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Hi Bumpy, sorry I dont have advice on the poo front and solids but just wanted to ask you if you've experienced problems in getting the infant Gaviscon?
I phoned teh doctor for a prescription today and he said he would write one but I probably wouldnt be able to get it as they is a problem with supply. Sure enough we have called round every pharmacy that we can think of and been told that they have stopped making it just now as there is a problem with quality control!
Quality control??!! Wow did they give details? I get it once a month and have had no problems so far...
Nope they didnt give any more details other than "quality control" thats what one of the pharmacists said when we phoned around. It is a bit worrying incase there is something wrong with it, that was my initial thought! We done a quick search online and lots of people were saying that they cant get it anywhere now. I hope its just a temporary thing though as it was working wonders for us.
Mine poop once every day or two, no bits. Usually solid and I wonder how they work that stuff out!
Fili: We also want ttc soonish. I just hope my period won't take too long to return. Hopefully the fact that I'm mix feeding and not bf at all at night will help.

Debzie: how are you doing? Has your milk come at all?

Took Zoe for a check-up; she's almost back at her birthweight. She gained 7 oz in 1 week :yipee: Mix feeding really is working!!

My SIL and her husband are staying with us for a few days. We're having a very good time, and they offered to keep Zoe in their room and do the night feed. So nice of them!!
Thanks pups and hopeful. He has been 4 times today and yesterday!!! Most of the time just little ones though doesn't see to be bothering him tho! Dinner time he had his bottle and some baby rice mixed with pear purée and he then did a poo afterwards and it was sooo sweet smelling lol! Like fresh pear!!

Just I have it on repeat prescription and I'm hoping to wean Alfie off it slowly now as I don't think he has the reflux anymore and I think it contributes to how solid his poo is so if u do get really stuck let me know as I may be able to sort you out x
Hey Ladies. Just had a text from MrsKG's hubby and she has asked me to update.

Kody was born at 20.40 weighing 6lbs 10. Can't wait to see pics and hear the birth story.
Awesome news!!! Thanks for updating Lee!!
Fili, did you know Ickle got her bfp?
Just I have it on repeat prescription and I'm hoping to wean Alfie off it slowly now as I don't think he has the reflux anymore and I think it contributes to how solid his poo is so if u do get really stuck let me know as I may be able to sort you out x

Thanks Bumpy, I appreciate that. I hope that they get this sorted out soon as its obviously leaving so many people in the lurch! Ever since we ran out at the weekend Emelia's pooping constantly and its so watery. The Gaviscon definetely helps to thicken it up. We're going to phone round more pharmacys today to see what going on.
Thats great news about MrsKg, thanks for updating Lee!
Look forward to hearing more and seeing pics
MrsM, love your profile pic.

Just, quick question for you. Were you induced at Wishaw? I had an appt at MOT clinic last week with Dr Maharaj and he is talking about seeing me at 38 weeks to arrange for me to be induced. I couldn't remember if you were on the Clexane or not.

Thanks, hope you and Emelia are doing well. Must take some time to read through the thread.

Hello everyone xxx.
Thanks for the update lee.

Melfy I have milk started coming in on Saturday day 8 and was fully in by yesterday I had some knockers on me so put them to good use. Isla is latching on like a pro.

Last midwife appointment today Isla weighs 8lb14oz putting on 9oz in one week. Sleep wise she's fine during the day but not so good at night. She has learnt tat I'm far more comfy than the Moses basket and have food on tap. Yawn.
Hi Lee, The plan for me was to be seen by Dr. Maharaj at 38 weeks aswell and decide on an action plan due to the clexane etc. but my waters broke at 37+1 and I went into Wishaw and was only 1cm dilated. They wanted to send me home but I insisted that I wanted to be induced so a second doctor agreed that the choice was mines. So I was still on aspirin and clexane the day before.

Dr.Maharaj wanted me to stop the aspirin at 36 weeks and clexane the day before induced labour that was to be the original plan.
I was worried sick about stopping the aspirin though and was getting myself into a real panic about it, so after lots of researching online I took it upon myself to continue the low dose aspirin aswell which the doctor didnt know about and everything was completely fine, no more blood loss than anyone else. Just something for you to think about incase your in the same boat.

To be honest I was a bit annoyed with Dr. maharaj when I last seen him at 34 weeks he said that he wouldnt see me back until 38 weeks which is probably fine for the average person but he knew about my double womb condition and the chances that I wouldnt even make it to then..although he did say that he wasnt concerned.
But I just knew that I wasnt going to make it that far and had such a strong feeling that I would have my baby before then and sure enough 3 weeks early in the end.

I pop my head into the PAL section every now and again and I keep meaning to ask how your doing but I've seen your posts which sound like your being treated well at Wishaw General and also having regular growth scans. I seen your post about them estimating the size of your baby and you being concerned. I tried hard to remember what they estimated my baby to be at that stage but I honestly couldnt remember. I know at the last scan at 34 weeks they said over 5lbs. In the end Emelia was 6lbs 70z at 37 weeks so not bad at all. I wouldnt worry at all about having a big baby!
Congrats MrsK! :happydance: bet you can't wait to try out all those prams :haha:

:wave: Lee! You'll be a marl too before you know it!

I'll catch up later. Making lunch quickly while OH is feeding Bay a bottle.
:happydance: Great news mrskg!!! Congratulations! :happydance:

Thanks for updating us Lee. It's great to see you. Like Just I've been wanting to ask about everyone over on parl as its impossible to keep up now. I can't believe you're already 3rd tri :yipee:
Hello ladies! It's so great to see all these new rainbows coming!

Bumpy, Puppy- glad my kid isn't the only little squirt in the bunch! Bumpy- in regards to the poo, I'm no help. Sorry. Bay's poops are still yellow and runny.

Fili, Croy, Sara- I can't believe you girls are going to ttc soon! I wish you all the very best. I can't even think about ttc yet! I heard to wait one year after a csection. Didn't all of you have csections too? Anybody want to go for a vaginal delivery next time? I'll be 29 in a couple weeks but if I were older I'd maybe feel more pressured to get pregnant sooner. We definitely do want another down the road though! We'd love a boy so we could have one of each...maybe even 3 kids. Who knows! I haven't seen mom2 on b&b for awhile but she has 5 & manages somehow!

Just- hope its nothing alarming about the gaviscon. Keep us posted! Thanks for the Bumbo info too :)

Melfy- that was really nice of your SIL and her hubby to take a night feeding for you! Must have been nice to get a break :) yay for 7oz/week too!

Debzi- glad your milk is in and isla is latching well :thumbup:

:wave: Kat, Heart, MrsM, Hoping, Davies, Hopeful and everyone else :wave:

Bay is becoming lots of fun :) She blows bubbles, 'talks' all the time, makes ailly noises, kicks her legs more and is starting to pull them up more to check out her feet. She has been 'eating' her hands a lot and sometimes she screams and cries while smiling at us too :haha: it's odd & OH and I can't help but laugh! She also rolled from tummy to back for the first time this week! She still isn't sttn though. Sigh. We do okay most nights but she's been fussing off and on all night the last couple nights. We had a good snow storm today & we got about 5-6 inches. It's beautiful but I wasn't able to take B on a stroll today so it was a little harder to get her settled for nap time. Here's some photos from the last few days:
Aww Tuckie, those are grey pics of Bay, she is so beautiful.

Right thats it Im going to practice tummy time and rolling with Emelia today thats my mission to get her rolling. She is now rolling from her back onto her sides but nowhere near from tummy to back. All in their own time I guess.

Well Emelia is officially giggling now, it started yesterday full blown giggles when I make her laugh right in front of her.
I thought before now that she was giggling as for weeks it sounded quite like it but this is full on laughs now its the best thing ever!
Sadly though she's troubled with diarrhoea now and I think its the lack of gaviscon in the bottles. About every half hour yesterday and into today she is blasting down below with wind and you can tell its wet and sure enough a dirty nappy every time! Oh the joys, she dosent seem unwell though which is good.
We phoned teh docs to ask if we could get a substitute for teh gaviscon and we were prescribed ratadine which we've just started to use so early yet to tell if it will work.

Hope everyones doing well.

On the ttc front we are waiting aswell for now, personally I think its hard enough at times right now and I think I have an easy baby. I also worry so much whilst pregnant and wouldnt be in the best frame of mind for Emelia I dont think.

We also wanted to breed our dog as thought it would be an ideal time whilst I was off work but theres no way I could manage a litter of pups aswell right now.
Im 30 though so dont want to leave it too long either so maybe when she is 1 will try again.
love the pics tuckie! i bet she will start sttn in the next few weeks

just - giggles are so precious. sorry to hear about the bad poos

reminder to everyone that does iphone pics only (as I do) - back up your phone! I just lost all pics since November except for any I emailed my mom or put on here. lost all xmas pics and videos. now i'm going to buy a camera (I have a camera from 4 years ago but it was just a smaller digital one that doesn't work right anymore). thinking about a canon powershot with wifi

congrats mrskg!!! looking forward to pics

thanks Lee and love seeing you here - LOVED the bump pic - miss my bump

gotta go, at work. wow- just noticed they are 8 months and 1 day. - update

D is rolling like crazy, does pushups in his crib and sleeps on stomach (just rolls to stomach as soon as on back) unless he gets his feet where he likes them and stay for awhile ;)
A does tummy time well but doesn't care to roll. she kicks and kicks- loves the jumperoo and bounces super hard in the bouncer chair. she lays on her back and kicks to scoot backwards.

they can sit up but don't like to - working on that

feeding oatmeal with fruit in it in the morning, veggies/fruit at night and 5 bottles each a day, 8 oz for first and last bottle and about 7 ounces each bottle during day

D cut his first tooth last night, so I was up with him at 3;30 am, tried to soothe, didn't work, bless him(like you girls say - LOL, seems like when there's trouble you say "bless him or her"). fed at 5am, back to sleep at 5:30am then A got up at 5:45 am to eat.
so very tired mommy today. dh is sick

bought "big kid" carseats, britax marathons (25% off on but will keep using infant carseats as long as possible


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Just- yay for giggles! I hope the diarrhea goes away :(

Hopeful- love the pics of the twins! The one where they're both laughing is soo precious! :) hope D's teething doesn't give him too much trouble. Thanks for the warning about the iPhone pics too. Do you know why you lost them? I have over 700 and they're almost all of B lol

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