**New & Crazy** friendly group thread ((5 BFPs))

Elliot -- I heard the same thing about MSG. But, they can cook your Chinese without it, if you ask. Just tell them you are allergic or something -- That's what I do :) I do this because I get headaches from it. Liz, any updates?? Let us know -- We're waiting!!
Elliot -- I heard the same thing about MSG. But, they can cook your Chinese without it, if you ask. Just tell them you are allergic or something -- That's what I do :) I do this because I get headaches from it. Liz, any updates?? Let us know -- We're waiting!!

Morning TL! How are you today?

When you say you heard the same thing... do you mean you heard MSG should be avoided? Or that you should only avoid it if it gives you a reaction?
That you should avoid it -- The chemicals are bad for the fetus!! I would try to stay away from it if I were you!! Better to be safe. I'm all right -- Have another annoying training for work today, but I'll be back on later... How are you feeling??
Sorry to hear about your boring training, TL... hope is flies by! I know you'll be itching to get back her to check on our Liz!

I'm feeling really good. Thanks so much for asking. Pretty much feel like I waited and wished and tried for this for long enough that even if I was puking my guts out I'd be happy as a clam! None of that yet for me though, so I'm feeling pretty lucky!

My favorite chinese place leaves out the MSG on request too, so no real problem there. But that does make me wonder about all the ohter foods in the grocery store with MSG (or MSG under other names... like yeast extract, I've heard). It's even in lots of soups and breads and chicken stock and stuff!
Morning ladies!

Alright so here's the scoop. I'm still BFN. Still no AF. Although now I'm not feeling so positive that it's going to be this cycle. My temp went down a little more today (from yesterday's drop) so I know that doesn't necessarily mean anything.. but I feel like my UW is super thick now at DAY 40 OF THIS FREAKING CYCLE and it's probably itching to thin down and give me AF!

I did to HPT this morning... :dohh: haha both negative!

Elliot, I heard that the HP was really good. My friend went to see it at midnight.
Oh man, Liz! I'm sorry to hear still BFN. And still no AF either?!? :hugs: What's her deal this cycle? Nasty witch! Was your cycle this long before you were on BC, or do you think it's a BC thing?

When you say you feel like UW is super thick do you mean you can actually feelit? Or just that you're thinking it's super thick? I've never been able to "feel" mine so I'm just curious.

And glad to hear the HP was good. I'm so excited! A bit cerfuffled though, trying to figure how I'm going to not eat Chinese food at a Chinese restaurent without raising any suspicions. :shrug:

On a completely different note, and hopefully a jolly one... I'm curious about everybody's weddings. How long ago did people get married? Or is marriage not a priority? Any fun wedding/dating tales? Tell me to get stuffed if you'd rather not share... just thought it might be fun and light to chatter over. :winkwink:
No, I'm just being a mental case and saying I can "feel" my UW hahahaha I can't actually.. Just wondering what the heck is going on! I said that to DH yesterday and he was grossed out about the mental image he gave himself of my UW :haha:

So ya, my cycle has NEVER been this ridiculous since I came off BC. I've had about 34-36 day cycles since June but this is nuts. Hasn't been like this since I was in HS!

Elliot, about the Chinese food, say you had some bad Chinese last night so was wondering if you guys could switch restaurants.. I know my friends would! :)

I actually came into work this morning and went to the bathroom again (even though I didn't have to go) just to "check". Nothing. :shrug: I almost want it to come now to get a straight answer! I think it's really not fair that AF has run off to Mexico and is bathing on the beach with some handsome local while I sit here twiddling my thumbs! :hissy:
No, I'm just being a mental case and saying I can "feel" my UW hahahaha I can't actually.. Just wondering what the heck is going on! I said that to DH yesterday and he was grossed out about the mental image he gave himself of my UW

Never a mental case! Just a 2WW lady very in tune with her bod! :winkwink:
sorry girls, I hit post early, so if my last message was just a 2 line response on your screen, refresh the page :)
So ya, my cycle has NEVER been this ridiculous since I came of BC. I've had about 34-36 day cycles since June but this is nuts. Hasn't been like this since I was in HS!

I actually came into work this morning and went to the bathroom again (even though I didn't have to go) just to "check". Nothing. :shrug: I almost want it to come now to get a straight answer! I think it's really not fair that AF has run off to Mexico and is bathing on the beach with some handsome local while I sit here twiddling my thumbs! :hissy:

Where does AF get off anyway!? She's being terribly selfish by keeping you waiting so long while she's living it up at resort! Ha ha! Love the image of AF on a beach flirting with a local! You kill me, Liz! :rofl:
Oh, about the wedding stories.

I'm from Canada. 5 yrs ago, my cousin was looking for a roommate so he went on craigslist and moved in with a guy. That guy is now my DH :)

My cousin & DH were living together 1-2 months before I came to visit for a week over spring break.. My cousin actually told me before I visited that I'd like his roommate. He actually knows me really well... Like the sibling I never had.

I met his roommate (now DH) who had a gf at the time. He seemed nice but I wasn't very interested in a relationship as I had just broke up with my bf of 3 yrs the month prior. I returned to Canada then... and life continued as normal... I started staying in touch with my cousin's roommate and about 3 months later, went to visit again over the summer..
then again, and again and again.. And soon we started visiting each other every 4-6 weeks for 2 years :) By this time, I'd met his family & friends, he'd met mine, and then he proposed over V-day after 2 yrs of dating.
I moved to the US about 7-8 months later... and we got married the following year :)

Been married 2 yrs :)
Elliot Dont know much about MSG but one of my friends is pregnant and she avoids it. May be due to the high sodium/salt content and not to speak of the chemicals. I think its better you avoid it too hun coz I bet after reading all these stuff from us, you are going to be fastidious while eating Chinese.

Liz Dont know what the witch is up to. I know these things are so frustrating. I still have that lil bit of hope left until the witch shows. FXed. Can I ask a stupid question? What is UW?:haha:

Have been married for the last 2and a half years and TTC for 3cycles.Sigh:coffee: Dont know when will I be able to hold a lil one in my arms:cry:
Love your story of how you and DH met, Liz!.... so you dated long distance for 2 whole years?! That must have been tough! And he proposed on V-day? What a romantic! Did you guys have a big wedding, or little? Where?

DH and I met our Junior year in high school. So crazy spending all those years growing up with the same person! Feel so lucky that we've managed to grow together and both feel like we help eachother be our "better" selves. [SAPPY ALERT---oops, too late!]

We got married when we'd been together for nine years. We were both 25. We had it all planned out and completely secret. We'd been engaged for a year or two. On a Friday he picked me up after work with the car packed and we drove down to York beach where we got married in a quiet little seaside spot with a complete stranger passerby as our witness. Was so fun and exciting!

Afterward we took a bunch of pictures, then drove west. We were headed for Detriot for a concert a day or two later. We drove until almost midnight, then tried to get a hotel for our "wedding night" somewhere near Syracuse, NY. Go figure... it was parents' weekend at all the local colleges and there was not a single room available! Not ONE! A desk guy even called around to all the other hotels to check for us.

So we drove a few more miles up the road and slept in the car at a rest stop o the NY Thruway. DH loves to tell how we woke up the morning after our wedding because a maintenance guy was dumping a trash can by the hood of our car. :haha:

Then drove on Niagara Falls and Detriot. Lots of fun along the way. Called our parents from hotel near Detriot to spread to news. Came home to find my mum's family had broken into our house to decorate it all up with streamers and wedding confetti and stuff. So sweet of them!

It's been 6 years. He's my best friend in the world. Feel so lucky every day.
Have been married for the last 2and a half years and TTC for 3cycles.Sigh:coffee: Dont know when will I be able to hold a lil one in my arms:cry:

3 cycles, Anne? Well you're prime for a BFP in the next 3 then according to the stats Liz posted on the other thread! Since something like 95% of couples can eventually get PG naturally, there's got to be a little one out there just waiting for you. Some of us just have to be more patient than others. Not fair, and it sucks, and I'm so sorry it's so hard hun. But I just know you'll be twice as delighted to hold you LO after all this time wishing and waiting! :hugs:
More encouraging stats:

When can I expect a positive HPT if I am pregnant?

Statistical Data on Pregnancy Test Timing

Testing for pregnancy when trying to conceive is a sensitive issue. The emotional toll of repeated negative results is hard to imagine for those who have not experienced it. At the same time, waiting throughout the luteal phase to know the outcome of your cycle can be agony. For these reasons, knowing when to expect reliable results is extremely important, both to preserve your emotional state and to save money by not testing too early.

A related issue concerns the likelihood of getting "false" negative results which stem from testing too early. To try to shed some light on these questions we calculated some statistics on the most recently completed charts at Fertility Friend. We are presenting our findings and a discussion of the results below.

We considered a batch of the most recent charts analyzed on the FertilityFriend.com web site. We considered 93,184 recent charts for which the woman's averages from past cycles were available (most notably the average luteal phase length). For each chart considered we took note of the ovulation day, the first positive pregnancy test, the first negative pregnancy test and the average luteal phase length. From the ovulation day and the average luteal phase length we were able to calculate the day of the expected menstrual period. This latter parameter is extremely important to understand the results.

Average Day Past Ovulation (DPO) for the first positive pregnancy test: 13.6 DPO
Average DPO for the first "false" negative test result: 10.3 DPO
Percentage of pregnancy charts with a positive test at 10 DPO: 10%
Percentage of pregnancy charts which show negative results before a positive result: 17%
Average time between the expected period and the first positive pregnancy test: 0.5 days before the expected period.
Percentage of negative test results taken three days or more before the expected period day on non pregnant charts: 40.7%
The graphs below represent the distribution of positive tests with respect to the day of the expected period, where 0 represents the day of the expected period:



Our data do not indicate the type of pregnancy test used (sensitivity is indeed an important parameter although most people tend to use the most sensitive tests) and a very small number of the results recorded as positive pregnancy tests may be actually the results of blood tests. Nonetheless, the results of our findings lead to very interesting conclusions.

As one could have expected, testing too early greatly increases your chances of a "false" negative. The average DPO at which people start testing (around 10 DPO) is probably related to some very optimistic advice and the strong desire to learn of positive results early. It is true that pregnancy tests can turn positive early (blood tests especially), however, it is rare with HPTs and is not something that should be relied upon within the emotional context of the trying to conceive journey. Further, we suspect that the frequency of early "false" negatives is actually higher than the 17% reported as many negative results go unreported.

The most interesting result is the nearly perfect match between the average first positive test result day and the day of the expected period. The average day to get a positive test is at 13.6 DPO and the average luteal phase length is 14 days (verified on our sample as well). This result can also be the consequence of the instructions given for testing, however, the distribution shows clearly that the maximum probability is almost exactly on the day the period is expected.

One remarkable figure in these statistics is the percentage of negative test results taken before the expected period day on non pregnant charts. This figure represents the proportion of women who tested too early and were not pregnant. In other words, this is the proportion of tests which may have been avoided. The number is high but probably underestimated still as we could expect very early negative tests to stay unreported because of the negative connotation of the test.

In conclusion, we certainly cannot stress enough the need to wait for a reasonable test date before spending your emotional (and financial) capital on early tests and lab procedures. This is certainly easier said than done. As with most sensitive emotional decisions, it is really up to you to decide what you can withstand. It is really a matter of weighing your desire to know early versus the disappointment, anxiety, and ambiguity that can be associated with seeing negative, or potentially "false" negative results. Keeping in mind that even cycles with perfectly timed intercourse often do not result in pregnancy, it is certainly something where understanding of the situation plays a great role. The Fertility Friend charting system proposes you a test date in full agreement with the results described above. We recommend as much as possible to actually wait until the test date.
That's a beautiful wedding story, Elliot!! So intimate & precious!

We actually got married twice :flower: Once by the state for legal immigration reasons governed by USCIS where I wore a Rolling Stones t-shirt & a pair of ripped jeans :haha: which I'm so proud for doing! This was about 2 months after I moved to the US (so we were only living together those 2 months and wanted to "be sure"). The USCIS only gives you 3 months to make it "legit" when you come in on a fiancé visa, ladies! No family at that ceremony. We just woke up one day, and decided that that day was when we'd make it official for the state (since we knew we'd have to do it at some point during those 3 months)

And then we had our church about 8 months later with family and friends. About 140 people at that extravaganza!

Here are some pics.. Posting more.
I made the church programs (see pic)


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More pics :flower:


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