New here


Oct 28, 2011
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Hi all-
I just wanted to introduce myself, I've been lurking for about a week and realized how much it has helped me. Well here goes, I am currently 27yo and my DH is 28yo been married for 6 years, I married my high school sweetheart so we actually have been together for a total of 13 years. In 2003 I found out that I was pg, my DH and I were so excited and were surprised because we weren't even trying. Had a great pregnancy, never sick, nothing to complain about. My dd was feb. 19 but on the morning of the 9th I started having contractions. My DH took me the hospitol, they hooked me up to all monitors and thats when i got the heart breaking news. NO HEART BEAT. I gave birth at 38 weeks to my beatifully perfect sleeping son. We were devastated and heart broken. My DH and I decided to not ttc until we were both ready. It took 4 years before we decided to ttc again. We had no problems and gave birth to my son born screaming on 8-25-08. So happliy enjoying raising our son we decided to ttc one more time. Got BFP right away. On Sept 9 2011 my DH and I went in for are ultrasound at 19 weeks, to hear the bad news that there was no heart beat. I could not believe that this could happen again. Thought that after my son born still in 2004 that my bad luck had changed. I was sent home for the weekend and was to return the following Monday for a D&C. We found out that it was a girl and there was no known problems all test came back good, no answers. My Dh and I have decided to ttc after we get back from vacation (Nov 26 - Dec 3).
Sorry I went on so long. Hoping to get to know all of you ladies.

:flower: Hi Sweetheart!

I'm so glad you have been hanging around and reading, I know it helps, even just reading everyone elses words, feeling and thoughts... These are the closest to your very own ... :hugs: Just jump in and post away, now that really helps! :thumbup:

I am terribly sorry this has happened to you twice! Wow... You are incredibly strong, good momma :winkwink:

Well, welcome to this section... You will meet some amazing women here ... I know, they are been my sanity check for the last 7 months... :flower:

I (we) will always be here for you... :hugs::hugs:

I am so sorry you had this happen not once but twice :cry: This is a great support group here and all the women are so wonderful at pulling you up when you fall... trust me! I have fallen a few times and expect a few more as my due date is next friday :cry: I lost my sweet Hadlee on May 26 at almost 17 weeks (16w6d). So anytime you feel you need a pick me up, always know we will be here waiting :flower:
Thank you both, it really truly means alot because you guys actually know how I am feeling.
Hi...I'm so sorry to hear this has happened to you twice, it's so unfair.

I'm really glad you have found us here, and that it has been helping so far reading everyone's stories. I'm happy you felt up to introducing yourself and telling us about your angel son and daughter.

We are here for you, whatever you need.

I am sorry for both of your Losses and Thanks for sharing your is a Horrible Feeling I know :cry: GoodLuck on TTC after vacation

Hi and welcome, it's a shame you are here with those circumstances and I am so sorry for both your losses. I am scared with this pregnancy of it hapenning again :cry::cry: so I know how you feel hun. There's not much anybody can say to make it feel any easier, you are very brave for what you have been through and sharing your story xx
I am so very sorry for your losses :cry::cry:
We are all here for you any time . It helps so much to be able to tlak to people who know just what you are feeling.
XOXOXO :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
I'm so sorry, that's awful that you lost two little angels. Thank you for sharing their story with us and I hope we can help you through this hellish journey together. The ladies here have been a light in my life these last few months, they really have kept me sane. I hate having to welcome anyone new as it means another tragic loss, but welcome. Say whatever you are feeling here, there will always be at least someone who gets it, whatever stage you're at. GL TTC as well, I hope you find a little peace on your vacation xxx
I am very sorry to about the loss of your 2 angels. It is really heartbreaking. :cry: LIke you I lurked for a long time after my loss but I was scared to post. Thank God I did as everyone here is brilliant. We are all here for you. :hugs:
I can really only echo what everyone else has said already - I am truly so sorry for your losses. Its absolutely heartbreaking when someone new posts in here - but at the same time I am thankful that you managed to find us and felt able to reach out. The ladies here may not have been in the exact same situation as you because every loss is different, but we have all experienced loss and the devastation that comes with it and we are all here for each other no matter the time of day :hugs: Like Kiki says - I have fallen many times in the 3 months since losing my daughter but each time I know there is a great support group waiting to pick me right back up again.

I am glad you are thinking of TTC again - you deserve a gorgeous rainbow :hugs: When you feel ready I hope you will join us in the TTC thread here :hugs:
I'm so sorry to read about your losses, it's so unfair that anyone has to go through this pain once never mind twice.

I hope you find as much comfort and support from the ladies here that I have over the past few months.

Fly high little angels x
Thank you all for your kind words. I no it's weird to say but I feel comforted when reading many of your guys post because I no I am not the only one feeling that way or in a certain mood. Anyways cant wait to be in the TTC with some of you ladies in a December. Goodluck to all!

So sorry for your losses - how terrible to have been through this nightmare twice. :cry:

Hugs :hugs:
Thank you all for your kind words. I no it's weird to say but I feel comforted when reading many of your guys post because I no I am not the only one feeling that way or in a certain mood. Anyways cant wait to be in the TTC with some of you ladies in a December. Goodluck to all!


I´m sorry to hear your news.

We´ve all been through similar situ´s here. I also feel incredibly comforted by all of the users on this site. It doesn´t make you feel better, just kind of nice (in a wierd way) to know that it´s not just you.

Hopefully joining you TTC in December. :kiss::kiss::hugs::hugs:
Wow. It is so devastating to have this happen once, but twice, I cannot imagine. I am so, so sorry. I hope you get your BFP soon. Lots of hugs!

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