*Need a cycle buddy!!!!!cd18 all the way from sunny south africa!


Active Member
Nov 22, 2012
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hi all!
i am very very new to this ( computer thing, not ttc, that started over a year ago!)
i am 25yrs old married to an amazing man since august 2009, who has an 8 year old son from his first marriage.
i was diagnosed with pcos before we where married so we always knew getting pregnant was not going to be easy !
i went to my gynae in april 2012 to get this rolling as i had maybe had 2 periods in the last 2 years! he started me on 500mg glucophage bd for one month then to see him again! well i got my period end of may, it was a great feeling knowing my body was responding to meds!
in june i started clomid 50mg cd 2-6 but cd 21 blood tests revealed i did not ovulate so went to 100mg in july. cd 21 progesterone was 30!!!!so yay i ovulated but BFN! august came around and i continued with the clomid, cd21 progesterone was 34.6!success!

my cycles are 32-34 days long but i normally poas from day 30 which is what i did! and i got the faintest positive so had beta done and it was 91, i started spotting 2 days later and my beta had gone down to 46 and my first little bean was lost! i cried so hard, my heart shattered in a million pieces!

we where advised to give my body a break , i needed it emotionally too i think! and we have now started to try again, this will be my second to last attempt with clomid till we take the next step so hoping it works!!!
so i am currently cd18 and we have been BD since cd9 every alt day.

i would like someone to share my trials and tribulations with! i have 2 sisters who are also ttc and after my miscarriage we have told ppl we are taking a break to avoid that huge dissapointment again. i would love to be able to tell them at christams we are expecting!

hope to hear from some of you ladies soon !
wishing you all the best in your ttc journey!
ANYBODY??? even if you are not the same day as me, would really like some ladies to talk to about our ups and downs....
HI!!!! I am 26 and trying to concieve #3 (#1 for my DH)! My DH and I started TTC Jan 2011. We had known eachother from 8 years and had been together for 2 years. I knew before we ever started dating that he never planned on getting married. As a divorcee, I was completely fine with that. We tried for a year and did not get prego. It didn't bother me too much bc I have 2 children from my first marriage, so I just assumed it would eventually happen. My amazing OH purposed to me the beginning of 2012, so we put TTC on the back burner. I didn't go back on birth control, we were just careful. I married my soul mate on Aug. 4, 2012 :hugs: We started TTC again in June 2012 (bc I'd still be able to fit in me dress :haha:) So our "not trying, just being careful" only lasted 4-5 months. Well, we are now 5 months... almost 6 months in to TTC again, and still no BFP :nope: My hubby is getting his sperm count tested next week, but I don't think it's him. I've been having very irregular periods for the last few years and definite symptoms of PCOS: After I stopped my BC (NuvaRing) I gain 25-30 pounds in 4 months, low energy, severve breakouts on my face, hot flashes, mood swings, and my cycle is insane. It ranges from 14 days to 89 days!!! I've always had cysts on my ovaries (it runs in my family), but theyve never really bothered me. I think my BC (NuvaRing) tipped me over. I never had any trouble with any of these symptoms from the age of 16-23. During that time I was on the patch. And when I got off of it 2x to get pregnant, it was easy.(I'll be seeing a specialist in a couple months). Right now I'm in my 2ww (maybe-if I ovulated this month). What are you doing to TTC? NTNP used to work with me, but not anymore. Right now I am charting my cycle, symptoms, BBT, and CM. Also I just ordered my first OPK!!! I could use someone to talk to about the trials and tribulations. We just started telling everyone that we were taking a break from TTC too. It get tiring telling them "not this month" every month! Especially my MIL!!! lol Message me if you want, I've been looking for a friend as well! :hugs:
HI!!!! I am 26 and trying to concieve #3 (#1 for my DH)! My DH and I started TTC Jan 2011. We had known eachother from 8 years and had been together for 2 years. I knew before we ever started dating that he never planned on getting married. As a divorcee, I was completely fine with that. We tried for a year and did not get prego. It didn't bother me too much bc I have 2 children from my first marriage, so I just assumed it would eventually happen. My amazing OH purposed to me the beginning of 2012, so we put TTC on the back burner. I didn't go back on birth control, we were just careful. I married my soul mate on Aug. 4, 2012 :hugs: We started TTC again in June 2012 (bc I'd still be able to fit in me dress :haha:) So our "not trying, just being careful" only lasted 4-5 months. Well, we are now 5 months... almost 6 months in to TTC again, and still no BFP :nope: My hubby is getting his sperm count tested next week, but I don't think it's him. I've been having very irregular periods for the last few years and definite symptoms of PCOS: After I stopped my BC (NuvaRing) I gain 25-30 pounds in 4 months, low energy, severve breakouts on my face, hot flashes, mood swings, and my cycle is insane. It ranges from 14 days to 89 days!!! I've always had cysts on my ovaries (it runs in my family), but theyve never really bothered me. I think my BC (NuvaRing) tipped me over. I never had any trouble with any of these symptoms from the age of 16-23. During that time I was on the patch. And when I got off of it 2x to get pregnant, it was easy.(I'll be seeing a specialist in a couple months). Right now I'm in my 2ww (maybe-if I ovulated this month). What are you doing to TTC? NTNP used to work with me, but not anymore. Right now I am charting my cycle, symptoms, BBT, and CM. Also I just ordered my first OPK!!! I could use someone to talk to about the trials and tribulations. We just started telling everyone that we were taking a break from TTC too. It get tiring telling them "not this month" every month! Especially my MIL!!! lol Message me if you want, I've been looking for a friend as well! :hugs:

hi jamie sue!
thank you so much for getting in touch and telling me about your situation.
i dont chart my temps or use opks, i normally just get day21 prog levels checked to see if i ovulated or not. we normally bd every alt day from day 9-22 just to make sure all our basis are covered!and its still a whole lot of fun at the moment, hope we have a stickybean before the bding starts to feel routine!
i am currently cd23- very sore boobs and especially my nipples, have had about 3 dizzy spells, and as of today i have started to get hot flushes. ( im putting it down to my increased progesterone which peaks 7dpo which i think i am.
i REALLY hope this is our month!
my husband has been previously married and has a son who is 8. and i cant wait to give him a child , just like im sure your husband wants a child with you. its difficult knowing that another woman has been able to give him what i cant ( not yet anyway!)
i hope you get your answers soon! i was relieved to find out what the problem was and that it can be fixed!its the not knowing that kills me!
anyway, im off to bed, its 10pm in south africa, way passed my bed time!
Ok so this is the 3rd time I've tried posting a reply! Idk where they're going?!! lol I wish I didn't have to chart my temps, cm, or anything else. And breaking down and buying and OPK was pretty hard, but bc of the possible PCOS I feel like I have to. My hubby and I BDed everyother day for the first year we tried. It eventually became routine and a lot of work with us both working full time, me going to school, and us chasing after the kiddos! I'm currently cd20 with a naturally longer cycle, so we kinda match up. I always have severe PMS symptoms. They always feel like I'm preggers: nausia, sore boobs, tired, headaches.... It drives me crazy bc they're the same symptoms as pregnancy!!!
I understand the "not giving him what someone else could (YET!)" feeling. I have it, but backwards... I feel like I'm failing my DH not being able to give him the one thing he wants. The one thing I was able to give another man (who btw is kind of a deadbeat dad).
BTW it's always the "not knowing" that's the worse. I hate the 2ww and the waiting to Ovulate, and the waiting to try again! UGH!!!
Hopefully we'll both get BFP this month!!!!
YAY it worked!!! lol I hope to hear from you soon!!!
Hey !
It would be so much easier if preg symptoms where not almost identicle to pms !mine are the same except I have been getting more hot flushes and crying ! I'm a very soft hearted person , I cry for everything , happy, sad , mad u name it ! Can't help but feel excited for next year ! Hope its filled with babies for us, I think about it all the time , what it will be like , will I be good at it , what will the baby be like ? Day dreaming gets the better of me , esp when I'm driving !!!
CD25 today ... Soon we will find out if our little miracle is in its way... I do hope so!

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