Ugggh, feeling crappy I took my temp again this morning and really low--def haven't ovulated still...or maybe I just am not going to this month. I don't get it. I'm not pregnant, I've had two really strong surges of LH, CD 12 and CD 25, both with loads of ewcm, but then no temp rise? I don't know what to think. I guess I just have to wait on the witch at this point and think maybe this month was annovulatory? Why can't this be easier? Feeling really frustrated at my body right now. And just found out ANOTHER friend got preggo on her first attempt....seriously....
How can you have positive OPKs without ovulating? Could you be ovulating like, now? Temp's supposed to dip on ovulation.
Perhaps you should follow my example and not temp for a while? And do call your doc if what you want some peace of mind
Nothing much on my front. Just sending emails back and forth to the university- oh, the joy of it
I'm sorry Minnegirl. Having a weird cycle thrown into the mix this month surely doesn't help. Do you get any kind of O pains that help you decide if O happened? Try to keep the PMA and here's some for you.
Right. I think it's back on! I'm on cd2 (arrived at 00.10 on my birthday - glad we didn't try this month!)
Anyway, what do you think to this. I always had really painful AF, that's why I went on the pill so young. The last two AF have been like the old days. Awful in some ways, great in the sense - maybe - I'm back to full on OV?
How's everyone else doing?
i would be 22nd April 2011... oh how nice that would be!