Hello ladies! It's so great to see all these new rainbows coming!
Bumpy, Puppy- glad my kid isn't the only little squirt in the bunch! Bumpy- in regards to the poo, I'm no help. Sorry. Bay's poops are still yellow and runny.
Fili, Croy, Sara- I can't believe you girls are going to ttc soon! I wish you all the very best. I can't even think about ttc yet! I heard to wait one year after a csection. Didn't all of you have csections too? Anybody want to go for a vaginal delivery next time? I'll be 29 in a couple weeks but if I were older I'd maybe feel more pressured to get pregnant sooner. We definitely do want another down the road though! We'd love a boy so we could have one of each...maybe even 3 kids. Who knows! I haven't seen mom2 on b&b for awhile but she has 5 & manages somehow!
Just- hope its nothing alarming about the gaviscon. Keep us posted! Thanks for the Bumbo info too
Melfy- that was really nice of your SIL and her hubby to take a night feeding for you! Must have been nice to get a break

yay for 7oz/week too!
Debzi- glad your milk is in and isla is latching well
:wave: Kat, Heart, MrsM, Hoping, Davies, Hopeful and everyone else :wave:
Bay is becoming lots of fun

She blows bubbles, 'talks' all the time, makes ailly noises, kicks her legs more and is starting to pull them up more to check out her feet. She has been 'eating' her hands a lot and sometimes she screams and cries while smiling at us too

it's odd & OH and I can't help but laugh! She also rolled from tummy to back for the first time this week! She still isn't sttn though. Sigh. We do okay most nights but she's been fussing off and on all night the last couple nights. We had a good snow storm today & we got about 5-6 inches. It's beautiful but I wasn't able to take B on a stroll today so it was a little harder to get her settled for nap time. Here's some photos from the last few days: