Just goes to show sometimes you have to go with your own emotions and gthat the midwives don't always know best - am glad you made the decision to go in even though they said not to.
Naughty Munch - we always knew he was a little monkey and he didn't change for the birth did he He is absolutely gorgeous and you are doing so well with the feeding
Am looking forward to reading your parenting journal soon
Well done lovely! I pushed Mog in her sac for a fair amount of time too - ruddy pointless if you ask me, but then she wasn't going anywhere without the forceps anyway I could have written some of your birth story, especially the bit about the physiological third stage and no drugs going out of the window! Dillon had a great apgar score, so well done you for not distressing him, probably not having your waters broken until the end helped him, as Mog only got distressed after they broke the sac. And the little swine having his hand up by his face. NAUGHTY DILLON. Hope you're taking your arnica
Sam, the spinal part was the least ouchy bit! I was on G&A while doc poked about me nethers trying to establish the extent of the damage and even with the gas I nearly passed out LOL. Loved the spinal, meant I had a team of 6 to move me about and rearrange my legs I did get the shivers afterwards, mind. Known side effect. xx
What a lovely story! Birth is scary isn't it?
Well done you...........................and well done Ruby, am sure she was with you all the way through keeping an eye on her big bro!
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