Napro Technology

Hi Girls

April. What PCO medication is that and what does it do? The reason why I am interested is that I have been doing a special diet for PCO-girls and that seemed to help A LOT. But I could not stick to the diet which is meant to keep the blood sugar down. Now I am wondering if the blood sugar is kept down by your medicine. Does it have something to do with blood sugar or insulin?
Hi Amber,

I can't remember the name of it, but Dr O'F is sending a prescription in the post this evening I should it it tmrw so I will let you know the name of it then, yes that's what it does helps your blood sugars, I have to take them graduatly, 1 at my evening meal for 1 week, then on the 2nd week I take 2 one with lunch one with dinner, then the 3rd week, breakfast, lunch & dinner! Hopefully they'll work.

Can you have follicle tracking? When do you meet with your Dr again?

April, I'm not sure what the name of our doc will be- the clinic is sending me details in the post. Chasteberry (vitix) is meant to regulate the menstrual cycle.

Amber- I feel guilty for complaining about how long I've been trying when you've been trying so much longer! :blush: I'm so impressed at how positive and patient you are!

By the way, girls, I spoke to my dad today about TTC and found out that it took my parents three years to have me! My dad was really sweet about it, he said that he knows that it will happen eventually and that he's looking forward to being a grandpa. I started crying a bit, but I feel so much better knowing that they were in the same position and ended up having three kids! They didn't have any diagnosed problems either, so maybe I have the same type of problem as my mom. Anyway, just wanted to share! :)
Hi J,
That's great that you found that out about your parents I bet it made you feel a little more "normal"....

I just read over on the other site that one of the girls is pregnant, I am so happy for her. I am so positive too girls, our turn will come, I can just feel it - stay positive girlies xx
J. I just want to warn you that I don't think you should use Vitex while in treatment with NaProTechnology. The reason is that Vitex is really quite a powerful herb that should not be mixed with other medicine and when I first started NaPro years ago I was on it and was told to come of it so that my charts would really reveal my symptoms and not the influence of Vitex. it is nice to hear about your parents' succes story. It seems you have a good relationship:) Don't feel guilty about me. It has been a long struggle but hopefully it will be over soon.
April. I think it is called Metformin. At least where I am from. I was just wondering if it would be something for me since I really think I am insulin resistant although I do not have PCO. I have also decided to really try to eat a bit better and start exercisisng since that can have a big effect on blood sugar/insulin:) I have also started praying more and with confidence. Don't know if you girls are believers but I am and just read an awesome book about infertile women who prayed and had all the babies they wanted.
It really made my hope soar the last few days :happydance:
I have an appointment over skype in about a month whit dr. Philip O'Dwyer

Wish you lots of hope
Hi Amber,

No its not metaformin, it sound like glucozade or something like that. When I get the prescription tmrw I will let you know.

How long are you on the napro programme?
Hi Amber, I hadn't heard that about Vitix! I'll stop taking it then (I only took 1 dose), since I don't want it to affect my chart. Thanks for letting me know!

What is the book you are reading right now? I read a book called Hannah's Hope which was beautiful and very inspiring. I go through phases where I pray a lot and then sometimes I can't bring myself to do it. Lately I've been feeling very far from God- it's just so hard to believe that He could listen to my prayers but still say no. Nothing has ever tested my faith like this before; it's humbling to realize how little faith I actually have. But I think I need to keep trying to pray and asking for faith. And I need to focus on blessings in my life- you are right that I have a good relationship with my parents which I'm very thankful for.

April- that's so lovely that one of the girls on the other forum is pregnant!! I love hearing success stories! How long had she been trying?

Oh, and I think you may be on Glucophage- it's another brand of Metformin. I was on it for a few weeks but it made me really ill- I hope it works better for you!
I am really grateful for your honesty. The book I am reading is called Supernatural Childbirth by Jackie Mize. It is short and cheap, you can get it on amazon. I am actually reading it for the 3rd time. I never read a book twice but this book I need to read again and again. I do not know how to explain but somehow this book has impressed me so deeply and I have felt so joyful and close to the Lord since I read it. The Bible came alive to me as it hasn't been since I became a christian 7 years ago. I have been so challenged by this book and I want to experience what they experienced. If you buy the book and read it but don't agree with it please do not let me know because I am trying to build up my faith which is also fragile.

God bless
Hi Girls,

Yes J that sounds like it alright. I am looking forward to starting it. I'm very excited & positive girls...

I try to have faith & I do pray but dont go to church, DH said maybe we should go to Mass every week so we'll see maybe we will. Like you J I do sometimes wonder how could he listen to our prayers & not do anything, or I sometimes say why did he let me get pregnant then take it from me :(

I hope you're both having a good day!

Hi Girls,

How are you both keeping?

Yes J it was metformin, I started it on Wednesday so lets hope it works wonders!

I am a little emotional as its Mothers day here tmrw & Im sad cos Im not a mother yet, poor hubby has been great as I keep crying! We're going out tonight to a party Im looking forward to that I hope it takes my mind off things!

We started out post peak injections on Wednesday, It wasnt too bad I have to say!

Hope all is well with you both & that you're having a lovely weekend xxx
Hi April! :wave:

I'm sorry you're having a rough's really hard to stay positive on days like this, because it's full of reminders of what we don't have yet. I think it must be worse in the UK- it's not such a big day out here, so I haven't heard much about it.

That's so exciting that you've started your long till you can test?? You have to keep us posted! I'm on CD 9, still not seeing much CM despite the vitamins. Do you think they will take a few months to kick in?

I hope you and your hubby have a great night tonight! :flower: Here's hoping we can all celebrate mother's day next year!
Dear J and April

How are you two holding up? I am sorry that I have not written here for a while. I had such a good feeling about my cycle this month that I just wanted to think only positive thoughts and stay away from this infertility forum. Well I had my blood tests some days ago and they really were super super super perfect. So dr. O'Dwyer wants me to do the exact same treatment next cycle.
Anyways tomorrow morning is my test day but since I bought a test yesterday of course I could not control myself and so I took it this morning. Gosh was I dissapointed when it looked just as they usually do. ONE LINE:( I have just prayed so much and felt so positive. I even picked up a sweet little peace of baby clothes (which I never do!) about a week ago, because of my new hope. I know that you girls might think I should really just be super happy because my hormones are doing so well but I am just feeling low today. Even if everything looks almost perfect how can I be happy when the baby still did not arrive. A part of me knows that I should just keep praying and hoping and maybe next cycle will really be the cycle... but I am taking today off and just letting myself feel sad and eating chocolate.
I hope you are both good and optimistic.
Hi Amber, :hugs:

I'm sorry that you didn't get good news today. Its so much harder to get negative results when everything seems to working as it should, especially when you had such high hopes for this cycle. I hope that you get a wonderful surprise when you test tomorrow, but if not, then it's ok to be sad. Sometimes you need to grieve the situation you are in. Take care of yourself! :flower:

I'm having a funny sort of day- I feel very up and down emotionally. It's my birthday and I actually was feeling ok about it until I got messages from TWO people I know saying that they had each had beautiful babies today. It kind of feels like the universe is testing me- I haven't heard a birth announcement in two months and now two on my birthday?? Sigh.

Anyway, at least I ovulated yesterday and my CM is much better this month, i think because of the vitamin B.

Hope both you ladies have a good week- I'm praying for you both!
Dear J HAPPY BIRTHDAY, I hope you have had a good evening:)

Thank you for your support and prayers. I am not going to test again tomorrow. I cried but now I am (a lot:) better. I went to a chapel which we have here and read the Bible. Gosh I became so happy. There are so many wonderful promises in the Bible for women like us. It says that the infertile woman will be a happy mother of children and a bunch of other things. I believe that God's word must be fulfilled because this book that I just read about some infertile couples who ended up having all the children they desired, they read the Bible and believed these promises. And because they believed they received. It is an amazing book that really inspired my faith life:) And I've prayed so much and as I said, my blood result was really very very good this time. So there is every reason to hope:)
I am so happy to hear that your symptoms are also getting better. Especially about the CM. Maybe that is really all that needs to be improved;) I hope we will all go to the pregnancy forum soon.
I wish you all God's blessing for your new year.
Hi Ladies,

Happy Birthday J, sorry to hear that you were emotional on your birthday xx Delighted to hear your CM is getting better xx

Amber I hope this cycle is your cycle & that you get pregnant. I have some baby clothes too & cant wait to use them xxx

We've book Lanzorate for 1st of May for a week, my parents have an apartment over there so we got cheap flights & thought we may aswell.

Had another meeting with our teacher on Saturday, really enjoyed it, we learn something new everytime. She told us we can start trying if we like, so happy days! Waiting on AF to arrive so we can start! I will also need to get my p+7 bloods done while I am in Lanzorate, so I rang the hospital over there & I've to send them a fax in Spanish explaining what I want & it should be no problem (well except I cant speak spanish!!) I've a friend at work who is spanish so might ask for his help.

Well girls my SIL had her baby on Thursday, Dh is now the only family member without kiddies! I dropped him out for a few drinks with is bother on Friday nigh to celebrate t & I cried the whole way home I was heartbroken that it wasnt us that had the baby, couldnt even look at hubby when I collected him from the pub I went straight to bed, but told him the nxt day, he said I wasnt to be blaming myself & that we're in this together & he loves me more than anything in the world & that'll we'll have our babies soon (ahhh he's just the bestest) So when we were told we could start trying we were delight. Had a lovely chilled out day in the sushine with DH, I was chilling in the hammock reading it was just gorgeous.

Oh DH is going to be the Baby's godfather so he is just over the moon.

I hope you're both keeping well.

Wow, it is great that you've got green light. Is your cycle already perfect with perfect hormone results, since you are allowed to try?
I so understand how you felt with the arrival of the new baby. In my husband's family, he has 5 siblings, every one have children. They have been having so many beautiful babies since I met him. The last few years they have at least had 6 while I was struggling.
But now I have hope for the future :coffee:

I wish you all the best girls,
Hi ladies! How are you both doing? Any plans for Easter? I''m looking through my cookbooks trying to decide what to make for lunch on saturday- my in-laws are coming over. I was debating between a raspberry meringue and a deep dark chocolate cake....but then I deccided that I'm going to make both! :lol:

April, your day in the hammock sounds so nice and your hubby sounds amazing! What a blessing to have such a supportive partner in life! Has your next cycle started yet?

Amber, how are you doing? I know that you were so sad last cycle when your chart looked so good, but hopefully this month it will work out for you! How is this cycle looking?

We had an appointment with our Napro doctor, Dr. Tham, the other day. She is very nice and spent a lot of time with us. Looking at my chart, she thinks that it indicates that I have a hormonal imbalance that needs to get sorted out, so for the next month I'm going to be a blood bank! I'll be having my blood taken every day or two and I"m also going for a bunch of ultrasounds so that we can track the development of my follicles. Of course, I'm hoping that I won't have to do any of those thing because I'm 10 DPO today and I'm hoping for a BP....but I haven't had any symptoms, so I'm not feeling too hopeful. :sad1:

Anyway, I hope you both have a good week leading up to Easter- take care and good luck with this cycle!! :hugs:
Hi Ladies, :wave:

How are you both keeping?

Oh J your cakes sound fab, did you make them both? I must get the receipe off you! I love both of those heh. :munch:

That’s great your appointment went so well, the Follicle tracking is no bother at all, I am having one done tmrw, its an internal ultra sound so just relax. :hugs:

Amber how are you doing this cycle? :hugs:

I am very positive about this cycle, I took my new dosage of Famera 12 tablets on day 3, at our last meeting with our teacher she told us to take our HCG trigger 20,000 on the 4th or 5th day of 10, K or L so that was yesterday we took it & we have Follicle tracking tmrw morning in Kell’s with Dr O’Dwyer at 8am. We did have a positive on an OPK but I still find it hard to believe as I haven’t ovulated in months maybe years! Im so excited & really hope we get out BFP really soon.

We are off to Lanzorate on Sunday for a week to just relax and chill out, I will have to get p +7 bloods done while there so my friend booked me into a private clinic there as he is Spanish & could speak the lingo! LOL They will only cost €38 in total & we will have the results on the same day.

My new nephew is the image of DH, so that was very hard seeing him – I cant wait for my own now.

I wish you all the best of luck this cycle, J good luck with all the bloods xxxx

J you are right we are so lucky to have such wonderful partners and they're so lucky to have us x :happydance:

Hi Ladies,

How are you both doing?

Well had FT this morning CD16, he couldn’t find my left ovary (sooo annoying & sooo sore!!) he did find my right ovary and said there were small follicles on it maybe 1cm. I explained to him that I had taken my trigger on Monday night & he said he wouldn’t know if a follicle had ruptured or not. I phoned Galway as I was waiting on a letter from them (taking my meds abroad) spoke to the receptionist & she said that normally they tell patients not to have follicle tracking around Easter time as some clinics are closed on Good Friday & Easter Monday , she said she would speak to Dr O'F & see if she wants me to go back on Friday for another scan. Arrrggggggggg.

Dr O'F called me back, she said not to have another scan & to still get my p+7 bloods done that will tell if I ov'd or not. She is also going to up my famera from 12 to 16 - I get my scans done in Kells Co Meath so she said to go back there nxt month for more scans, I am due to go back to see Dr O'F on 2nd of June (DH Bday!) she said we will keep in touch before then that I might not have to see her then we could push it back a month or two. I feel much happier now, Dr O'F is just lovely & Im very impressed with the support & the phone calls :o)

I guess we’ll just have to wait for p+7 bloods in sunny lanzorate

I hope you're both keeping well & doing well on the programme xxx
Hello April,

I'm glad to hear that you're feeling positive this cycle, although it's a shame that the doctor couldn't confirm if you ovulated or not this cycle! I hope you're enjoying the sunshine in Lanzorate- you must be there there by now, right? Did you manage to watch the Royal Wedding where you were? We watched it here in Dubai, and even ordered fish n' chips in honour of the occasion! Yum! It was so nice to watch it, although I think TTC has certainly changed my outlook on things...a year ago I would have thought it was so sweet that everyone kept talking about how Kate will make a great mother. Instead, I just kept thinking, 'I hope that she doesn't have a problem TTC!' Could you imagine the pressure on her if she had troubles? It would really be awful.

I went for my first follicle tracking today, which showed that I have a little follicle growing- it's about 12 mm right now. I usually ovulate on Day 16 and today was Day 11, so the doctor thinks that I'm on track. But the doctor also found something odd on my uterus...a medium-sized polyp!

I'm a bit frustrated that no one has picked up on this before...I must have had about 20 ultrasounds over the past year and every time they say that my uterus looks fine. But the doctor went and looked in my file and saw that the polyp was there in the old scans was a bit smaller, but no one had picked up on it. :growlmad:

So I'm not really sure what to think now. Could this be my diagnosis?? My doctor said that a polyp can sometimes act like a coil IUD, preventing implantation, which would explain why the IUI I did in December didn't work. But then I was reading about polyps online and there's a lot of debate about whether or not they cause infertility. Some doctors say that there is no evidence that polyps cause implantation problems. Hence the confusion!

Anyway, I'll be going in for another scan tomorrow. The doctor here thinks that doing so many scans is overkill and unneccesary, but since my Napro doctor wants me to do it, I'm going ahead with all the scans. There must be a reason why they want daily scans for the Napro system, so I told my doctor here that I want to do it anyway.

I hope that things are going well with you, April- let me know how you're doing and whether you ovulated!

Amber, how are you doing, hun? Are you still on the Napro system?

Take care ladies! :flower:

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