After 8 losses, every pregnancy starts out with me thinking, "Well, here we go again. It's going to end before 10 weeks." Especially since I've only had one pregnancy that hasn't had bleeding in the first trimester. Yet, 3 times I've made it to term despite the odds (and all the worrisome cramping, spotting, bleeding, etc) and I have 3 beautiful children as a result. So I don't totally go on instincts.
My last pg was especially hard. I was dealing with the emotional upheaval of 2 back to back m/c when I got my bfp. Then my former dr didn't believe me when I said I was pg, started predicting m/c even though my hCG was rising normally, and gave me a very long "I told you so" speech when I started bleeding. I had spotting/bleeding from 5 weeks til 11 weeks and my anxiety got so bad, I had 3 full blown anxiety/panic attacks. I was hyperventilating so bad on my way to my 14 week appt, I nearly passed out. But scan after scan showed baby was still there and she was born full-term just this past July. It's hard to be positive when you've had losses and you start having signs that things may not be progressing like they should but all you can do is breathe, hang in there, and hope for the best.