*NEW* April Mummys Group *2009* :)

I forgot to ring today. but will tomo! im worried incase they think im just being a pain :|
Nah I havent had a period and had no pains or anything and no pregnancy symptoms and every ovulation stick I try says negative! I have a feeling I may need assistance for number 2, coz I just dont seem to be able to ovulate and I think its more to do with the op I had while preg with Layny than bfing. They did say one of my tubes was very badly scarred with the ectopic which could in theiry half my chances of concieving xxx
still leaves a good chance though dana :thumbup:

hannah dont be daft RING THEM!! :grr:
ooooooh i love it when theres loads of pages to catch up on here!!

:dust: mellly :kiss:

i hate being back at work now :cry: i hate leaving alex but i had a year and three weeks off so cant complain really

lets hope i have a may :bfp: just in time for the baby show!!!
Oh my gosh lots and lots of pages!!!

HUGE CONGRATS Lyndsey!!! How exciting :happydance::happydance::happydance:

I'm sending lots of baby dust to all of you that are TTC!

I won't be hopping on the band wagon just yet, I'm going to enjoy being slim-ish and the wedding!! (16 weeks and 3 days!! .. Oh yes I am that sad!)

Dana - Poor Alayna!! Amelia is exactly the same with her lower back teeth & she has a throat infection, that the f*cking doctor wasn't going to give me anything for. I'm spending my days being covered in sick, but he couldn't give me a reason as to why she is being sick. Good doctor. :growlmad::growlmad:

And good for you giving her a sausage roll haha, I've started on a complete health kick and took Amelia along with me but Dan still sneaks her fish fingers and waffles when I'm at work :rofl:

I'm very jealous of all the walking toddlers (I still want to call them babies!!) Amelia has taken a few steps but she is too chicken haha!

We have spent today snuggled on the sofa watching in the night garden & Friends (So I don't go insane!!) It has been lovely because Amelia is never one to snuggle, far far too independent but I hate her being so poorly! :cry:

I hope you are all okay!

And I shall try to post more :kiss:

Hey folkes,

It is lovely to see this thread chugging along again.

Olivia is a real diva, lol she certainly holds her own against the other two BUT she also has huge paddy's over not getting her own way! We're off to get her walking shoes tomor she has cruisers but they're too small, and now she's walking everywhere! Even running so I shall go get some reigns for her.

As well as getting Georgina registered, we're thinking Georgina Rachel Grace but I feel a bit funny about using my own name, but all my babies have two middle names and we've not got another family name that goes with Georgina.

Plus it's at the register office so we may even book our wedding, lol give us something to work towards!

Good Luck Melllllly hope this is it for you! And Han you must book doc app, really hope your preggers though!

Jackie yeah it's a bit manic lol but we're getting there! I think, it's been really hard to adjust this time round though! So tired.

I reckon I got an infection in my uterus too, I shall see how things go, but the bleeding almost stopped which I thought was too early, and then today something fell out and made a huge plop in the toilet (I felt it pass too so think it must have been bigg ish.) but when I looked in the pan, it was just red with blood, it's not bleeding mega heavy now though so I shall see how goes tomorrow.

Huge hugs to april mums and bubs!
Ava has my middle name :) so its not weird... that name is beautiful! I WANT A PICTURE!
OMG lol ANd how can I forget Jennie LOL sorry hun, I purposely popped along to see how emily got on!

Wonderful she got on well, and as for your Mum saying your wishing her time away if she sleeps better than in the cot whats the problem! Yournot rushing her to grow up just making sure she's more comfortable and if anything like my other two they got to one and hated the cot. Good Luck hope it carries on going well!
OH gosh yeah a picture I have a few on my phone now, just gotta find the lead to transfer them over!
Uhm, Dana your placenta comes away when you give birth lol, so it's a million % not that your hearing!

:hi: everyone! Lots of pages so i forgot everything !
been waiting for a picture rach lol

and i love her name :cloud9:

my brothers got my dads name as his middle name
it's not that uncommon to use your own name plus it
sounds lovely so i say DO IT!!


she slept for AGES earlier so an early nights off
the cards :dohh: but she's ill so ill let her off!
poor thing gets horrible conjuntivitious and colds
when she's teething :( gonna ring the doc tomorrow
i think and see if they can give me something stronger
for her eye as it's not getting alot better and she's
itching like mad :(

LOL Dana, Im sure you are blond sometimes!!!! (jokes)

Well still No AF for me!!!

Well i was ready back Lyns and when I fell preggers with Sophie I was anywhere between 26 - 28 days.

My cycles so far:
January - 28days
February - 31 days
March - 28 days
April - who knows.....

But I worked out that if I am having a 31 day cycle then I would only be roughly 13dpo!
Therefore still may be too early to test!!

I have 1 digi left and I am saving it for Friday when I would have either come on, or I will be 17dpo, or 15dpo!?

Grr this TTC drives me nuts

I cant wait to see a piccy of Georgina!!! Bless her, bet she is a cutie pie!!

Oh yea Lynds!! Have you had a scan!? I want to brood even more over the piccies lol!!

I cant remember what else was said :dohh:
LMAO I am terribly thick, ask Hannah :haha:
She knows my ways :haha: One runway short of an airport:shrug:


Aw Jen I am so proud of Emily in her big girl bed:cloud9: I bet she looks precious in it.

Melly there is still hope. I am so glad your cycles are somewhat regular. I am seeing my GP on 21st about intervention as she seems to think from my internal 2 weeks ago that I might need assistance to find out what is stopping me concieving as she knows how much I want it, and how I want to know where I stand.

There is hope!:thumbup:

Melly I have like 200 ovulation sticks and around 50 pregnancy tests so let me know if u need any!
I dont know honey! I only have internals every month coz of Alaynas birth and because of my low estrogen levels xxx
Good luck for today Hanny!

I hope you either have a BFP or your doctors will be useful and see if anything is the matter! Big hugs :hugs:

Rach - I love her name!! And I think it is lovely giving her your name as one of her middle names! Can't wait to see some piccies!! :cloud9:

Melly - I hope you get a nice BFP too! :dust::dust:

Hope you are all okay!

I am off work again today, looking after my very poorly Amelia Moo!
Took her to see a different doctor today who told me she has severe tonsillitis and a bad stomach bug. She has been throwing up all night long and now she is fast asleep next to me on the sofa!

I hate her being poorly :cry:

What is everyone up to today??

I am making hairbands, thinking of Mimi and looking after a teething girl! She is SO grouchy! She wouldnt wear the sleeves of her top this morning so I let her go around with it over her shoulders haha. Then she got cold and came to me and I said 'Thats why we have sleeves Alayna.' haha.

I am also trying to ebay stuff at the moment and my net connection is sooooooooooo slow!
I will let you know Dana hun!!

Still no AF!!!
Mega sore boobies though

I hope Amelia is better soon ashy!

Im not sure what they will do hanny, if you suspect PG I doubt they will do an internal though!! I hope you have some answers soon!

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