Napro Technology

I hope you are both doing well. I haven't been on for a while because I am trying not too focus on problems but solutions nowadays. I have my period but before that I had a very good cycle:) No mid-cycle spotting and fine hormone levels.
I'll keep you updated of course.
Best wishes
Hi Ladies,

I saw this thread and wanted to join in the discussion. I am new to NaPro. I have completed my introductory session and have a followup next week. I have a visiting doctor in my area every other month. I will not be able to see her until August. I was wondering if anyone had information on the success of NaPro? My regular doctor did not want to do any testing because of my age (34). She told me to see a RE and discuss IVF. DH and I decided to try NaPro instead. Any advice or information you have is appreciated.
Hi there
Well I know that NaProTechnology has better succes rates than IVF and will give you more answers. Plus it is cheaper. I guess I can also say that the girls obn this forum generally are doing good in this treatment and experience improvements in our fertility.
So welcome o the forum and all the best wishes
Hi Ladies,

Im new to this forum but would like to join in on your discussion.
Iv just turned 39and DH is 38, weve been TCC for 3 tears now, sorry meant to say years, but typed tears instead, appropriate I feel.
I started charting on march 5th and have an apt to see Dr Phil Boyle in Galway on July 1st, Living in Galway so v handy. Im taking Vit D3 400 mcgs daily, Omega 3 and 1000 mgs vit C, and also pregnacare. I got off to a very shakey start with the charting because my Napro instructor could only see me very infrequently, evey 6 to 8 wks and iv recently changed to another lady who can see me whenever i like, they say you need to see someone evey 2 wks.
Im trying to get as much done before I actually go and see Dr Boyle and I will have my 2 sets of bloods done by then and hopefully have a couple of months of Good quality charting done.
My Question is, have you all done the cambridge nutritional test? I was gong to do it and then I see its £100 which is fine but maybe I should wait until I see Dr Phil Boyle to see if he thinks I need it, gut instinct tells me to just do it and then he will have more info when I get to the apt. Also can anyone tell me about vit B6 for enhacing CM? Should i use it? Im having acupuncture and my acupuncturist who specailaizes in fertilty says to have 2 treatments a month, on, or near day 3 and day 7 of the cycle. does this sound right to you guys. Finding the whole thing a bit expensive, acupuncture costing E90 a month and Instructor is E100 a month for 2 sessions, and then there is the cost of all the supplements for me and DH also, i know its way cheaper than ivf but i cant afford that anyway so not an option for me.

Any info would be greatly appreciated. XX

e100 a month if you see her twicw and then all the supplements
Hi Princettio,
I know how you feel with the cost etc, it does add up. I had an appointment with Dr Boyle in April and just started the Napro in Feb. I do find that with all of the supplements and the medication and the visits to the Napro Teacher, the cost adds up BUT don't forget that the Napro Teacher visits are only temp and once you are confident with your tracking, you'll only have to see her every few months. When i visited dr boyle he put me on Omega 3 -1000mg, Vit D x 2000, folic acid and the fertility drug Femera with a daily low dose of Naltraxone. He also encouraged me to do the Cambridge Nutr Test and I did it. Not sure whether it's beneficial or not but i would do it if i were you. Dr. Boyle wouldn't recommend it otherwise i'd imagine. I got the results for that test about 3 wks ago (intolerance towards milk & yeast) but haven't actively given up the milk or yeast yet but will ask dr boyle at our next app in July if i should. I now find that the monthly cost of the drugs is approx 120euro (get the drugs payment card) plus the cost of the vitamins which isn't too bad. Ps, i am 37 and after trying iui's etc in the galway fertility clinic i definitely find that the napro route is much easier to manage cost wise. Hopefully there will be results at the end of the journey. Best of luck with the appointment & keep us posted :flower:
Hello Moulin Rouge,

Thanks for your reply. Thats great advice about the Drug treatment card , how do you go about applying for one of those and are the vitamins included or just prescripion meds? Are you using Quinns Pharmacy in Gort, they are posting me out my VitD and omega 3 for free which is a great service.

I did do the foodplus 40 test just yesterday and am awaiting the results. I will make an effort to avoid whatever comes back as my intolerances as I have to maximise my chances as im now 39.I went to a conference here in Galway with Dr Marion Glenville speaking, she is a nutritional doctor specialising in fertility and nutrition, she has several books out, and the fertility one is defo worth a look. As she advises Iv cut out caffene and also take Vit cit 1000 mgs daily in 2 doses of 500mgs( you can only store it in small volumes) as does the hubby, She advises buying organic whenever poss, (more cost) and avoiding storing food in plastic as they disturb hormones in the body. No microwaving of food if poss,and no alcohol, which i find hard as I love my red wine.

Apparently Dr Boyle is only beginning to delve into the realms of fertility and nutrition and will admit his lack of expertise in this area while marion Glenville has made this her area. she is not a medical doctor though.

Iv also been told that it is important for you to have your teeth cleaned regularly to avoid plaque build up as your body produces antibodies to plaque also.

Cant wailt for july 1st though and ill keep you all posted. I have a list of questions as long as my arm to ask him. Good luck and hope to hear news of a BFP from you soon, Thanks again for your response. xxp
Hi Girls i just said id pop in to see how your all getting on im 26 weeks now and still on pogestrone Dr Boyle says that i will be on it til 36 weeks i hope that ye are all keeping well dont give up hope it will happen when you least expect it looking forward to seeing who gets the next:bfp::dust:
Hi Ladies,

Sorry I havent been online in a while.

Hope you're all keeping well.

I am keeping great. Dr O'F increased my femara to 12 on CD3 & 12 on CD4, I am also on 5mg Prednisolone daily & Glucophage 3 x 850mg daily. We had FT done this month on CD14, 17 & today 19 and the doc confirmed that I ovulated, I had a 19mm Follicle on Friday & it grew to 27mm on Monday then I ovulated on Tuesday, we are both over the moon as I havent ovulated in years. I am so happy with Napro they are just fantastic, the telephone support after each monthly blood results is brilliant & they are in constant contact.

I wish you all the best of luck & hope you're all doing well on the programme xx

Hi April05, that's FANTASTIC news. Are you allowed to try yet? You must be really excited. I'm only on 5 Femera but have appointment tomorrow with Dr Boyle. I'm hoping that he will review this because my hormone levels are not really responding at all. Getting a bit frustrated but trying to be patient. I'm having such a hard time trying to find cm... the blood tests are also quite annoying because my doctors clinic close for the week end and for some strange reason my P+7 seems to be nearly always falling on the weekend... Anyway can't wait for tomorrow so heading off now for some good quality zzz's. Keep in touch xxx
Hi Moulin Rouge

Hope you're appointment went well with Dr B. :hugs:
Lots of people are on a different dose of Femera, how do you find it? I get terrible headaches but I am on a lot of meds so it could be just a combination. They say femera can dry up CM which is annoying! I dont have a problem with CM thankfully. Dr O'F hadnt said not to too, so we have been trying, I couldnt waste an egg :haha:

Princesstro, hope all is well with you too. Yes the costs each month can add up, IVF would never be on the cards for us we just couldnt afford it. I havent ovulated for years, then had FT done in March & April & still no ovulation so this month when I saw the huge Follie on the screen I thought all the nights sitting in watching our money for meds, or FT or teacher visits was worth it seeing that the meds are working. Please god things will work out for you soon it would be nice to see some more BFP here. :hugs:

Littlebopeep, how are you keeping? I hope all is well with you. Did you find out the sex of the baby. :flower:

AFM I am on the TWW now & feeling really positive the only problem is I am injecting a lot of pregnyl each month & that can give you pregnancy hormones :wacko:

I wish you all the very best of luck, I will pop on as much as I can to keep ye updated.

Hi All,

I am new to napro. Met Dr Boyle in May. He is treating me across 2 continents - I am in Asia. So I mostly rely on email . I got my first peak +7 blood test. Progestrone is 16.0 and ostrodial is 59.41 would anybody know if that is a good or bad result. Havent got a chance to talk to Dr.boyle. After seeing my results over email he increased my Femara dose from 5 to 8 tabs to be taken all at one go on day 3 of bleeding.

I am 39 and really nervous and we want a baby so badly :( May the good Lord hear the longing our our heart and bless everyone here with a bundle of joy.

Napro is not practiced in Asia , so i am pretty much alone here. i had the chance to visit Ireland and meet Dr. Boyle and start my treatment. Any comments, suggestions , thoughts will be welcoming.
Hi Guys,

Been following NaPro for about 10 weeks now... and am SO lucky that Dr Lamont brought it to Perth (Australia)! After 6 years ttc and being rejected by IVF clinics because of my weight, they are actually helping! They are actually TESTING me and are starting to piece together our issues. I've had really bad/irregular cycles for years, and this month is my FIRST EVER 'proper' cycle! I am so excited! I've just added a Naturopath as well and between the two of them, they are determined to make it happen for us. Which is good consdering they discovered I have a low egg reserve. So, hopefully that's a positive start and after years of thinking it will never happen, we have hope. I have more faith in this system than in IVF! Keep ya posted! Hope you are all going well and get your BFP's VERY soon !
How has other people gone with NaPro? Any other good news? (I sooooo hope for good news it helps me have hope!)
Hi Moulin Rouge

Hope you're appointment went well with Dr B. :hugs:
Lots of people are on a different dose of Femera, how do you find it? I get terrible headaches but I am on a lot of meds so it could be just a combination. They say femera can dry up CM which is annoying! I dont have a problem with CM thankfully. Dr O'F hadnt said not to too, so we have been trying, I couldnt waste an egg :haha:

Princesstro, hope all is well with you too. Yes the costs each month can add up, IVF would never be on the cards for us we just couldnt afford it. I havent ovulated for years, then had FT done in March & April & still no ovulation so this month when I saw the huge Follie on the screen I thought all the nights sitting in watching our money for meds, or FT or teacher visits was worth it seeing that the meds are working. Please god things will work out for you soon it would be nice to see some more BFP here. :hugs:

Littlebopeep, how are you keeping? I hope all is well with you. Did you find out the sex of the baby. :flower:

AFM I am on the TWW now & feeling really positive the only problem is I am injecting a lot of pregnyl each month & that can give you pregnancy hormones :wacko:

I wish you all the very best of luck, I will pop on as much as I can to keep ye updated.


Hi April. im 31 weeks today ive been diagnosed with placent previa so have to go in at 35 weeks and will be delivered by c section at 39 weeks have a nice bump now getting excited, i havnt found out the sex but have a feeling its a boy after everything we`ve been through im going to keep the sex a suprise! I have a feeling that you may be joining me soon wow your follicles are huge!!!!! Good luck girls keep me posted xxxxx:kiss:
I have my first appointment with Dr B in Dublin at the start of August. Just wondering if anyone else has/had really light periods and low progesterone and whether or not treatment helped things?

I'm 32 so I'm really hoping this can get fixed. My periods have not been great since coming off the pill. My body doesn't seem to have been able to control the hormones itself. I'm also starting acupuncture in August. From what I know already it looks like I ovulate, but this is by NHS levels, day 21 progesterone was actually only 36.8.

I would really appreciate you sharing your stories and if any of you have similar symptoms. Thanks
Hi Ladies, :hi:

Sorry I havent been on in a while.

How are you all keeping?

I've just had allergic reaction to my HCG injections so Galway have put me on an antibitoc, hopefully that will help. We have our nxt apppointment with Dr O'F on 26th of August, really looking forward to it.

I am just finding the process a little long but I know I have to have in there till they get the treatment just right.

Cooch how did your appointment with Dr B go? I believe he is a lovely man. I suffer from Low Prog & was not ovulating, but with the help of napro I ovulated last month for the first time in years. My Prog was still only 33.5 but I had Follicle Tracking done which showed I ovulated.

I have found another forum the girls here are fantastic and have great advise.

I hope you're all enjoying the programme & that you all get your BFP really soon.
Hi there
I also have had low progesterone but with Femara (very low dose) and Cyclogest my progesterone values on Peak +7 has been very good.
My chart still looks ugly though.. Don´t know if they will ever solve that.
A :/
Hi ladies, I felt the appointment with doc B was a bit depressing to start with. I suppose he was just making us aware that sometimes no matter what you try, it doesn't work. But, after we went through symptoms and my chart and bloods, he was a lot more optimistic, the scan showed all clear too. My second blood test at day 21 showed progesterone 56.9 and oestradiol at 919. I don't think this seems too bad but I don't have a lot of bleeding with my cycle and I think this is one of the main things we need to fix.

I have been given Femara on day 3 (4 tabs), HCG day 14 and I am taking LDN every night. He said to try and get the follicle tracking booked for Sep which will be our second month on meds and maybe we can start trying in October. I imagine this is if everything works but do you think trying Oct sounds good?? Oh, I have also to cut out wheat and dairy 80% of the time so I am trying my best to cut it out all the time that way of I slip up it isn't so bad. Baby dust xx
Hi J_in_Dubai!
I read that you started doing the naprotechnology from Dubai over the internet. Would it be possible to send me the details?
I'm also in Dubai and TTC for over a year.
Hi! I have been ltttc #1 going on 3 years. Am interested in this as I am Catholic and IVF not an option-I've heard Napro is a great alternative but know nothing about it!

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