Natural Birth for 1st Timer - plausible?

I managed on just water and g&a! Here is my birth story, the actual labour part was fine but afterwards I had some complications - just thought I'd warn you, don't want to scare you! :haha:
This definitely gives me hope for a first time birth being a natural birth at home! I definitely don't want to have to use a hospital if it can be avoided.... Thank you, ladies, for giving me hope. :flower:
It's totally possible! Ignore anyone who says otherwise, and who goes on about the terrible pain - it's all hugely psychological and to do with your attitude towards it. Sadly, a lot of women approach birth full of crippling fear and panic, and it's no wonder it turns out to be a bad experience - anything would be if you approached it like that.

I had my first completely naturally at a MLU. It was physical, certainly, and involved some effort (I always think of it like a big running race or something - yes, you work hard, and yes, your muscles hurt a bit at times, but you can train and prepare yourself for it, and it's certainly nothing to fear. And you feel brilliant afterwards!) Overall, it was a brilliant experience, and something I'm so proud of. I got to the hospital at about 10.30am and had a baby in my arms at 11.40am. Was back home and eating a takeaway by 7pm that night (classy, I know!). Am umming and ahhing about a home birth this time, still undecided (ony just found out I'm pregnant).

I would really, really recommend doing a Natal Hypnotherapy course if you can. It's not hippy-dippy at all, and is just very informative about birth. It's also great for regulating expectations and feelings about the birth whatever the outcome - I've heard people say it really helped them when they ended up with caesarians, as they just felt better able to cope with anything.

I was so, so scared before starting the course. I genuinely thought I could 'fail' at birth (ridiculous, I know, but that's how I felt!). After it, my attitude was completely transformed. It's just brilliant.

Good luck - I hope it all goes really well for you!
Yes, it is completely possible :) I had a total natural, drug free, pain free home birth with my first. I used Natal Hypnotherapy to help keep me calm and focused. I'd agree with all the above points, delay going in until you really feel you need to be there, and listen to your body. It knows best!

hi all - thought i would pop in to add my bit too. I am in a similar situation with being pregnant with my first and am hoping for a natural birth using natal hypnotherapy, im also considering a home birth too - which my midwife is up for :)

everyone is quite happy to give you horror stories about birth but when you ask around about positive birth experiences there are also plenty of those too.

I would recommend reading the Maggie Howell Natal Hypnotherapy book and getting the CD - its really opened my eyes :)
I had my first 4 weeks ago at home without any pain relief. I didn't even have gas and air. It's very possible :). I just breathed through each contraction. It took me 2 and half hours of pushing. Thats because in a hospital they only let you push for a certain amount of time, before intervening. You see on programs them shouting 'push push push'.

My midwifes just said do whatever my body wants me to do. If I want to push then push. If it doesn't then don't. Everything was done in my own time :)

That sounds like such a nice birth! You must feel ever so proud of yourself :) I really hope I can do the same. Did you have water birth at home or just normal delivery?
Just normal :) I did get in the bath after 8 hours and hated it. Got out after 10mins and asked them to check me. I was 9cm :)

They only checked me twice during the whole labour. When they first arrived and when I asked them too.

Wow you must have been pretty calm then, I'm impressed. Really hope I can do the same :)
I did it, although I wanted that epidural! My birth story is linked to in my signature...
Thank you all, great to know I can do this and it's not an unrealistic expectation :)

I am preparing for my first birth and hoping it will be as natural and as unmedicated as possible. I think self confidence and preparation is key! I've been using the self hypnosis technics to prepare for childbirth from hypnobabies and it's been wonderful so far. I'm 34 weeks and my baby is still breech so we'll see what will happen but I'm definetely trusting my ability to give birth naturally, even if it's not something I've done before!

Hun, a friend just flipped her breech baby at 37 weeks using tips from it out!! :thumbup:

Thanks!I had read about spinning babies in here and it's full of good advice! I've tried the postures but i think the acupuncture session did the trick. We're not 100% sure but we think he has turned!!! Wohoo! Confirmation this friday with an ultra sound!
You know, before I was pregnant, I didn't realise that it was out of the ordinary in the Western world to NOT use any pain relief!?? So once I fell preggo and started learning a whole lot more about the process, I was quite shocked that "everyone" gets an epi...what the? I mean I expect it to hurt, but enough that every woman screams for a needle in their SPINE?? :dohh: Surely it's a bit of a stretch unless there's a medical reason?

I NEVER had any fears about birthing and labour, and even though I had heard about my horrific birth from my mum a million times, I just thought that was out of the ordinary! I am certain that mind set plays a huge role in birth and dealing with pain- if it was THAT bad that the ONLY way to get through it is with pain killing drugs/ a needle in your spine, then we wouldn't have over 7 BILLION people on this Earth, with MOST being in countries where women don't even have access to those drugs. OK that was a rant but yeh, I guess my point is, why all the drama surrounding it? Just get on with it, grit your teeth, and get through the few hours (or if your unlucky, days) of pain, and move onto the most important part: being a mum! It's really such a small blip in the time line of being Mum.

Anyway I'm pregnant with my first, I WILL NOT use any pain relief unless medically necessary, and when you think about, most women around the world don't! So if they can do it, why on Earth couldn't I?? I cannot think of a reason! I am no less strong or capable than them. :thumbup:

We CAN do this, there's absolutely NO reason you can't! :thumbup:
i did with my first labour, gas n air for a couple of hours but it made me sick.

this is also a good book a bit like the girls have been talking about, talks about letting your body take over. I would say try not to panic............i had couple of brief moments where I couldnt stand the pain (fell out of breathing exercises) and oh calmed me down.

You can do it x
I ended up being induced, but wasn't hooked to monitors (Taylor had already died though, so they only thing they could monitor was contractions) and was able to move around as I wanted. I had no pain meds until just a few minutes before delivery (and that was IV meds), but if I had known I was so close I could have easily gone with nothing. They told me they weren't even going to check me for 12 hours, so I thought I was in for the long haul, not about to deliver. ;)
I am already excited for labor!

Although I'm sure I will regret saying that once I am actually in labor....

But I too am going for a natural birth!
Not silly at all, GreyGirl. I had my first about four weeks ago, and used the birthing pool and some gas and air. Ihave wonderful memories from the birth. It was the most amazing experience of my life.

You can absolutely do it. The key is to stay relaxed and not tense up during contractions. Also, make sure that you are hydrated and have sufficient energy.
I think it's also important to go with the flow on the day, and accept things as they happen.
Also arm yourself with information so you know what choices matter to you. From my own conservations with other women who haven't had a great first birth experience, many of them realized looking back that they didn't get to have a natural birth because they didn't know enough about the techniques they could have used to help with the birthing processes to make things easier for them, nor did they know the effects that certain interventions would have on their bodies. If you know those things going in to it, you can state your wishes a lot better and feel more confident in the choices you are making. I think that's really key.

What sources do you recommend? I would like to go the natural route, but I'm not really sure what I should be doing to prepare myself. Thanks!
Also arm yourself with information so you know what choices matter to you. From my own conservations with other women who haven't had a great first birth experience, many of them realized looking back that they didn't get to have a natural birth because they didn't know enough about the techniques they could have used to help with the birthing processes to make things easier for them, nor did they know the effects that certain interventions would have on their bodies. If you know those things going in to it, you can state your wishes a lot better and feel more confident in the choices you are making. I think that's really key.

What sources do you recommend? I would like to go the natural route, but I'm not really sure what I should be doing to prepare myself. Thanks!

I would recommend Maggie Howell's book on effective birthing. It teaches you how your body will birth naturally if you allow it (eg don't add in all the additional pain relief medication) and it also teaches you how becoming frightened during the birth activates our natural 'fight or flight' system which can work against the labouring body, effectively trying to stop the labour as your body thinks you're not safe, which can then increase your pain. It's really easy to read and helpful. It then teaches you how to practice remaining calm and rehearsing your response to the birth processes
I'm pregnant with my first, and am planning a natural, drug-free home birth. It's what I feel most comfortable with at this moment in my life. I am excited and anxious for what it will be like. I still have a lot of preparation to do, I ordered two books on Amazon. I need to order a birthing technique book too. I want to be as prepared as possible.
My first birth went pretty well, had him at home. Didn't find I didn't know what to do or anything like that, was relaxing and we made it our own.
The midwives left everything up to me, they pretty much left me alone apart from when I needed support or reassurance, they are amazing.
It's very achievable, maybe try hypnobirthing? I regret not doing it. Ina May's book is brill, you should read it x
Thank you everyone for your continuing support and encouragement :) I'm now only 5ish weeks away from giving birth. Most days I'm fairly calm about it, and only occasionally feel worried, but I'm trying to think positive. I'm booked at the MLU and am still wanting my natural water birth, I think what I'm struggling most with is the idea I might not be able to do it that way for whatever reason and I'm actually more scared of the possible interventions that the labour itself. Fingers crossed I can achieve the birth I want :)

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