Need advice.... child minder's dog bit my toddler


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2010
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Our child minder has 2 dogs of her own who have never been a problem and she occasionally watches her mother's two dogs (this has happened two or three times in the past year). My DS was recently with the child minder and when we arrived the two other dogs from her mother were there as well. As we were walking into the sitting room one of the other dogs ran up to my DS and 'nipped' him on his thigh through his pants.

It didn't break the skin and it wasn't immediately obvious that he had been bit, but he did say "ow!" and I picked him up and pulled his pants down and could see where he had been bitten. The child minder verbally scolded the dog and put him in a crate but otherwise blew it off as no big deal.

I called DH when I left because I was feeling kind of uncomfortable about the fact that my son had been bitten, and when I picked him up in the afternoon I asked the child minder how things had gone with the dogs and whether DS had been bitten again, and again she blew it off but said things went fine.

I trust her and my DS loves going there, and we've never had a problem before... but I'm wondering if I shouldn't have made a bigger point about how upset I was? Whether I need to ask her to specifically let us know in the future when her mother's dogs will be there and whether she'll take precautions when we arrive? I felt really bad for my DS as usually I would have carried him in but since we have a new baby I couldn't hold him as well, and I'm feeling like its my fault he got bitten :cry:

Just wondering what you would have done?
Oh gosh what an awful situation. I think if it were me I'd have to have a frank conversation with my childminder and say if her mothers dogs are going to be there again then I'd have to look for other childcare. I adore my childminder but if we were in your shoes I just wouldn't be able to trust a dog again who had already bit.

It'd have to be a deal breaker for me.
If it were my LO he wouldn't be going there again. Sorry you are in this situation :hugs:
If it was me I'd ask to be notified when the other dogs were going to be so that I could be prepared when I arrived. I'd also maybe ask that the dogs kept seperate when my child arrived.
For the odd occasion when they are at the childminders house it seems stupid to look for other arrangements.
And I'd just leave it at that. You need to consider if it was a bite or a nip too. My dog has nipped me many a time accidentally. It's hurt but she hasn't meant it. Sometimes she's got over excited playing. However if she walked up to me and bit down on me hard I'd have to look into why. A dog nipping is not the same as a dog biting IMO.
I would make it clear that I need to be alerted when the mother's dogs would be there. I would not take him there on those days. Total deal breaker for me, I wouldn't have him in a house with dogs in the first place, let alone take him back to where he was bit before. I respect anyone's right to have a dog, and my rights as a parent need to be respected too. Especially since she treated it like it was no big deal.

The way I see it, is if she's taking on the responsibility of taking care of children then they need to be her first priority. She may "think" she can handle taking care of stranger's children and dogs at the same time but it is obvious that it's not possible. Four dogs is a lot of work!! Total deal breaker for me.
I would have kicked off big time! Personally I wouldn't put my child with a childminder who not only has 2 dogs but then looks after another 2 dogs. Accident waiting to happen....luckily you're lo wasn't badly hurt.
The dogs shouldn't be in a nursery environment in my opinion at all and I wouldn't be sending my son there again.
I would be discussing it further with her for sure, make sure she knew exactly what my concerns are with the issue. And I wouldn't be taking the kids there on days that she is planning to have all 4 dogs. That seems like a lot going on with kids and that many dogs to be able to properly look after your kids the way she should be.
I also would be looking for an alternative unless the dogs are kept in their crates when lo is around (which is a bit unfair on the dogs I know)
I love dogs and we have a dog at home but I feel its totally unacceptable to have the dogs out when she is looking after young children. Even the friendliest of dogs I would have away out in the garden or another part of the house. Dogs don't always understand children's behaviour and children don't understand dogs behaviours so even if the dog was just being playful a child can misinterpret this and then develop fears.
From the last week or so a new law in the uk came into place now that states you must have your dogs under control even in your own home and it specifically states that if you have visitors coming through the door you should place the dog in another room or have the dog well trained so they do not go up to the visitor until they are invited to do so. So what she did was actually considered illegal now..i agree with other posters either you need to have strict words with her about what she does with the dogs while your LO is there or I would not be sending him there again.
I wouldn't risk it by going again! There must be some rules about being a childminder and having pets! Not on at all! X
I'm sorry but my children would not be going back. To be honest I would not leave them with a childminder who had dogs free in the house in the first place but that's my personal choice. What really concerns me though is her apparent lack of concern that it had happened!
Personally I think I'd be looking into changing child care, it just sounds far too risky. The fact that she was quite unconcerned and blasé about it as well would really anger and annoy me
I personally wouldn't mind if we had a childcare provider with dogs; my LO would actually probably love that as we have two dogs ourselves and they're her best buddies.

But seeing as there has obviously been an issue with this one dog in particular, I'd be making it clear that I didn't want my child around it. I'd ask for plenty of notice before the dog would be arriving so I could make alternate arrangements.

I also agree with the PP that her attitude is a bit concerning. If I were the caretaker in that situation I would definitely be taking the initiative to ensure the dog was nowhere near the child again and aware of how big of a deal that would be. A nip itself may not be a huge deal but when it's someone else's child and a dog that isn't even hers... there are too many variables there to be 100% sure it wouldn't escalate into something more serious at some point.

If you're still comfortable with her and want to continue taking your son there, then I would just be clear about the dog not being around your LO in the future. I don't think that's too much to ask.
I wouldn't actually leave my children with a childminder who had dogs loose in the house at the same time as the children in the first place.

It all sounds like far too much work and rather chaotic for the childminder and I'm not sure she could be giving the children the correct care.

I certainly would not be sending my child there again if the dogs are going to be loose in the house (that's all of the dogs, not just the one that bit).
If it were me I wouldn't have picked a childminder with pets, but I've had bad childhood experiences with dogs so I'm very cautious about those things. However I think most would agree that her watching another persons pets who aren't familiar with your LO is just too risky. Especially if the dog already has shown aggression towards your son. I wouldn't risk it again because it could be worse next time.
I wouldnt send my kids back either. Bad enough the dog bit LO but her reaction would suggest she wouldnt be as reliable to call you if it happened again or indeed bother to keep the extra 2 dogs away from LO. I would be way too worried/stressed the whole time if I did send my child back :( What a horrible situation to be in:hugs:
Is it a childminder or a babysitter? Because I know in the UK childminders have to pass rigorous testing regarding the areas they will be having children in.
I really don't think I'd be happy leaving my child in that situation

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