New photo of Madeline McCann issued

Yes but you can keep 'looking' like reminding people, searching, campaigning and so on as that won't actually lead to them being inspected by the law as such but actually requesting the case be re-opened by the police would be a dangerous step for a guilty person as they too will be closely looked at again when re-examining evidence, surely??

Yeah I would of said the same, if they are guilty then they'd keep pretending to look for her, but they wouldn't push for it so hard surely if it meant they'd get investigated and found out if they had done something, it just wouldn't make sense to me xx
I agree there are some discrepencies but what I don't understand is if they had done it then why would they continue to fight for the case to be re-opened, I know it would look funny if they just seemed to accept the fact that she would never be found, but surely they wouldn't want the police looking into it again if they had anything to do with it? xx

The thing is that they don't actually have to 'fight' to have the case re-opened at all ... the law in Portugal is such that if they (as Madeleine's parents) were to write to the Portuguese General Attorney and simply request that the case be re-opened (while agreeing to take part in a reconstruction) then it would be :shrug:

Instead they seem to want it to look like they want it re-opened ... but on their terms. ie they don't want themselves or their friends looked at.

In fact they were never 'exonerated' by the Portuguese authorities, despite what the UK papers claim ... the closing of the case was because there was insufficient evidence to ascertain exactly what did happen to Madeleine and the final summing up even stated that the McCanns had missed an opportunity to clear themselves by refusing to take part in a reconstruction and not co-operating fully with the investigation.
I know a lot of people will disagree with me on my views. Off course I pray that the child is still alive but if she is I hope her parents never get her back - what kind of parent leaves their child alone whilst they go off to dinner with friends.

Had the been a unemployed bum in a tower block in a bad area of london who'd gone to a party on anothe floor of the block of flats, that would Be neglect/abuse etc and they would have been in serious trouble. But because the McCann's are doctors and it was a holiday appartment in a nice holiday resort they got people's pity.

I hope she was taken by someone desperate to have a child who is providing her with a stable home and loving her well.
I agree with you,if she is ever found she should be placed with a new that don't think leaving a child unattended is the done thing.xx
I think the whole thing stinks, so so much of it doesn't add up. This is an interesting take on the situation from another forum that I frequent - apologies it's long but worth a read

The apartment had two doors - a front door on the aspect furthest away from the Tapas restaurant, completely out of sight, and which locked with a key, and a sliding patio door leading to the balcony which overlooked the swimming pool and the tapas restaurant some 70 yards away. The patio door could only be locked from the inside.

The McCanns for reasons best known to themselves left the patio door unlocked every evening, whilst they ate at the restaurant, and the children were asleep inside the apartment.

When Gerry McCann gave his first statement to the police the day after she disappeared he claimed that he had entered the flat through the front door, using the key, and also claimed that his wife had done the same. His wife contradicted him in her statement. One week later Gerry McCann, in a further statement, claimed that contrary to his first statement he had in fact entered the apartment via the unlocked sliding door, which had been, and was habitually, left unlocked. It appears that this was to allow for ease of access to the apartment to check the children. This left the apartment in a very vulnerable situation, with any person from the street able to readily gain access to the apartment by ascending a single flight of steps to the patio. Although this patio was just about visible from the tapas restaurant the view was obscured by vegetation and the McCanns were, by their own admission, facing the opposite direction. On the night Madeleine disappeared Kate McCann had a conversation with her friends in which she discussed the fact that Madeleine had previously woken and become upset, and pondered whether it was better for the door to be unlocked so that she could come and find them in the bar if she became upset again. The practicalities of a three year old negotiating a safe path down the stone steps, via a child safety gate, along a public highway, around a swimming pool and into a licensed premises wearing pyjamas and in the dark does not appear to have been discussed.

At approximately 9.10pm that evening Gerry McCann states he was standing outside the apartment having just checked on his sleeping children. According to his second statement he had entered and left via the stone steps and the unlocked patio door. Jane Tanner has stated that she passed Gerry McCann as he was stood outside the apartment chatting to an acquaintance. She states that she saw a man at the top of the road carrying what could have been a child. In her first statements her descriptions of the 'child' were vague; she claimed she only saw the legs, and was unable to specify the gender of the child. Several weeks later the group provided a printed statement to the Portuguese police in which it was claimed that she saw a man carrying a caucasian girl, aged three to four years old. The reason for her sudden recollection of these details, which she was unable to recall on the night in question, is not recorded.

As Gerry McCann was directly in front of the Patio entrance at the time this sighting is alleged to have occurred, and had only just left the apartment, it follows that for the man Jane Tanner observed carrying a child to be the abductor carrying Madeleine, he must have been inside the apartment when Gerry McCann made his stated 'check' a couple of minutes earlier.

If this man is the same man who was later observed by the Smith family carrying a young girl in a similar fashion, then there is an obvious discrepancy - although the two sightings are only 400 metres apart, the Smith family sighting was at least 45 minutes later. It seems unlikely that someone who had just abducted a child would hang around in the vicinity for a long period of time.

There are a number of aspects to the behaviour of the group which seem rather odd.

Firstly, there is the fact that intelligent professional people were seemingly incapable of appreciating the danger they placed their children in. It has since been admitted that most of the checking of the children amounted to little more than listening outside the window for any crying from within. It is also puzzling that it has been stated that although some of the other couples were in the habit of checking on the McCann children, the McCanns never reciprocated by checking anyone else's. In the case of one friend he ''checked'' on Madeleine and her siblings after the time Jane Tanner claims she saw her being abducted, yet failed to notice that she wasn't in her bed, nor that the window and shutters were supposedly open. Likewise, it is puzzling that between the time Madeleine was supposedly taken and the raising of the alarm, several other members of the group went to check on their own children, during which they all passed by the McCann apartment without noticing that the shutters and window were apparently wide open.

Once the alarm was raised members of the group were quick to contact the media in the UK. There has been much criticism of the Portuguese police for not responding more rapidly and missing the valuable first hour after the abduction, yet if Jane Tanner is correct about what she saw them Madeleine had been gone for close to an hour before either of her parents became aware of her absence. By the time the police were contacted she had been missing for an hour and a half.

By the following morning relatives of the McCann family were giving interviews to news media outlets in the UK in which they were highly critical of the police response in Portugal. Yet contemporaneous reports suggest that the response was immediate with many off-duty officers making their way to the resort to help with the search. The McCanns were told not to contact the media but appear to have disregarded this advice - consequently the Portuguese authorities had to deal with the additional pressure of a media feeding frenzy.

The official police and forensic reports state there were no signs of a break in. A great deal of nonsense has been reported in the press about the crime scene, the failure of the local police to seal off the scene and the evidence or lack of it which was recovered from the scene. It should be remembered that prior to the arrival of the police on the scene approximately 30 people had trudged through the apartment, compromising the integrity of the scene.

There are many more points to note, and questions which are not only unanswered but in many cases unasked. Above all, though, must be why any parent would think that their action in leaving such young children in such a dangerous situation would result in them being anything other than suspects. Had I done that I would expect to have every aspect of my life put under the microscope, and rightly so. It was a time for a little humility and 100% co-operation. It certainly wasn't the time for complaining about the response and demanding helicopters, heat-detection equipment and the closure of all borders.
hmmmmm I just don't know what to think!
Im hoping and praying that this little girl is found safe and well.

I do agree she should not be given back to her parents as someone said it would be known as neglect in this country
I've actually made a document where I keep articles and facts about this case as it interests me so much. I of course pray she is found safe and sound, however I just don't believe deep down that she ever will be. In my opinion her parents played a vital role in her disappearance, though I do believe that it wasn't intentional. I wouldn't say that they purposely aren't telling the truth of what happened or that they are pathological liars, I think its far deeper than that, I believe that they have been so disturbed and distressed by what they did that they've buried it so far into the depths of their subconscious that they now truly believe that they had nothing to do with it. The mind is a very complex thing. Gerry and kate behave in a very obscure way in interviews I've noticed, even from when she first went missing. No emotion, just very matter of fact with a very tense and 'united' demeanor, it comes across as awkward and just a bit strange. The media is very much on their side, and if I'm honest, because of that fact alone (unless kate has some sort of breakdown and confesses all. I say kate because gerry seems the puppet master in this and is far too intelligent and strong to break) we will never know the truth about what really happened. People look at me like I'm mad when I say I believe the parents had something to do with it; they have been presented as a successful, happy, educated family with everything going for them, why on earth would they do such a thing?! But this isn't the first case of child abuse, accidental or planned, at the hands of a childs parents and unfortunately, it won't be the last. Call me cynical, over analytical, morbid etc, but thats just my take on the whole thing xx
I've actually made a document where I keep articles and facts about this case as it interests me so much. I of course pray she is found safe and sound, however I just don't believe deep down that she ever will be. In my opinion her parents played a vital role in her disappearance, though I do believe that it wasn't intentional. I wouldn't say that they purposely aren't telling the truth of what happened or that they are pathological liars, I think its far deeper than that, I believe that they have been so disturbed and distressed by what they did that they've buried it so far into the depths of their subconscious that they now truly believe that they had nothing to do with it. The mind is a very complex thing. Gerry and kate behave in a very obscure way in interviews I've noticed, even from when she first went missing. No emotion, just very matter of fact with a very tense and 'united' demeanor, it comes across as awkward and just a bit strange. The media is very much on their side, and if I'm honest, because of that fact alone (unless kate has some sort of breakdown and confesses all. I say kate because gerry seems the puppet master in this and is far too intelligent and strong to break) we will never know the truth about what really happened. People look at me like I'm mad when I say I believe the parents had something to do with it; they have been presented as a successful, happy, educated family with everything going for them, why on earth would they do such a thing?! But this isn't the first case of child abuse, accidental or planned, at the hands of a childs parents and unfortunately, it won't be the last. Call me cynical, over analytical, morbid etc, but thats just my take on the whole thing xx

Exactly this ^^^^ :thumbup:
this whole subject has bn plagueing me the past couple of wks.
i too am on the fence about what happened but as i posted before i just dont trust them, and i dont understand what parent particularly professionals, would leave their 3 toddlers alone to dine out?!?!

i had this conversation with my mam just the other day and she got me annoyed, i said they should never had left her, and she said-well i think they know that now and are paying for their mistake. it was NOT a mistake. a mistake is not pre empted, is not planned. and certainly is not repeated night after night.

well guess what- as a parent no matter of wealth, professionalism, or background it is yr duty to protect and care for yr child. that includes NOT leaving them alone, NOT putting dinner before their welfare.

i think they were highly irrisponsible and as much as i wouldnt wish their pain on any parent as it is just unthinkable, i believe that by just leaving them they played a massive role in her disappearance.

sorry for the hormonal rant. it just upsets me that they are pandered to when they clearly done wrong.
I sadly believe she accidently died inside there apartment and they came back and found her dead after a fall, they tgen decided they had too much to loose there other children and knew it would be there fault for leaving her unattended so played it into an abduction.

I just hope when there twins are older they question the discrepancies and are not lead to believe every word out there parents mouths i Hope when they are older to understand they have some peices of information that shows the parents for what the truth is, I know they wont remember that night but growing up with all this going on from the inside they might peice something not right together or something overheard. The mccans make me so angry.
I feel guilty going the loo upstairs when freyas downstairs!
found this thread super interesting, had to read it obsessively!
I never really knew a lot about this case, only the basics, but this is awful...after reading some of the evidence, I truly think it was a cover up by her parents. I don't think it was murder, I think she died accidentally while they were having a lovely time at dinner :wacko: And they covered it up for fear of going to jail and the consequences that would mean for their other two children.

I'm going to be doing a little more digging now. How sad :(
i read that thread too-it took me hrs. i had to stop as i felt i was becoming somewhat obsessed with it all.

the truth will surface one day-it always does. and i hope im wrong.
That original thread is so interesting (and enormous!)

I sadly think that either a) she died in an accident and they covered it up or b) something far more sinister occurred that the parents had knowledge of (but perhaps didn't orchestrate) and they covered it up either out of fear or to protect themselves/others

My opinion on what should happen next .... A dark room and sodium pentothal on the parents ... Ok, mostly joking there.

Honestly tho, I don't think Kate will keep it together forever, she looks on the verge of breaking, and at some point it will crack. And it seems there are a few people who do know what happened (the priest is one) and at some point the truth will out.
Surely if they admitted to a priest then he has an obligation to go to the police....?Religion isn't above the law is it?x
Anyone else scared kate and gerry are going to read this and come after them in the night?! :haha: :shock:
What's this about the priest? Xxx

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