months now. My only excuse is that we barely leave the house.
Love Eva in her crib... now if she would just stay asleep there:haha:. All the stuffed animals and the vibrant mobile are so cute. She looks adorable and happy.
Maybe Eva will be one of those lucky people that need very little sleep to be happy. I wish I were one of those people. It sucks for you big time right now though.
Happy 3 months!

Did you get family pics? I seem to recall you saying you were going to get more of these.
Alfie is eating already! Wow, they are growing up so fast.

Congrats Hon!!! Welcome to MARL! Love the name.

Oh no, you got yourself a purple peanut!!! Now you know why some of us would not imagine CIO... light whimper cries I can ignore while Grey is in his bouncer chair or in tummy time. Purple Peanut meltdowns cannot be ignored.

iPhoto automatically dates all your photos and puts them in order that way. I don't know what picture software you are using, but it is something to consider if you have a Mac. Also, your camera might date stamp all your photos and you just are not aware of it. Check it out or add the feature.

Love your crib as well... So cute and feminine!

Poor D and you. I'm glad you got some rest. Hope the chest cold disappears quickly.

Are you out there?

Like I said yesterday.... Days are a dream =). Nights, not so much =(.
Oh well, at least DH and I feel like successful parents now that Baby Grey is happy and smiling a lot.
Hey girls! Been a bit MIA here! I've been reading but haven't had time to post. I'm not even going to attempt to respond to everything but I do remember some :)

Debzi- congrats! Welcome to marl hun! I will look in PARL for pics of her! :)

MrsM- is the house hunt getting any better?

Sara- thanks for the links. Great article and I saved the sleeping one to read through later. Loads of info :thumbup:

Kat- Can't believe Grey is rolling already! Bay can only roll her torso, but cant seem to flop all the way over and hates tummy time unless on our chests! Grey must be a very strong boy! So glad days are going well for you :) B is fun & happy during the day too! She gurgles and coos and spits bubbles with her mouth :haha: she's starting to laugh a little bit too! Nights are harder of course! She's actually doing pretty well now though. We all get good sleep almost every night. She has her crazy nights once in awhile but they're few and far between.

Loved ALL the baby pics!

Hoping- your photos of Penny were gorgeous and I loved all your valentines day ideas. Were you going to arrange the beer bouquet any certain way? My OH would love that too! He's a beer guy :)

Heart- sorry D isn't well :hugs: Poor baby, I hope she gets over it soon.

Just- great that Emelia is sttn still :thumbup: Cute pics! Is that a bumbo she's in? How do you like it? I still need to get Bay something similar for when she's a bit older.

Bumpy- Glad Alfie is liking solids! :)

Croy- happy 6 months to Levi!

Afm, Bay has been really good :) She takes about 2 naps each day and they're usually about 2-3 hours long. She likes a nap late morning and early evening. This is her own schedule she has set for herself! I know all her sleepy signs now and when we can see she's tired, we stroll her to sleep ...or do laundry :haha: The only sucky thing is I have developed a UTI (I think you UK ladies say water infections). Can't get in to see Dr & get antibiotics started til Friday. Bay has an appt tomorrow to see the pediatrician. FX for weight gain! I've been pumping, BFing, and giving her 2oz of formula in the evening if my supply dips. The weather has been really nice so we've been strolling her all over the place. We've had tons of errands to run and getting ready to file taxes and such. We've stayed busy everyday lately. Today we strolled along the river paths for a long time. Bay loves being outside and strolling. Hope all this exercise helps with this flab! I'm trying to not worry about weight and all right now but my stomach looks downright awful.

Pics from today: (the bottom one makes me laugh!)
She is darling. Good to hear she is sleeping so well. The river looks nice. Grey doesn't actually laugh. I just call the smiling coo sounds giggles. Grey is very strong. He came out of the womb with a good degree of head control. He is also strong from punching and kicking me while feeding, LOL.

Yikes, you've been dealing with a UTI untreated! I've done this now that I think about it. I drank loads of cranberry juice and it did go away. Feel better.

I hope Bay gained weight. You sound like you are working very diligently. Keep us posted.
Debzi - congrats in baby isla! Are you thinking that you will be formula feeding because your milk hasn't come in? If so don't lose hope, my milk took about 5 days to come in after I had an emergency c-section. I was worried that it wasn't going to come in but the huge Boone arrived eventually. We supplemented with formula as well until it came in.

Amanda- so sorry that D is so poorly, hope she is feeling better soon.

Tuckie - sorry about the Uti drink lots of water, stay away from caffine and sugar. If you can get cranberry tablets high concentration, they can help. If you get any blood you should go to the ER before it goes to your kidneys. It can be uncomfortable. Sorry.

Kat - we put him on the jumperoo at about 4.5months. He is tall and has ridiculously strong legs . He was still a bit short at first and we had to put a book under his feet but he grew into it in a few weeks. Time is flying, not sure where this huge baby come from!

He is almost 18lbs! 85% for height and 60% for weight! Crazy. But he sure is cute. He is sitting up by himself now and is pretty steady. He is scooching around on his belly getting mad because he can't get where he wants fast enough. He loves bath time splashing around and he just thinks life is pretty much hilarious. Today o started giving him blueberry puree that I made mixed with baby rice. He was a big fan. After our 6mth check on Friday the doc sais we could feed him twice a day and we should start some grains. I'm so tired but I love tis kid so much it makes it all worth while.

Hope the rest of you ladies are doing well.
Croy- great weight for Levi! So cute that he's scooching around on his belly too! :)

Kat- it's great that Grey has such good head control and strength. Bay is a delicate little thing :haha: I don't think what we're hearing is her full laugh yet. It's more like the start of it. It's sooo cute!

As for the UTI, the first couple days I was peeing little bits of blood and wiping some pink onto the tp. I've been taking cranberry pills and chugging water. No longer seeing any pink now but it still burns when I pee & I have the frequent urges to go so it needs to be treated. I am avoiding ER because I don't have insurance so a trip to the ER would cost thousands I'm sure :/
Ooh tuckie get it treated Hun that's why I had a few weeks ago and its so painful isn't it! Antibiotics cleared it up in a day for me x
Oh just read the bit about insurance - that sucks :0(

Kat yeah we got some pics done I forgot ur not on Facebook will put some up on here later! We are getting some more done may time with his step sister!

Croy he's a lovely size can't wait for Alfie to sit unaided he has no balance yet!

Haven't been here in a while, this week's been kinda crazy. My computer died on me, and, of course, it,s not under warranty anymore:dohh: I'm using DH's computer.

And last weekend, I somehow managed to catch a stomach flu. And believe me, trying to nurse a baby with a stomach flu is NOT something you want:haha:

Debzie: You're not the only one with weight issues. I went to Zoe's 2 week app to see if she had gained any weight (she was 2kg785 at birth and 2kg520 at 7 days), and she barely gained 40gr (so 2kg560), not good at all, despite nursing 10 times a day. Thing is, she is not a patient baby, she only nurses for 5-10 minutes at a time, so she only gets the foremilk (pretty much like skim milk). I am also feeding her some formula, and she loves it! I am trying to express milk 3-4 times a day to make sure I maintain my production and store some, but gotta say, she much prefers the bottle (with formula or breastmilk) than the breast. As long as she gets some breastmilk everyday, I'm happy. It might not be ideal, but it is what it is. So don't feel bad about FF. I was raised on formula, and I turned out ok. I don't have any allergies, I'm not fat and don't have health issues, so I don't have anything against formula. I will try to do both as long as possible, but won't feel bad if I have to stop. And to help with your production: drink some beer. It really helped me. My milk wouldn't come in, so I had like half of a bottle, and my milk came in a few hours later (or even less)
BFing Moms-
Did your supply maintain when your baby slept longer at night?
If feeding food, is the poop stinky now?

FF Moms,
I agree with Melfy. Though I am EBF and want to do so for at least 6 months. I was raised on formula (and I am guessing they have been much improved in the last 35 years) and am healthy and lean.

Yikes the stomach flu is awful all on it's own without having to take care of and BF a baby. Sorry Zoe is gaining slowly. I have no idea how much grams are.

Have you tried Tracy Anderson Method for toning and tightening? I really like her. YouTube it. With the stretchies, I think that Strivectin stuff is supposed to work.

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!! I slept last night. We are split shifting, but I am now comfy in the bed. DH swaddles Grey and puts him down to sleep in the crib after I finish feeding (no matter how many times it takes of bouncing till drowsy and putting him down). We usually get about 1 hour of sleep this way. Yesterday we got 1.5 hours. I then nurse him and sleep with him in bed from feed to feed... so about 3 hours. Then DH attempts another crib lay down, (it usually fails) then takes him and works upstairs. Yesterday I got 4 hours in a row!!! Very rare. Then my turn again in the bed. This is obviously not ideal, but that is how desperate I am... That this is great!
Kat: 40 grams is about 1.4 oz. She should be gaining that in one or 2 days, not a week. At least my stomach flu is gone, so i can actually function again:thumbup:
Happy Valentine's everyone :)

Gorgeous photographs and so many congratulations Debzie - I saw Isla on FB as you know and she is beautiful! Loving the cots and all the teddies on them too!

Croy that sounds like a perfect weight. Lexi is 10lbs 5 now and now in the 75th percentile - she monsters her milk I always worry about her being overweight so I am going to monitor it. I understand weight gain to be an oz a day - is that right?

Davies my lexi hates her cot too been doing more co-sleeping than i'd like to.

Debzie I had to combo feed cos lexi lost so much weight on bf'ing alone, then i gave up bf'ing!

Tuckie I hope it goes hun! :hugs:

Glad you're better Melfy :)

afm I am down in the dumps - the bleeding scar has stopped and it is not even really weeping anymore - all dry really. But I have now a lot of period pain and it's very painful along the scar or my lower tummy overhang bit can't decide which - can't lift lexi today or walk properly :cry: back to the docs tomorrow or is this normal??
Hi ladies,

Tuckie, Bay is such a doll, lovely pics. That does look lovely where they are taken by the lake Im jealous! Yes thats a Bumbo chair that Emelia is in. To be honest I dont know if Id rush out and buy one as Emelia only tolerates it for a whole 5 minutes then wants out. My sister gave me it as a hand me down of my nieces so its no loss. I'll persevere with it though, only started her in it this week.
I hope your UTI clears up soon, it dosent sound pleasant. I dont think I've ever had one thankfully. Are you able to buy antibiotics over the counter where you are without going to a hospital? Im never sure how it works over there with regards to medication.

Kat, thanks for that tip on the dates of pictures, I must look to see if my camera dates them.
Good news that your getting more sleep, you sound lucky to have your husband around so much to help out.

Fili, that sucks that your now in pain with your c-section scar, I dont know if thats normal or not to have period like pains due to that or possibly it could be your period about to come who knows? but wise to consult your doctor. I was told that its normal for a period to come anytime between 3 weeks or 3 months. I'd love to see any pics of Lexi aswell if you find the time to post, Im not on facebook to see any.

Melfy, good news that your stomach flu has cleared up and Im sure you'll start to see Zoe pile on weight with a combination of formula milk and BF. As you've said thats not much at all that Zoe has put on in a week, they do like to see at least an ounce a day/ 7oz per week minimum. But now that you know that she hasnt been gaining as she should then you can monitor it and Im sure she will start gaining.
In the first weeks Emelia was gaining around 14-15 oz per week which I thought was brilliant but now it has slowed right down and I started to think she isnt gaining as she should but apparently its normal to slow down. She seems to be staying at the 12-13 lbs mark for a couple of weeks now.

Bumpy, its sounds like its definetely trial and error with Alfie to see what he likes now that he's moving onto solids. So many people that I've spoken to recently have told me that they had to start their baby on solids around 16 weeks despite it being against advice that the health visitors give. Im hoping that Emelia will hold off until longer as I cant imgaine that being only in a couple of weeks.

We're just chilling out tonight whilst my inlaws have taken Emelia for a few hours again, its become quite a regular occurence the past few Thursdays now. Its good just to have a nice meal and watch a movie, I really miss having her around though, the house feels strange without her being here.
Im hoping that Emelia is starting to have longer sleeps through the night now. Last night she slept on my chest from 8-11.30pm. I then woke her for a feed and she went back down into her basket at midnight until 8am, its fantastic.
Don't worry Hon. Grey took two weeks to get back to his birth weight. He gained zero at 2 weeks. Now he is over 13lbs from 8lb 6oz in 2 months. Luckily I thought it was normal to take 2 weeks to get back to birh weight. Keep an eye out, but don't strain. The 3 week growth spurt brought all my milk in. Your LO will be hungry, hungry, hungry during her spurt.

Lucky you with date/chill nights.

So sorry hon. You are having bad luck:(.

Valentine's day beach picnic. Grey didn't cry in his car seat for the first time!
Kat, Melfy, I think it's more common than we think to take 2 weeks to regain birth weight. Edie took at least 2 weeks and like Kat at the time I didn't realise it wasn't the norm. Now she is taller than all her friends and has never had any issues with eating or health. Breast feeding is hard first time round, really hard but I think babies are geared up for us not being naturals at first. Your attitude towards formula feeding is good. I was formula fed too as I was adopted and I have also never had any health problems. At the end of the day we could put two twelve year olds together and you would not know the one that was formula fed, had food from a jar, had a dummy or whatever. It's all personal choice and its how we bring them up that counts.

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