Natural Birth for 1st Timer - plausible?


Pregnant with no2!
Nov 30, 2010
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Hi :wave:
It's my 1st time being this pregnant and I am nervous/excited to meet my little girl in December. I have been doing as much research as I can have have decided I want to go to the MLU birth centre attached to the local hospital. I want a water birth (or at least labour) and as little gas and air as possible. I also want to have the cord cut after it's stopped pulsing. I also want skin to skin asap and breast feeding.
My worry is because I won't know what I'm doing and don't know how I'll cope with labour. Is it silly to hope for all these things? I really hope I'm not disappointed if I end up with a C-section or strapped down to the bed with constant monitoring - but I have a feeling I might :(
Did any of you get your natural labour 1st time? Most people I've spoken to had a horrible experience first time and eventually (like 2nd or 3rd time) got the labour they wanted...
I had a lovely first labour-just a lot faster than I thought it would be! I planned to do it with as little pain relief as possible and used none!
We were at the hospital in the day being monitored as my bp was a little high, and my contractions started then. They sent us home saying we should have a baby in the next day or two, and to go to our chosen hospital(a small mw led unit) when we felt ready. My contractions come really hard and fast once we got home and I walked round a bit and had a bath, then OH decided we needed to go to the nearest hospital 5mins away. We got there and I was checked and admitted and was found to already be in established labour so didn't have time for pain relief anyway. It wasn't an issue for me at that point as I was busy pushing with the contractions.
I'm hoping to do a home birth this time anyway but if I was doing a hospital birth again I would stay home as long as possible as I think I would have been more tempted using pain relief if I had been in hospital the whole time.
Hope that helps x
Absolutely possible, and good for you for doing it! I am assuming that being the birth center as opposed to the hospital will make that much easier for you.

I'm an avid natural birth supporter, but my advice would still be to not be SO set on a natural birth that you feel like a failure if something doesn't work out. Definitely set your goals, and do your best (because you can TOTALLY do it!!!! We were MADE for it!!), but just remember that sometimes there are cases where medical intervention is warranted and be open to that.

I agree with the previous poster on staying home as long as you can. The earlier you go in, the longer you have to deal with an environment which is not your own, and you are put on their clock. Sometimes that doesn't matter, but other times it us a huge disadvantage.

I also advise you to go into labor just listening to your body. If you feel uncomfortable in a position, move to another one. If you feel like you need to lay down or stand up or get on all fours, do it! Your body is really good at telling you where to be (or at least, where NOT to be) if you are given the chance to listen. Bear down (light pushing) if it gives you relief...we are told never to "push" until we are complete, but IMO, if the body is trying to do it and is getting relief from it, then it's what you're suppose to do, and holding back is what can do more damage!! If you are told to do something that truly doesn't feel right, make sure to tell them, because I think that's really important. They may be trained in helping deliver babies, but they can't feel what you are feeling and they don't have your instincts. If they disregard what you say, then that can absolutely be held against them later if something happens, but by all means, you are the boss in labor! Everyone else there is to assist you, and if something goes wrong and you do need medical intervention, they can do it. But for a natural, healthy delivery, you are in charge.

If you have someone who can advocate for you, I'd advise having them available while you labor. That is one reason a lot of women "cave", because they aren't in a position to advocate for themselves and usually end up getting pain relief or not laboring the way they know their body needs.

Best wishes! Natural birth is absolutely AMAZING.
Yes, it is completely possible :) I had a total natural, drug free, pain free home birth with my first. I used Natal Hypnotherapy to help keep me calm and focused. I'd agree with all the above points, delay going in until you really feel you need to be there, and listen to your body. It knows best!
Not silly at all. Let your body do the work, your body will tell you how to do things. With my unmedicated birth my body would let me know to be on my feet, to move like this, etc.
It's absolutely not silly at all. This is my first baby and I'm planning for a home birth. Most of my close friends have all had natural births with their first (and all) babies and several at home. In fact, I actually think it's probably almost easier to start doing it that way with your first if that's your preference. Because you go into the experience fresh, with no preconceived notions or fears based on a previous birth that had a lot of (possibly unnecessary) medical intervention. Your body was made for this and it knows what to do. So why start messing around with it if you don't need to? If you do need extra intervention later on, you can always choose that. But I think if you want a natural birth, that's probably what you'll be most comfortable with. You can always choose a different path if you find it's not working for you, but you can't go back once you start all those interventions. Just make sure you surround yourself with lots of people who respect and support your choices. My husband and family is very much on board with my plan and supportive. I'm also hoping to hire a doula as well to have an extra support person and advocate when the time comes. Also arm yourself with information so you know what choices matter to you. From my own conservations with other women who haven't had a great first birth experience, many of them realized looking back that they didn't get to have a natural birth because they didn't know enough about the techniques they could have used to help with the birthing processes to make things easier for them, nor did they know the effects that certain interventions would have on their bodies. If you know those things going in to it, you can state your wishes a lot better and feel more confident in the choices you are making. I think that's really key.
Thank you all, great to know I can do this and it's not an unrealistic expectation :)
Totally possible!!

I'm ready Ina Mays guide to child birth. Some bits make me laugh but generally the second section is very good as explaining and discussing why our bodies are designed for labour and why hospital intervention can make things worse. But she does say that sometimes medical intervention is needed.

Highly recommend.
Thank you all, great to know I can do this and it's not an unrealistic expectation :)

I am preparing for my first birth and hoping it will be as natural and as unmedicated as possible. I think self confidence and preparation is key! I've been using the self hypnosis technics to prepare for childbirth from hypnobabies and it's been wonderful so far. I'm 34 weeks and my baby is still breech so we'll see what will happen but I'm definetely trusting my ability to give birth naturally, even if it's not something I've done before!
Totally possible!!

I'm ready Ina Mays guide to child birth. Some bits make me laugh but generally the second section is very good as explaining and discussing why our bodies are designed for labour and why hospital intervention can make things worse. But she does say that sometimes medical intervention is needed.

Highly recommend.

Yes, definitely read Ina May's Guide to Childbirth. Some of the birth stories are a little wacky (mainly because they're so old, like in the 70s, so I think it would read better with some updated ones, but that's my only criticism). But the chapters about birth are wonderful. It's really informative and non-judgmental and even if you don't decide to go totally natural, you'll learn a lot about birth and about your body that will be really helpful to you. I also have the Birthing from Within book as well, which I haven't started reading, but it also came highly recommended.
Another book recommendation - Effective Birth Preparation by Maggie Howell (the founder of Natal Hypnotherapy). It has lots of natural techniques you can employ throughout labour to keep you comfortable and relaxed, as well as information about the Natal Hypnotherapy :)
I have very similar hopes and goals! Having my first in November!!
I hope it's not unrealistic because this is what I would like too! Hoping for a natural birth in an MLU come October. The only thing I would say is to also prepare yourself for things NOT going as you had hoped- I know what I want but at the same time I wont beat myself up or be too disappointed if things don't go as I hope as long as baby is fine.
Don't listen to people's horror stories. I read a psychology article a while back that said people unintentionally exaggerate pain, and everyone wants to sound like a hero for having gone through a lot of pain.

To be totally honest, I found my labour and delivery totally manageable. We had a drug-free home birth and I didn't even feel like I wanted the epidural at any point (mind you, Im very pro natural birthing). I got my ideal birth and I didnt even need air or gas at all. I spent most of my labour in the shower, which helped a TON. Also, drink a lot of water.
Thank you all, great to know I can do this and it's not an unrealistic expectation :)

I am preparing for my first birth and hoping it will be as natural and as unmedicated as possible. I think self confidence and preparation is key! I've been using the self hypnosis technics to prepare for childbirth from hypnobabies and it's been wonderful so far. I'm 34 weeks and my baby is still breech so we'll see what will happen but I'm definetely trusting my ability to give birth naturally, even if it's not something I've done before!

Hun, a friend just flipped her breech baby at 37 weeks using tips from it out!! :thumbup:
I just had my first naturally and it was such an amazing experience. It was painful yes, but I don't even remember the pain now only 5 days later :) I love that my baby breastfed as soon as she came outta the womb onto my chest as she wasn't dizzy from drugs. You can read my birth story here if you want:
Thank you :) Off to read the birth story, I find reading others' positive experiences really helps :)

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