My Birth Story, Slightly Traumatic, But Turns Out Well Pics Included


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2010
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Ive only just found this forum hence the late birth story

Elliot Michael William was born on 16th March at 11.29am (was due on March 8th) he weighed a very healthy 10lbs 11ozs.

A couple of weeks prior to the labour I had been having trouble sleeping, I would go to bed with OH at 9ish and by midnight most nights I would be awake and end up taking myself downstairs to watch !!!!! tv and check the net lol

So on the Monday the 15th I had been awake since midnight, I had been getting contractions off and on for at least 5 days, I would get a whole days worth of contractions and then they would just stop.

But the contractions started on Monday morning at 5am and I just knew they were the real deal, I cant describe how I knew, I just knew, so I took some paracetamol and got the contraction timer on the go, spent a couple of hours bouncing on my ball, I had a bath as they got more painful. I then had a show at about 6am.

Then at 7am I rang the delivery suite, they told me to come in and be checked over, so I went upstairs and woke OH, he was like WHAT lol

So we got the suitcases and put them in the car, and we went to the hospital (we left the bags in the car though lol)

We got in there and they put me in a delivery room, and then a MW came in and asked for a urine sample and then they did an internal, I was really !!!!ed off actually cos the student MW did it, and then the flipping MW did it, not ONCE did they ask if it was ok for student to do it, the actual MW was so flipping rough, she really hurt, they told me I was only 1 and a ½ cms dilated, so I was told to “go home and come back when the pains got stronger” I was like wtf they are strong lol

So we got home, I was totally wrecked I couldn’t nap cos they hurt too much! So I spent from getting home till about 1pm trying to deal with them at home, they really hurt lol I took some Co-Codemol once I had got home at 7am, so OH suggested rather than taking some more ring the hosp again, so I rang the hosp and told them that the pains were getting unbearable (I sound like a right wuss don’t I lol)

So we got back to the hospital they took us to a room, wanted more urine off me, then they asked me to get on the bed and they attached me to baby monitors for 90 mins, no – one told me why, they gave me some pain killers which helped me.

Then they decided they wanted to move us to another delivery room, no idea why, so once they moved us, they hooked me up to the baby monitor again for another 90 minutes, Poor OH was getting tired at this point cos he had to hold the monitor onto me cos it wasn’t picking Elliot’s heartbeat up properly cos I think he was laying funny.

Eventually they took me off that thing, the pains were getting insane and I had a hot bath to try and help with the pain, while in the bath the MW came in and told my OH she would be coming back and she needed to check how far on I was cos if I wasn’t established (4cms) then they were going to send me home as they were very busy, I was in the bath freaking out at this point cos I was really hurting.

So I got out the bath and she examined me and I was 5cms YAY she was like do you want the good news or the very good news lol J this was at about 10pm I think.

So then we talked pain relief, and we got the Gas and Air on the go, which was a god send!

At some point they decided they wanted to move rooms again, Ive no idea what was with the room changing.

It all gets a bit blurry from here, at some point the gas and air wasn’t good enough and I requested an Epidural, they gave me the epidural which was heaven lol, I couldn’t feel a thing pain wise, they hooked the baby monitors onto me again, and poor OH had to hold them on again, and it was for hours this time.

I kept falling asleep (was so tired from the lack of sleep from the fortnight before) OH was having to drink lots of coffee, I wasn’t allowed any coffee

I don’t remember times or anything anymore, but I needed a wee and the MW did a temp catheter which was fab

About now Elliots heart started dipping on the monitor, but he was recovering every time, so they said as he was recovering he was fine but they would keep him on the monitor.

By now I think I was about 7 or 8cms and unfortunately the MW was ending her shift (she was lovely).

So I needed another wee and the stupid new MW made me try the bedpan, I mean I couldn’t hardly feel my legs, I had a needle in one of my hands and couldn’t lift myself properly and lo and behold I managed to pee on the bedpan but I pulled my Epidural out!!!!!

So we had to get the woman back in for another one but she had an emergency and I had to wait 45 mins, which wasn’t too bad I guess.

By now they had decided to put me on the drip to make me dialate quicker? And they said they would check on me in two hours, all the while Elliots heart keeps dropping, but picking up but dropping nevertheless.

Loads of doctors and MW’s kept coming in and checking on me, I got really !!!!ed off at some point cos they left the door open and the curtain open!

They then broke my waters, and said that Elliot had an hour to get down the birth canal before they would intervene.

Now Elliots heart started dropping to 60 (his HB had been 140 but dropping to 120) all of a sudden there were loads of doctors in the room, the drug guy (I cant spell his name lol) quickly pulled my epidural out, they got me to sign a c section form in case we had to go down that route, while explaining that they were going to have a try with the suction cap first, then the drug guy shot some drugs into my hand (after asking if I was allergic to anything) so I got wheeled to theatre, OH wasn’t anywhere to be seen so I was asking where he was, and apparently he had to wait outside for ten mins.

They put my legs in stirrups things I was covered in loads of sheets, then OH came in all gowned up, they told me they were going to try forceps and we had 3 tries, if I didn’t get him out in 3 then it was a c section.

The MW told me when I had a contraction and I pushed with all my might, hoping I was doing it right, didn’t get him 1st and 2nd attempt, then on the 3rd attempt we got him, he was put on my chest and was all purple and very big lol

They gave me and OH a cuddle of him then they took him away to special care as he was having a bit of trouble breathing, they then told me I had tore and were stitching me up, I have a 3rd degree tear and some damage to the bum L they took an hour to stitch me up, I lost 800mls blood, and for some reason I couldn’t stop shivering, apparently it was the pain killers I had been given.

So they took me to recovery room once I was stitched, attached a catheter and made me lay there for an hour while they monitored my blood levels (OH took a pic which Ive now seen and I look like death SO white)

They then took me back to my room and OH was allowed to go to see Elliot in SCBU, they said they would take me on the bed in a bit.

I had some tea and toast, the MW cleaned me off in my bed, then they took me to see Elliot, he looked so swollen he had had a Pneumothorax

A pneumothorax occurs when the tiny air sacs (alveoli) in a baby’s lung burst, leaking air into the space between the lung and chest wall (pleural space).

Meconium aspiration syndrome is another cause of pneumothorax in newborns. As the baby is being born, he or she may breathe in the first bowel movement, called meconium. This may cause breathing problems and the need for a breathing machine.

Less commonly, an otherwise healthy baby can develop an air leak when he or she takes the first few breaths after birth. This occurs because of the pressure needed to expand the lungs for the first time.

Pneumothorax is more common in boys than girls.

All our family came to visit him that night, and OH went home when visiting ended, then 3 nurses came to see me to tell me Elliot was going to be transferred to another hospital 25 miles away

OH came back to hospital and they put me in a room of my own, then at about 1am Elliot was brought to see us before he left, it was horrible seeing him go.

On the wed we rang the hospital he was at to be told he was doing well, and that he could be coming back on Thursday, so I spent the day in the hospital with OH thinkinh Elliot was coming back next day.

Next day arrives and we are told no he isn’t coming back, so the hospital arranges a transfer for me to be with him, I was transferred on the Thursday afternoon, we got to see him as soon as we got to the new hospital and he looked a lot better but still swollen.

They had fixed his Pneumothorax as soon as he got there, they had drained it away and it didn’t come back, he was in SCBU because his oxygen levels kept dropping slightly, but by Saturday he was managing to keep them at a decent level.

So on the Saturday he came into my room with me, that night was scary I tell you lol being left with him on my own! But we got through it, he only woke a couple of times for food and nappy changes.

Then we were finally discharged home together on the Sunday, 5 days after he was born.

We are getting along ok now, obv we are all learning as we go

Well done if you have read this epic post lol

Here are some more recent pics
awww wow what an amazing birth story! congratulations, he's gorgeous! :D
Poor you - sounds like a tough birth.


You got a really gorgeous boy at the end! He's lovely

awww he's such a cutie!! can't beleive how big he was, did u know he was going to be such a big boy? and a big well done on the birth!! :flower: x
Thanks guys :)

No we had no idea, I think he would have been a csection if they'd known??? When my MW came to visit me once we got home she said she thought he was above average weight but not that heavy lol

Also he was breech so I def think he should have been a csection, but well nevermind lol
Thanks for sharing your story your LO is gorgeous xx
Big cute boy. Lol, bet he didn't fit into to many new born outfits huh.

And kudos to delivering him vaginally. It's very impressive.
Wow, congrats. :) And good on you, an almost 11lber delivered naturally... WOwzerz

His pics are gorgeous, you just want to kiss those little chubby cheekies
Wow what a birth story!! Well done!

How did they deliver him with forceps if he was breech??
Thanks guys :)

Ive no idea how they delivered him, I dont think he was fully breech, from what I can remember the dr saying at my 6 weeks check up is he was the wrong way round (I cant remember if they are meant to face you when the head comes out or if the head faces the bum lol, but whichever way he was meant to be he was the other way)

I think that is why I tore so bad cos of the way he was.
Did he fit into any newborn outfits? I know silly question, but my little one at just over 9lbs didn't fit into some of her newborn stuff and what she did fit into she was out of no later then the first month and a half.
No none at all lol, we even had some 10pound ones in the suitcase and they didnt fit him, he ended up not wearing clothes straight away cos he was in special care, so oh managed to get some more from home befroe we brought him home

They had to get size 3 nappies in special care specially for him lol cos nothing else fit him, we managed to squeeze him into some size 2s (his swelling had gone down) but only for aa couple of weeks then he was in 3s lol

Hes to long for most his 6-9 months babygrows and is in 9-12 month ones now lol
Thats funny. But good yall were able to get some clothes in time. lol, Well lets hope with the next one it'll be smaller. But most people say babies get bigger the more you have. But I know quite a few that they got smaller.
Love his top in your avatar pic!! Love Hanson! Congrats on your lo!
congrats on gorgeous little Elliot! Well done on delivering him naturally, he looks like he is none worse for wear after his somewhat traumatic delivery! Beautiful!
Congratulations Hun ! Ur story sounds sooo similar to mine ( extremely traumatic also) although I ended up having an emergency csection under a general anethesia. If u want to talk pm me!
Oh n welcome to bnb!

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