Need some buddies 1dpo, its a waiting game!

7 eggs! Ha! Wouldn't that just figure? You spend all this time trying to get preggers, you take one cycle of clomid and BAM! You're the next Octomom. :haha:
i hope so.... but i always panic after ovulation. i ovulated some time on monday... we had sex saturday afternoon, and monday evening. it makes me so anxious to talk about, ya know, 'cause what if that is not enough? we should ahve done sunday, but how can you know?! plus, everyone says e/o day is ok, plenty, and day-2 is actually great.... but i really do get quite upset over it in hindsight. oh well, ntohing to do now but wait.... how are you feeling? plus, i think they do IUIs the day of ovulation also, so we really should have our bases covered.... ugh, f-ing ttc!
I think that as long as OH has healthy :spermy: and you have a good healthy environment for them to live in, you should be fine. I hope this works for you so badly!

So, this morning, I took my temp and input it into my chart and it shows that I ovulated on 05/06/2013...which made me freak out b/c I took my trigger on the 3rd and my IUI was on the 4th. I should have ovulated around 10pm on the 4th. I called my FS first thing this morning and she told me not to temp when you're taking meds b/c they will completely throw your temping off. Which made me feel SO much better. I also asked about excersise and she said no bouncing (no running, crunches...that sort of thing) b/c your ovaries are still sensative b/c of the large follicle/s and you still risk hurting yourself. Thought that might be helpful for you too Mirolee. I know you're active and now that you're taking clomid (hopefully you only have to take it once :flower:) you have to be careful also.
yes, i had def thought of that, esp after the 24 hours (monday-tuesday) of feeling inflated - i even said to OH "i wouldnt go running today if i could" - i did do yoga on tuesday night, but most of the inlfation had gone down by then, plus it is slow and smooth, so it felt very nice. i am now 3dpo, still feeling some twinges onthe right side, but globally ok. also, if you check out my chart, i def have higher temps than my pre-ov normal on the days i took clomid (notice the 97.6 peaks?). i was going to take them out of the chart in case it didnt give me crosshairs, but it did. so yah, i totally agree with your FS about temping with meds = no-no.
it's also nice to see that maybe you ovulated around 10p on the 4th, same day as your IUI. i say this because if i ovulated on the monday evening and we had sex earlier that night, i feel more comfortalbe with our timing. that is because i am a worrier.
ok, rach, less than 2 weeks left in our wait!
i wonder how laus and mama are (hint hint)?????
hello! hope you both are doing well (mirolee and rach)

I expected a pos opk today since it is usally the day I get a pos but nope not yet....if i don't get it within the next 2 days, I am gonna freak out and think i am not going to at all this cycle. I'm starting to worryand probly for nothing. I have O before as late as cd18, but that is when i was i got a pos opk on cd16 with those cycles. I am cd14 today. I PRAY tomorrow or the next day i see a smiley. We are sticking to the E/O day rule/plan. I hope this works!! I have to O first!! :(
Hey gals sorry i have been mia, just this job is always tiring when first starting, did mva this week so all bruised and battered :(

Anyway, heather i really hope you get your pos opk soon huni. Its frustrating when our bodies play games with us. In the meantime just keep following your plan :thumbup:

Rach, mirolee, gosh all sounds really good for you ladies, keeping fingers and toes crossed mega tight for you both.

Nothing happening much here, i stopped the charting and opk's again this month but properly this time, even cancelled my acupuncture app. Just gonna concentrate on my job as really we need the money anyways to put into the new house. I apologies if i go mia again girls just that this job takes alot of easing into and takes alot out to begin with. Sending you all lots and lots of luck and love. x x x
Thanks Laura! Got my po opk yesterday at cd16.

And it is ok for you to mia...a new job is tiring and taks time getting used to until youget a routine going. I hope concentrating on the new job pushes all your stress and worry about ttc this cycle or for awhile and you magically get another bfp very soon and this time it sticks. Best of luck to you hun...miss you.

How are you guys Mirolee and Rach?
Laura, I hope you're enjoying your new job. I also hope, like Heather said, that you'll end up with a BFP girlie.

Whoohoo for a pos OPK yesterday Heather!!! Are you temping this cycle?

How's the TWW going Mirolee?

Okay, so, I told myself I wasn't going to symptom spot this cycle (HA!) as I'm sure this is all nothing, BUT there has been 2 things that have really stood out to me which are completely out of the ordinary for me. I have been SO tired the past couple of days (I'm 9DPO, btw), like exhausted! Yesterday, I could barely keep my eyes open all day. We had to leave my parent's house before 8 last night and I almost fell asleep at the wheel (we only live 5 minutes from my parent's house). This morning, I'm pooped...again, had a hard time keeping my eyes open on the way into work. The other thing that seems really odd is that the littlest things just make me unreasonably angry and annoyed. PMS never causes that for me. I know it's probably nothing, but one can hope, right?

I hope you all got through yesterday okay.
Sounds great Rach! OMG, i'm so excited for you to test! You have to be preggo!!
and i am kind of temping...i started temping a few days ago...only temping until i notice my thermal shift then I am going to stop. I should be O today sometime, hopefully and i notice my shift tomorrow morning.
Did you notice a temp shift yet Heather?

Okay, so I need your ladies opinion...I tested on Sunday, just because I couldn't hold out anymore and I rationalized it by telling myself that if there's a line, that's okay, I'll just know that if my next test is darker that I'm pregnant, or that if it goes away, I'll know that if later I get a line, it's real. Well, there was a line. I don't know how long it took for it to come up, but it was darker than the other lines I've seen w/my trigger, but it was still pretty faint. Then, the line started to get lighter. That night, the line was back and the same darkness as it was originally. Okay...weird...I tested again this morning, before the 7 minute mark (I'm not real sure when...I get too antsy to sit there and stare at it the whole time) I got a line DARKER than the one on Sunday, but it did the same thing. After the 10 minute mark, it started getting lighter and was almost gone by the time I left for work this morning (so about an hour 1/2 later). I'm going to check it tonight to see if it does the same thing, but I am so baffeled. I have litterally used this same type of test more times than I can count, and they've never done this, even when I get a much fainter line from my trigger than what I've gotten this time. It's not an evap, b/c there's definetly color to it. I want to get excited, but I just don't know what to think. Any opions would be greatly appreciated girls. :)
rach, i'm so sorry i cant help, since i dont have much experience with tests..... but i am SO excited for you (inside). i CANNOT wait for you to test again - would you post it? how many dpo are you? did you trigger?
I'm going to see what the test looks like tonight and I might try to post a pic. Just some extra info, the tests were from two different stores, two different cases, the first was from a box of two and the one from today was from a box of three. I did a little research and they said if the line disapears and stays gone, it's a negative, but my lines come back, the same darkness and pink. I'm going to dig a little more and see what else I can come up with.
sounds great rach! maybe this is it!! please post a pic and i cannot wait for you test again in a few days! When is your hcg trigger usually out of your system? Aren't you like 11dpo now or something? Very excited for you!

Didn't notice a temp shift :( I am so freakin bummed! I've never noticed an anovulatory cycle before and no thermal shift.
Keep temping Heather, hopefully you'll see the shift tomorrow. :hugs:

I was going to try to upload a pic for you guys, but once I transfered it to the computer, I can't see any lines. On my phone (where I took the pics) I can see them clear as day. :dohh: Hopefully they'll continue to get dark and there will be no mistaking it no matter how shoddy the pic.
Got my shift!! Went up .35 degrees! Woohoo! :wohoo: I feel better. So glad i did opks, or we would've probly had no chance, cuz i expected to O on cd16. 1dpo for me!!! Hope you other gals are well.
Rach!! I'm so excited for the possibility for you! I did the same thing-- tested before the trigger was "really" out of my system. The line was pretty light so I told myself it was just the trigger. The next day's was exactly the same intensity, so I was confused. Of course, you know how it turned out!

I'd say if the next day's was the same, there is a really good chance this could be BFP for you! That trigger has like a 24-hour half life so the line should really get lighter each day.

As for the darker, then lighter, then darker... They say a line is a line! As long as it's there during the 10-minute window, it's probably a positive.

Can't wait to see pics!!!!!

seriously, rach, when are you testing again!?!??!?!!

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