Never thought i would be in here!


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2007
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Well i am both breast and bottle feeding but never thought i would be able to say i could breast feed!

I tried with my first but my nipples were so flat after my boobs grew so much there was nothing to grab onto and Joshua was a super hungry baby! So this time i said i would give it a go but i held out very little hope :(

I tried straight after she was born and she latched on momentarily but could not breath at the same time again as there was nothing to grab on to so i asked midwife if it would be a total battle to try and get it etablished and she said yes it would be very difficult and considering her size would be very frustrating so we decided on the bottle. We bottle fed in hospital but as my boobs filled i found it emensly painful and the only thing i could think of was to try her again to relieve some pressure, as she had latched on in hospital. I thought if i could get in a position where she can breathe i can try anyway... so i tried the lying down one and it worked!! she was awsome and latched on she couldn't get much, and i had to top her up with a bottle but every day it is getting easier.

I now breast feed at night and bottles during the day. It is getting easier as the nipple is getting pulled out basically and she can get more more easily each time, Is there anything nyone can suggest to pull the nipple out more permanently (with as lil pain as poss please) as soon as she has finished they go totally stretched tight again and it does take a while to get it out enough to stimulate her sucking reflex. I baught a pump and use that to draw it out a lil before i latch her on but if it doesn't happen quick enough Miss Nipple gets shy again.

Also i would just like to add i am so glad i tried it again. I was so scared it would feel wierd and i would hate it but i am so excited to try every night and i am totally shocked when i succeed! and super proud! It can hurt but only to begin with :D

Christ i am rambling!!

Congratulations and I am happy that you are having success with breastfeeding. It is a special process between mom and baby :)

When you give bottles in the day, are you giving formula or breastmilk?
Im giving formula. I can't get enough to keep up with demand just yet she eats ALOT! It is getting easier every day as more seems to be coming and i have scar tissue from piercings that is slowing it down a lil but again it is geting easier everyday. but to be honest i would like to have her on both :)
Thank you.

With this being my third, I want to try and have it so that I am not tied down to breastfeeding all day long. With my first, I didn't have enough extra milk to express whereas initially with my second I may have.

I want to breastfeed but also bottle feed so that hubby can take some responsibility off of me. It's also would be nice as the baby would be used to the bottle and it wouldn't be as difficult trying to wean him/her off the breast.
thats great news keep up the great work enjoy every mintute xxxx
Thats great news, most people give it up too soon. I breast fed Lucy just over 12 months, and donated the rest of the milk to the local milk bank at the hospital.
Keep it going, its worth it.
That is wonderful news. I am soo looking forward to breastfeeding. My nipples now look like a baby bottle nipple. I jokingly told my best friend if they get any longer, I will be able to feed my LO from across the room!!
hun u aint alone about the pain starting off nipples definately aint shy and i can promise u it hurt me at times too...especially when i suffered with two bouts of blocked milk ducts and had to take antibiotics...but i decided to carry on and i breastfed mine until he was 2 1/2 yrs...then that did begin to hurt...but i wouldnt change a thing and the babbys luv it...makes mam and baby as 1 for a short while...

good luck to you...hope you get to do it for as long as ur comfortable....
Congratulations on being able to breastfeed! Obviously with this one being my first I can't help you out but have you tried your local breastfeeding group? Do you know if there's a La Leche League near you?
Congrats hun!!! I know the feeling. My left nipple is inverted so sometimes it's quite painful as my lil one latches on. Hang in there, you're doing sooo well!!
hmmm, I never tried myself, but can you get them out by squeezing them with your fingers the way you would do it, when hand expressing?
I can't :( I have found if i use the pump for a couple of squeezes and then latch her on she stays on alot longer!! Again it is getting alot easier :D
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that was awsome!! The breast pump seems to work best for me at the moment but nipple won't stay out. looks like from that i have inverted nipples :S but breast pump is working and with babies super hungry sucking reflex it is starting to work consistantly. :D thank you for that though was super helpful!

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