natural birth after c section


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2008
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Im currently trying again after a miscarriage in July and wanted some input on something. I have 2 children. First child was a csection because after 27 hours I was only dialated 4 centimeters. My second child was a csection by choice. I was wondering if any of you have had natural birth after a c section.
I have never had a baby myself but my Mother has had five. She had three natural ( not even any meds, wow!) then one emergency c-section, then another natural birth.. so it can be done! :D
Hi, I had a natural birth after a c section.

I was 2 weeks overdue and was induced, I was overcontracting throughout and was exhausted. 9hours in I was only dilated 1cm! I was given pain relief and was left until 3am when I felt the urge to push. I pushed for a couple of hours and was told she had not turned and was stuck. They tried forceps and she still would not come out. Finally the consultant said 'its the sun roof exit for this little one'. I was petrified but thought just make it stop. Anyway they couldnt get the epidural in. After 5 attempts I needed a general anasthetic. She was born shortly after at 5.21am.

Later I found out my bladder had been ruptured during the c-section and I was really poorly for about a week.

The positive side of this was that I was determined that my 2nd birth would be a very different experience. I listened to all the advice (not all positive for a vbac) but knew it was what I & my hubby wanted to try.

Anyway I went into labour naturally this time (after trying to prove to my hubby I was fit for nooky I tried doing lunges - then pop - my waters broke).
It was 10pm and I went to bed thinking its going to be tmw afternoon before anything else would happen. OH NO it wasnt. by 3am I woke with raging contractions (but was convinced it was not the real thing). Had a shower thinking its about 3mins between contractions now... better sort some child care out for my DD.

By the time I got to hospital 30mins later I was needing to push, then before I knew it, at 6.36am my beautiful baby boy was born. All natural... I was so chuffed and I am almost in tears thinking about it now.

It can be done and trust your own body. You will know if its right for you.

Hope this helps :hugs:
thanks Lisa...I am desperate to have a natural birth next time and I'll remember your story and that you managed to do it!

My friend's Mum had a c-section with her first and then 3 babies naturally afterwards.

I really hope I'm lucky enough to be able to give birth naturally.
Lisa that did help alot. Thank you for your replies. I would love to try natural birth next time and you both have given me some hope. The recovery seems to be so much better and faster with natural birth. I remember feeling very jealous and upset that other mothers were smiling and walking while I had to think for 20 mins about how to roll over or sit up before I actually tried. My last c section wasnt too pleasant and the freezing wore off and I started feeling everything so the birth part makes me a bit nervous now. Thanks again

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