My project AGAIN ! just some questions!


Apr 8, 2010
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Hi again girls, thought it'd be easier to just post some questions on here for those of you who are willing to help!! you've all been great so far:)

You don't have to answer anything that you dont want to ! and i won't use your names!!

1. How old were you when you became pregnant?

2. Where are you from?

3. Who do you live with?

4. Why did you become pregnant?

5. Did you have sex education lessons in school?

6. Do you think you were taught enough about contraception?

7. How did you feel when you first found out you were pregnant?

8. Did the school give you any help, if yes, what?

9. How would you describe the relationship between you and the babies father?

10. Do you think its okay for young girls to be getting pregnant?

11. What do you think will stop young girls from being pregnant? Can the government do anything/schools/parents/friends?

12. What advice would you give to teens who are sexually active or thinking about having a baby?
Hey, i dont mind answering ur questions : )
1. Im 20, but will be 21 when baby is here.

2. Am from Peterborough

3. I love with FOB/OH

4. Pregnancy wasnt planned, however we are really excited about it now and cant wait to become parents.

5. Yes we had a few sex ed lessons.

6. I think I know as much as I can about contraception.

7. It was the biggest shock ever, just burst into tears.

8. Have left school so no.

9. Our relationship, well i cant say perfect cuz nothing ever is, but we get on well and I love him more then anything.

10. I think that young girls are just as capable as older women to have a baby, as long as they have the right help and support from family and friends.

11. Hmmmm not really sure how to answer that one, i dont think anything will stop young girls getting pregnant. I believe everything happens for a reason. If it happens it happens.

12. Wait a few years,lol.

Hiii :) Good luck w/ your project!

1. How old were you when you became pregnant? I am 19 now but I will be 20 when the baby is born :)

2. Where are you from? I was born in England but now I live in Texas (USA)

3. Who do you live with? My mom & dad!

4. Why did you become pregnant? Because I didn't use birth control and assumed I would never get pregnant.

5. Did you have sex education lessons in school?

6. Do you think you were taught enough about contraception? Oh yes. I knew the risks, I was just being careless.

7. How did you feel when you first found out you were pregnant? Really upset, in denial and mad at myself for being so stupid and letting it be that way.

8. Did the school give you any help, if yes, what? No help from school, but I'm in university now.

9. How would you describe the relationship between you and the babies father?
We have a great relationship, he is my best friend and he's really looking forward for this baby to get here.

10. Do you think its okay for young girls to be getting pregnant? I mean, in a way yes because a lot of young girls are capable of being motherly and wanting to have a child but most of us get pregnant on accident so it's like whether it's OK or not, we're going to have babies if we're not careful enough or if we do everything to try and prevent it, sometimes it just happens.

11. What do you think will stop young girls from being pregnant? Can the government do anything/schools/parents/friends? Well young girls and guys are always going to have sex whether their parents or school want them to or not. The only way I believe to help with the pregnancy rate is to have sex education in schools that's not just abstinence based because realistically a pretty small percentage of people are only going to follow that and the rest won't learn. Learning about condoms, birth control, the proper ways to use these things I think would be highly beneficial for girls and guys to learn, and by the time sex education is taught, most of us have already sex so it's like, whats the point? I also think sex education should be mandatory in schools :)

12. What advice would you give to teens who are sexually active or thinking about having a baby? Be careful and use protection if you're sexually active! And if you're thinking about having a baby, wait a few more years.
1. How old were you when you became pregnant?
18, i will be 19 when i have my little boy

2. Where are you from?
I'm from Bucks, in the UK

3. Who do you live with?
My partner, we pay for our own flat

4. Why did you become pregnant?
Because i had sex :haha:

I was on the pill, taking it religiously - i don't have a clue how it happened

5. Did you have sex education lessons in school?
Yep, but getting pregnant at a young age has nothing to do with having sex education lessons in school - accident's happen

6. Do you think you were taught enough about contraception?
Yep, again accidents happen

7. How did you feel when you first found out you were pregnant?
Shocked, then very very excited!

8. Did the school give you any help, if yes, what?
I left school 3 years ago, with 10 GCSE's and an NVQ 2

9. How would you describe the relationship between you and the babies father?
Absolutely fantastic, we got engaged in January

10. Do you think its okay for young girls to be getting pregnant?
Nobody has the right another person's circumstances, age doesn't define you being a parent.

11. What do you think will stop young girls from being pregnant? Can the government do anything/schools/parents/friends?
Not everyone 'gets' pregnant on purpose, accidents happen. Nothing will ever stop accidents.

12. What advice would you give to teens who are sexually active or thinking about having a baby?
Depends how old they are and their individual circumstances

I'd be interested to know who developed these questions? :)
hiya im also happy to help x

1. well with my 1st daughter i was 13 when she was concieved and 14 when born, current pregnancy i was 17 when concieved and 18 when born

2. im originally from south london (brixton) but live in Enfield north london

3. I live with my 3 year old daughter

4. with my 1st daughter she was not planned, this baby i decided i would like a sibling for faith and both me and my partner agreed it would be nice to have a bigger family

5. yes i did sex ed in school

6. yes i think i was taught enough about contraception

7. with my 1st daughter i was scared, but knew instantly i loved her and wanted her in my life, with this baby i was estatic! we both were over the moon as we previously lost a baby in may!

8. no school didnt help as i wasnt in schooling at the time i fell pregnant with my 1st dd but i did attend a pregnancy school in clapham south london which was a fantastic support and i still use what i lernt there today!

9. my realtionship between faiths dad is non existant and my partner has been more of a dad to faith then he has ever been he is the 1st male in her life and he is showing a brilliant example of how a daddy should be, faiths dad and i broke up when she was 3 months old as he couldnt "cope" being a father (all 4 nappie changes he did)

10. i think if a young girl gets pregnant it should be for the right reasons and not for the ones ive commonly herd from young girls "if i get pregnant like u did ill get a council house" well in actual fact it dosent work like that and me and my daughter was left homesless for 6 months when she was 2 years old! i think if the girls are big enough to make their beds they should lay in them

11. no there is nothing anyone can do.

12. id say also wait a few years and to take as much precautions and remember how much a baby cost because if u look in the argos book and live ur life from the prices they give u, u will have a shock! u cant buy cheap for a baby and u always "just scrape by" and life is hard nearly every mum has a peirod in there life where u starve as u cant afford to eat. and ive had 4 times in the last 2 yrs where ive had to starve so my daughter can have the last 3 slices of bread! the government isnt there to bail u out its for people that need it and u cannot believe u can live off benefits all ur life as once ur child is at school age u have to work so u will eventually need them gcses! and one more thing! GOOD LUCK as everyone needs it when having children lol
1. How old were you when you became pregnant?

2. Where are you from?

3. Who do you live with?
.my OH

4. Why did you become pregnant?
.Because i wasnt using anything

5. Did you have sex education lessons in school?

6. Do you think you were taught enough about contraception?

7. How did you feel when you first found out you were pregnant?

8. Did the school give you any help, if yes, what?
.I had finished school and was working

9. How would you describe the relationship between you and the babies father?

10. Do you think its okay for young girls to be getting pregnant?
.yes but only if they think they can go through with it mentally and ideally in a stable realtionship and idea, and by young i mean 16 plus

11. What do you think will stop young girls from being pregnant? Can the government do anything/schools/parents/friends?
.if the girls want to get pregnant then no-one can stop them, the same as they cant stop a 30year old woman getting pregnant

12. What advice would you give to teens who are sexually active or thinking about having a baby?
.go ahead if you think your ready for a child,but make sure ure relationship is stable
1. How old were you when you became pregnant?
17, 18 when Liam was born.
2. Where are you from?
3. Who do you live with?
My dad.
4. Why did you become pregnant?
I missed three of my pills iin one cycle :blush:
5. Did you have sex education lessons in school?
Yes. Many.
6. Do you think you were taught enough about contraception?
Not really.There could have been more.
7. How did you feel when you first found out you were pregnant?
Honestly, shocked and excited. Then the fear hit after.
8. Did the school give you any help, if yes, what?
Wasn't in school.
9. How would you describe the relationship between you and the babies father?
Brilliant. We have been together almost 17 months. We are going to look at a house next week to rent. He is a fantastic partner and an amazing Dad.
10. Do you think its okay for young girls to be getting pregnant?
That depends what you call "young." I'd say anyone who hasn't yet completed education is too young to PLAN a pregnancy, although things happen when they're not expected and if some one finds themselves pregnant by "accident" then I think it's perfectly okay for them to step up to their responsibilities and raise their child.
11. What do you think will stop young girls from being pregnant? Can the government do anything/schools/parents/friends?
Nothing. If it's going to happen, It's going to happen...unless they find some sort of immunization that stops your periods from starting until the government think you are old enough to have kids.
12. What advice would you give to teens who are sexually active or thinking about having a baby?
Sexually active: Use contraception! If you have one patner who you fully trust and know is clean and want to stop using condoms, make sure you start using something else FIRST. If you have a bad memory try something like an implant that you don't have to remember.
Thinking of having a baby: Wait until you have finished school, have your own home and a stable relationship. I'm not saying that a one night stand, split condom and a teen in school couldn't raise a baby, just that it's much easier if you don't have to worry about school/college, living conditions or a guy that might not want the baby.
1. How old were you when you became pregnant?
20 when I fell pregnant, 21 when I gave birth

2. Where are you from?
Bedfordshire, UK

3. Who do you live with?
My Fiance

4. Why did you become pregnant?
We'd been 'not trying but not preventing' for a while

5. Did you have sex education lessons in school?

6. Do you think you were taught enough about contraception?

7. How did you feel when you first found out you were pregnant?
Excited, happy & scared

8. Did the school give you any help, if yes, what?
Not at school

9. How would you describe the relationship between you and the babies father?
Brilliant, we've been together for 4 years & are planning our wedding for 2011 :)

10. Do you think its okay for young girls to be getting pregnant?
It depends how young the girl is (ie. over or under 16) and whether they are ready/able to care for a baby.

11. What do you think will stop young girls from being pregnant? Can the government do anything/schools/parents/friends?
More information on contraception (as the Government are currently doing)

12. What advice would you give to teens who are sexually active or thinking about having a baby?
Sexually active : use contraception!
Thinking of having a baby : it's a lot harder work than anything you've ever done in your life. Make sure you're in a stable relationship before you think about having a baby.
1. How old were you when you became pregnant? 16 Year with my first, 40 with this one

2. Where are you from? London

3. Who do you live with? My husband and 20 year old son

4. Why did you become pregnant? We wanted a baby

5. Did you have sex education lessons in school? Yes but it did not really explain that much but it was years ago

6. Do you think you were taught enough about contraception? No

7. How did you feel when you first found out you were pregnant? Scared with my first and second but happy with this one

8. Did the school give you any help, if yes, what? No

9. How would you describe the relationship between you and the babies father? Perfect

10. Do you think its okay for young girls to be getting pregnant? No

11. What do you think will stop young girls from being pregnant? Can the government do anything/schools/parents/friends? Give young people a vitual baby to look after for a week every year from 11 years of age.

12. What advice would you give to teens who are sexually active or thinking about having a baby? Sexually actiive to use condoms to avoid STI's. Wanting a baby, get a virtual baby for a week, then make a decision.
Before I answer this, I get the feeling your project is about teen pregnancy?

So I'll answer it about my first pregnancy if that's ok?
And then I can do one for now?

I'll answer everything as did for this one O:)

1. How old were you when you became pregnant? 15

2. Where are you from? Warwickshire

3. Who do you live with? Parents and younger brother

4. Why did you become pregnant? Not using protection

5. Did you have sex education lessons in school? Yes

6. Do you think you were taught enough about contraception? Yes

7. How did you feel when you first found out you were pregnant? Shocked and scared

8. Did the school give you any help, if yes, what? No, didn't ask

9. How would you describe the relationship between you and the babies father? It was ok, we were only young though. He could be a right d**k.

10. Do you think its okay for young girls to be getting pregnant? Depends what you mean by 'young'. Although I don't think it's an age thing I think more of a resposibility and indepdence is needed before becoming pregnant.

11. What do you think will stop young girls from being pregnant? Can the government do anything/schools/parents/friends? I think the only thing would be if it suddently became unacceptable, like in the 'olden days' iykwim?

12. What advice would you give to teens who are sexually active or thinking about having a baby? Teens (or any persons) who are dependent upon their parents and live with them or are still in school I would recommend them to wait until they were out of school or living independtly

1. How old were you when you became pregnant? 20

2. Where are you from? Warwickshire but live with OH in Merseyside

3. Who do you live with? OH

4. Why did you become pregnant? We were trying

5. Did you have sex education lessons in school? Yes

6. Do you think you were taught enough about contraception? Yes

7. How did you feel when you first found out you were pregnant? Excited!

8. Did the school give you any help, if yes, what? N/A

9. How would you describe the relationship between you and the babies father? Good

10. Do you think its okay for young girls to be getting pregnant? Same as above*

11. What do you think will stop young girls from being pregnant? Can the government do anything/schools/parents/friends? Same as above*

12. What advice would you give to teens who are sexually active or thinking about having a baby? Same as above*
How old were you when you became pregnant?

Where are you from?
scotland, uk.

Who do you live with?
my boyfriend, the father of my child.

Why did you become pregnant?
the pregnancy was not planned. but we were over the moon when we found out.

Did you have sex education lessons in school?

Do you think you were taught enough about contraception?
yeah, definitely.

How did you feel when you first found out you were pregnant?
kinda shocked, but really happy.

Did the school give you any help, if yes, what?
i had left school at 16, over 2 years before i fell pregnant.

How would you describe the relationship between you and the babies father?
great. he is the love of my life.

Do you think its okay for young girls to be getting pregnant?
depends on the person. people need to be mature and ready to be a parent. depends on the maturity of the person, not the age to a certain extent.

What do you think will stop young girls from being pregnant? Can the government do anything/schools/parents/friends?
i don't think anything will stop it tbh. you can drill it into a 'young girls' head from when she is really young to use condoms and be really careful, but at the end of the day, accidents happen, and sometimes the girl will actually want a child. it was drilled into my head from a young age to always be careful, and i wasn't. i think that deep down inside, i wanted a child really badly, so i wasn't as careful as i should have been.

What advice would you give to teens who are sexually active or thinking about having a baby?
seriously think about it. be in a stable relationship with a stable income and ensure that you and the potential father are ready to be a parent.
1. How old were you when you became pregnant?

2. Where are you from?

3. Who do you live with?
My OH & his mum.

4. Why did you become pregnant?
We were not trying, not preventing.

5. Did you have sex education lessons in school?

6. Do you think you were taught enough about contraception?

7. How did you feel when you first found out you were pregnant?
Shocked, scared & excited.

8. Did the school give you any help, if yes, what?
I wasn't in school.

9. How would you describe the relationship between you and the babies father?
Great, we've been through alot together and now have an amazing relationship.

10. Do you think its okay for young girls to be getting pregnant?
It totally depends on the person, regardless of their age.

11. What do you think will stop young girls from being pregnant? Can the government do anything/schools/parents/friends?
No matter what is done or put in place there will always be teenagers becoming pregnant. There will be no changing that, maybe more information on contraceptives & parents talking openly to their children about sex.

12. What advice would you give to teens who are sexually active or thinking about having a baby?
To be safe & seriously think about what decisions they are making.
1. How old were you when you became pregnant?
I am 19, and will have my baby at 19

2. Where are you from?
I am from Michigan and now live in Texas (USA)

3. Who do you live with?
I live with my Boyfriend and his family

4. Why did you become pregnant?
Because i wasnt on bc.

5. Did you have sex education lessons in school?

6. Do you think you were taught enough about contraception?

7. How did you feel when you first found out you were pregnant?
I was upset at first. but it didnt take long for us to get excited!

8. Did the school give you any help, if yes, what?
I didnt ask help from my school.

9. How would you describe the relationship between you and the babies father?
Bestfriends, soul mates. no questions asked we will be together forever.

10. Do you think its okay for young girls to be getting pregnant?
I dont think that "okay" is the correct word.. I know that me any my babys dad are ready and can handle anything thrown our way.. I wouldnt be blessed with this baby if it wasnt in my plans.

11. What do you think will stop young girls from being pregnant? Can the government do anything/schools/parents/friends?
I dont think that anything will stop it from happening. how is the government going to stop young girls and boys from having sex?

12. What advice would you give to teens who are sexually active or thinking about having a baby?
have a plan.. if your planing on it great. if you happen to be blessed with a little surprise, good luck.

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