ooh ok thanks for the info... hmm strange that i guess everybodies different have u always got a positive Michelle2525? thats cool hopefully thats all the symptoms u have fingers crossed eh... do u find it easy to lose the lbs then?
ooh ok thanks for the info... hmm strange that i guess everybodies different have u always got a positive Michelle2525? thats cool hopefully thats all the symptoms u have fingers crossed eh... do u find it easy to lose the lbs then?
Awe, that's not good news, hopefully some https://dl4.glitter-graphics.net/pub/2058/2058144oxdxlg5ts1.gif will help with next cycle.
I know how hard it is to try and be happy for someone else who is having a baby when all you've wanted for so long was your own. It seems like everyone else just has to say the word and gets pregnant. The way I deal with it is I know one day it will happen. It's ok, they can have the spotlight for now and I will take it later. I think of it similar to vacation, lol, when people go on vacation before me I just think one day their vacation will be over and mine will be starting (except of course they will always have a child, but they will miss the "baby" when theirs is a "toddler", I hope you understand what I am trying to say, lol)
**I cut down my carbs (I could live off carbs, they are my all time fav and could not live without them, lol) like buying lower carb breads and stuff. But mostly cut out sugar. I also eat at all the wrong times. We usually don't eat dinner until 9pm or 10pm because we own a restaurant and DH is working until them.
Yay, proud of you.... when it's your turn you will get to show off as well
We have owned the restaurant for about 6 years now so we don't eat there much anymore, lol. It's a casual fine dining restaurant that specializes in European cusine, mostly German and Bavarian though.
I do also believe that if you eat healthier you will feel better, not only the benefits of healthier food but also you feel better when you know your doing a good thing for your body!!!
On a different topic..... has anyone had a dye test???
I am on CD9 and just finished my doses of Clomid yesterday so I am due to O'v in around 5 days. The nurse that works at the FC scheduled me for a dye test right after my appointment with the FS tomorrow. I am a little anxious about having it done, I would hate for it to have an effect on me O'ing. Should I inquire about this with the FS tomorrow or just suck it up and go???
Well, I went to my FS appointment to check on my follies and they are still not growingso I carried on with my dye test as I don't think it would matter because I probably won't O'v anyway. I have another appointment for Thursday to re-check the size, then again on Saturday. If they are still not growing then it will be time to start Gonel-F and Femara. So wish me luck for Thursday and Saturday, I really will find it hard to give myself an injection everyday......
Just checking in, I noticed no one had responded in quite some time, anxious to hear an update from you all!!!
For me, well I ended up O'v (March 18th) and just waiting, not sure if my follies grew enough to release a mature egg though (the corpus luteum was only 1.6mm)My actual
is April 1st, not sure if I will be holding out that long....
I haven't really had any symptoms that would make me think one way or the other.... 2-4DPO I had massive pressure and sporadic cramping all around my uterus, that has subsided but now I have tender breasts. I think these things are just my bodies natural symptoms for a cycle and nothing to do with a possible pregnancy.
So, what is going on with you guys???
:wave: Hello and Welcome![]()
Just checking in, I noticed no one had responded in quite some time, anxious to hear an update from you all!!!
For me, well I ended up O'v (March 18th) and just waiting, not sure if my follies grew enough to release a mature egg though (the corpus luteum was only 1.6mm)My actual
is April 1st, not sure if I will be holding out that long....
I haven't really had any symptoms that would make me think one way or the other.... 2-4DPO I had massive pressure and sporadic cramping all around my uterus, that has subsided but now I have tender breasts. I think these things are just my bodies natural symptoms for a cycle and nothing to do with a possible pregnancy.
So, what is going on with you guys???