CedarWood, all this sounds good to me
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you, babe
And yes, I know what you mean with the heat. It's really hot where I am too- although admittedly I do have the privilege of air conditioning. Make sure you drink a lot of liquids and have frequent showers, I suppose.
How's everybody else doing? I've been nauseous for five days in a row, all day every day, as if I'm in a moving car and trying to read and getting dizzy and stomach upset. I haven't been sick or anything, but it's enough to keep me indoors- a short walk and I feel out of breath. Yesterday it was sooo hot and sooo humid I thought I was going to faint right there on the street (low blood pressure and everything). That said, I exclude the heat factor as a possible source, as I've been coming here for the last 25 years of my life and never had this before
I also skipped my prenatal today in case it's causing it but nope, still feeling
I have a whole fan turned towards me right as we speak, and still I feel it. I did test this morning, as this is highly unusual for me, but got myself a nice
DH said it was too soon (I'm 9 or 10dpo). Still, I used a 10ml test... It did say it works for up to five days before AF's ETA, and I suppose if we count today, it was six, not five, yet a BFN is a BFN and don't want to get my hopes up in case I feel like an idiot afterwards
Oh, btw. It seems that the latest addition to my invincible sexuality is small burps all day throughout