New to BNB and curious about the buddy system!


Mama to Peter
Mar 29, 2012
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Hey ladies!

I'm on my first cycle TTC, after being on BCP for 10 years. I'm not sure how my cycles are going to work out after being on BCP for long, but DH and I really want to start a family! I'm 28 and DH is 30.

I'm doing BBT to try and pinpoint my O, but so far on day 17 and no spike. Anyone else a little confused on their cycles want to be buddies? I think I'd just add more frustration to someone who knows what's going on with their bodies since I'm still trying to sort that out!
Hey im ttc for #1 just after M/C. Im 27 and DH is 31. Im also trying to figure out my cycle. I havent had AF yet since D&C (12 March 2012). But I use OPK & think I OV a few days ago. Tried to BD but think I missed eggy as I couldnt BD on the day of +O. Buddy up??
You'll have to help me out with some of the acroynms since I'm still really new to this forum thingy... what's D&C mean?

Since I'm not sure when I'll OV this cycle, partly because I'm confused about when to even start counting CD1 from (the start of last AF, or "AF" after stopping my pill pack four pills in?) DH and I have been BDing every other day throughout the cycle, and plan to continue until either AF arrives or we get a BFP!

Buddying sounds great! P.S. Your dog is beautiful!! DH and I want a Bernese Mountian Dog once we get a house!
D&C (dilation & curettage) is the procedure you have to remove tissues once uve had a miscarriage.

Hmm good question about the pill & counting OV. I cant answer that. Maybe take note both until u figure ur cycle out??

Thanks, my border collie is 3 in Sept. Hes my best bud :) great to hear u wana get a dog. They r gr8 companions.

Any questions, dont hesitate to ask. Glad to help where I can.
Also, which method r u using ttc? BDing as much as possible? Im trying the SMEP at the moment. But Im kinda guessing my cycle bcos I had D&C. I dont know much about BBT charting. How does it work?
Also, which method r u using ttc? BDing as much as possible? Im trying the SMEP at the moment. But Im kinda guessing my cycle bcos I had D&C. I dont know much about BBT charting. How does it work?

At the moment DH and I are BDing every other day in order to maximize our chances, because that way no matter when OV happens, there will be some little swimmers ready to meet the egg. I am also doing BBT. We can't keep up the BD every other day for months on end though, so if it doesn't happen this month I'm going to try OPK's next month to narrow down our window for BDing.

Someone just gave me a link to an online charting website called Fertility Friend. I haven't looked it up yet, but it lets you add in your temperature each day in order to track when OV is due. You have to buy a Basal Body Thermometer because of their sensitivity, and you take your temeperature with it every morning as soon as you wake up, at the same time everyday. Just after OV it spikes, so it's really only beneficial after you've done it for a few months because the spike is *after* OV, so you need to know what your trend is leading up to the spike.

What's SMEP? I've seen some other people posting about it... but not sure what it means.
BBT confuses me. Sperm Meets Egg Plan: Start BDing every 2nd day on CD8. Start OPK on CD10 until u get a positive, still BD every 2nd day. Once u get +OPK BD for 3 nights/days, skip 4th day & BD on 5th.
Its a great plan as u'll wear urself out if u try to BD every 2nd day for one month.
BBT confuses me. Sperm Meets Egg Plan: Start BDing every 2nd day on CD8. Start OPK on CD10 until u get a positive, still BD every 2nd day. Once u get +OPK BD for 3 nights/days, skip 4th day & BD on 5th.
Its a great plan as u'll wear urself out if u try to BD every 2nd day for one month.

BBT confuses me a little bit too, so I've been doing a lot of asking around about it. A link to my chart is available in my siggy if you want to check it out. I think the reason I opted for doing BBT is because I'm not in tune with myself enough to check CM or cervix positions etc... that's like a last ditch method for me I think.

According to my chart I should be on DPO 5 today! I hope its right. Planning to test on April 9th which should be the day before AF is due to arrive if my cycles continue to be normal after coming off BCP.
I'm not sure how the buddy thing works either, I posted asking for people interested in it with me and I just saw ur thread. I had a mc in feb so my body isnt exactly how it should be. I don't want to use aides or anything yet, just seeing what happens but at the same time I want to try. My bf and I decided to stop using contraceptives 5 days ago and I'm on cd 2. I was on bc for a while and I'm not sure how my cycles are, so tracking my O day won't be so easy. You ladies mind if I join you in this?
I'm not sure how the buddy thing works either, I posted asking for people interested in it with me and I just saw ur thread. I had a mc in feb so my body isnt exactly how it should be. I don't want to use aides or anything yet, just seeing what happens but at the same time I want to try. My bf and I decided to stop using contraceptives 5 days ago and I'm on cd 2. I was on bc for a while and I'm not sure how my cycles are, so tracking my O day won't be so easy. You ladies mind if I join you in this?

Not at all! Welcome. :) It's a tough world to navigate through, and I think the more people you have to talk to the better! I wasn't sure what my cycles were going to be like either after coming off of BCP, so DH and I have been BDing every other day during this cycle, so no matter when OV happens there will be some little swimmers waiting!

I've been doing BBT tracking, less to pinpoint when I'm OV but to make sure that I am in fact OV after the BCP. My chart is in my siggy.

I think I'm currently at DPO5, so I'm hoping to test on April 9th! :happydance:
Thank you :) I'm relieved that I finally have responses back, I've been trying to get this sort of reaction for a little bit. I was taking the BCP for a while too, but taking antibiotics resulted in this last pregnancy. Idk why but the loss made me want to have a baby even more. I used your fertility friend link to start charting and everything so maybe that will help me keep track of my cycles and see what's going on there. Ive been posing about being NTNP but the more I read into things the more I'm going TTC, the whole issue with that is idk if I should actually completely try or not. I mean my bf and I did decide together not to use contraceptives... Do you think I should try or just see what happens without a lot of effort?
Ps. I hope when April 9th come around you have a BFP!! That would be exciting!
Thank you :) I'm relieved that I finally have responses back, I've been trying to get this sort of reaction for a little bit. I was taking the BCP for a while too, but taking antibiotics resulted in this last pregnancy. Idk why but the loss made me want to have a baby even more. I used your fertility friend link to start charting and everything so maybe that will help me keep track of my cycles and see what's going on there. Ive been posing about being NTNP but the more I read into things the more I'm going TTC, the whole issue with that is idk if I should actually completely try or not. I mean my bf and I did decide together not to use contraceptives... Do you think I should try or just see what happens without a lot of effort?

It's really up to you (and your partner) whether you want to start TTC or just NTNP. It might also depend on the relationship you have with your boyfriend. Have you been together a long time? Is he ready to have kids too? It's the kind of question that someone else can't answer for you unfortunately! I'm a bit old fashioned I guess in that I wanted to make sure DH and I were married before we starting trying, even though we both wanted babies long before that. Every couple is different though, and you have to go with what works for you!

I think charting is a good way to try and sort out cycles. I try not to get too worked up about TTC because it's not healthy and actually reduces your chances if your stress level is very high. If you're not in a hurry to try and get pregnant right away, then I think NTNP is probably the more enjoyable way to go for sure. Less pressure on both of you and then if it does happen, it will the best surprise gift! :happydance:
That what I was think as well. My bf and I have only been together about a year and 2 months but we've known each other for 10, and he has a 2 year old from a previous relationship. The way the mc went he was pretty excited that we were going to have our own and down when we lost the baby. So I think it's a toss up. Maybe charting and relaxing and that's it is the way to go. I really don't want to push it.
That sounds like a good plan! :thumbup:

And who knows? You might have a BFP before you know it! Maybe we both will. :happydance:
Where did you go Scorpio23? Hope you're feeling good.

How about you Keewee? Feeling ok today?

I've been having some tummy troubles. Feeling pretty bloated and gassey, and a bit queasy off and on, and super tired. Hoping it's a sign of a BFP on the way and not AF!!
Hey sorry Im feeling doubtful so havent been online as much. Im thinking my body is gearing up for AF and not PG. Got BFN yesterday morning. Wont test again til Mon. AF is due Sunday (if my cycle happens to be 28 days after M/C). I cant remember what AF is like. The last one I had was late Nov 2011.
Hey sorry Im feeling doubtful so havent been online as much. Im thinking my body is gearing up for AF and not PG. Got BFN yesterday morning. Wont test again til Mon. AF is due Sunday (if my cycle happens to be 28 days after M/C). I cant remember what AF is like. The last one I had was late Nov 2011.

I'm planning on testing on Monday too! I hate the waiting part... but I'm trying to keep busy with other things and not worry about it too much. I hope you get a BFP!! Your body might need some more time to heal and prepare though, so when you do get your BFP everything is ready and healthy. Try not to get too discourged!! It'll happen. :thumbup:
It's still early days so won't be discouraged if I get BFN.
Even more determined to be faithful to SMEP in my next cycle.
I didn't BD all that much and have been taking it easy on DH.
I think he was still hurting a bit at the time I got my +O.
I think he didn't expect me to be ready to TTC so soon after M/C.
I know my body is still delicate/healing; that's why I didn't try TOO hard.
BUT DH knows I mean business now. We're both taking multivitamins and I told him that I want to try SMEP in my next cycle.

Honestly, I'm just scared of getting AF because it's been sooo long hehe.
And if I get AF it means that all this gas, fatigue and headaches were due to something else LOL!! Plus, I'm really out of shape as I've done practically no exercise since Nov 2011.

It seem like most of us are on the same cycle. I'm DPO10 today.
I'm just waiting in the end AF. This flow is really weird though. It's really light, like I'm still just starting but it's been three days. And Scorpio, I'm sorry for the mc, I just went through it in feb. I know exactly how u feel. It took me over 50 days to start AF afterward. This is it.
I did start bbt charting but I can't really count the days Bc I think I may have the flu so my temps arent gonna be accurate. I felt exactly like I did this past pregnancy, so I did test just in case. Ended up with two because there was a very faint line on the first one. Second one was just one line. Any opionions?

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