3 of my 4 kids have been named before they were born.
For DS1, we had a boy and girl name picked out before we learned he was a boy. And then from the day we found out his gender, he was called Aiden and that was that.
For DD1, we had a shortlist of names that we liked for each gender and then we picked one once we found out she was a girl. Actually, the first name we picked, I started to really go off once we began actually using it. So we changed it around 30 weeks or so to Madalynn and that's what we stuck with.
For DD2, we had two names picked out and I couldn't decide between the two. So she wasn't officially named until she was born. It was actually DS who decided on her name - the older kids knew which names we were considering and DS walked in, said "that's my baby sister Seraphina" and that was it.
For this LO, OH and I had agreed on names before we found out the gender. Once we found out he was a boy, we started using his name.
For me, it's easier to bond once we find out the gender and pick out a name. Also, after the experience with DD1, I like the idea of "trying out" the name before baby is officially born that way I won't find out too late that there's a nickname or something that I hate. I do usually have a back-up list of 2-3 names just in case I think LO doesn't fit their name, but I haven't had to use any of my backups yet.