New TTC with PCOS

MABEL2011 sounds like a plan to take it before bed:laugh2: divorced woman sorry that tickled me abit. I'm sure you have every right to rant i've been doing it loads and we haven't been even 15 years of unxeplained fertility lol. well good luck with it chick hope the side effects is lessened for the DH sake :haha: hormones eh!!:dohh:

you got a valid point to the GP's not knowing much and we have a right to know. If we don't get answers sooner than we want as i know it will take up to 3 -4 years to get anywhere we will go private (better start saving now then). I know they should cover everyone its not fair!

I have looked into the absent kidneys and i remember seeing it before thats y i think i was prepared for the SA to come back same results. But DH phoned up the transplant clinic he attends every 3 months for check ups and they said they don't see if the medication effects fertility but never thought to ask about the op this was months ago but DH has another appointment in 2 weeks with them so i'm getting him to ask some questions on that matter.:thumbup:

Here hopeing you get ur little miracle soon too, fingers crossed BFP for you this month!!

Goodnight sweetdreams xx GL
That would be a good idea to have your DH ask the transplant clinic some questions. Keep me posted!

Do you have an appointment with the FS yet or are you waiting for them to call you with a date???
My DH's GP has referred us and so has my GP so they said we will get a letter with an appointment weather we have to wait to get the letter then phone up and then see what the next available appointment is i'm not so sure but GP said it would take about 14 weeks or more to hear anything so i'm not holding my breath. xx
Hey girlies how is everyone doing today? Hope everyones doing good.

So i was sat in bed last night and i decided that i might go a scrap book /diary and keep our journey in it for whenever we do get our BFP to show the little bundle everything we went through to get them. Has anyone thought of this or done it? It's just a way to get our feelings out aswell. I'll get a few things together first then i will start it.

baby dust xxx
Yes, I somewhat thought of doing this as well..... though not a scrap book or anything pretty :haha: just joting things down on a peice of paper. I also did that for my daughter when I was pregnant with her. It's nice to read how I was feeling many years later :winkwink:
Aww MABEL that sounds so nice... I think it's a good idea and i love all those type things.

Update with me and DH - got referred to gynae i've got to go there 10th may and DH has got his letter in to get a ultrasound scan to check for blockages etc... so thats good news it was quicker than we thought. I don't know what the gynae will do with me as i've had scans etc before we got married because of my PCOS they might do the same again to check if anythings changed but i was hoping that they would refer us to the fertility specialist right away :-/ x
Hang in there, I know the waiting is sooo hard :thumbup:

Update for me, this cycle was cancelled and I was put back on Provera because Clomid is not working for me :sad2: So I am on my last day of Provera, :witch: will be due April 22 then going to start Gonal-F injections and Femara. We are going to try naturally for 1 or 2 cycles then if I still have :bfn: we will be moving to Gonel-F injections and Femara with IUI. :coffee:

Best wishes for your upcoming appointments :hugs:
Hang in there, I know the waiting is sooo hard :thumbup:

Update for me, this cycle was cancelled and I was put back on Provera because Clomid is not working for me :sad2: So I am on my last day of Provera, :witch: will be due April 22 then going to start Gonal-F injections and Femara. We are going to try naturally for 1 or 2 cycles then if I still have :bfn: we will be moving to Gonel-F injections and Femara with IUI. :coffee:

Best wishes for your upcoming appointments :hugs:

Hey hope everyone had a good easter holiday, I have been ill with food poison so it's kind of ruined my easter can't eat a bite and seem to have lost some lbs so it's good in a way :thumbup:

MABEL2011 i'm sorry to hear that clomid wasn't for you fingers crossed you do get your BFP you never know maybe trying naturally will work i've heard it's happened to lots of girls on here once they have been on meds and started to try naturally or give it a break then all of a sudeen BFP!!! i'll be thinking of u's praying it works for u this way xxx :hugs:
Just popped on to say hope you had a good easter holiday and lots of :dust: to all xx
I thought I would send an update and also wanted to wish you luck for your gyn appointment tomorrow (or today since there is a time difference between us)

Sooo, I went on Femara for 5 days and Gonal-F. I started out with 75iu for 2 days with no growth. So the FS upped the dose to 150iu. I was on that dose for 4 days.... then the FS said I needed to stop since I had 15 growing follicles :thumbup: That was on Saturday, I have been in to have an internal US everyday and now I have 26 maturing follicles :dohh: with no sign of Ovulation (I have 3 follies over 2.0) so they have given me Ovidrel to take tonight and I have an Aspiration and IUI set for May 11th.... thank goodness because having soooo many follicles is very uncomfortable....

Did your DH get his US scan done yet to check for blockages???
I just saw this thread and thought I would pop in and say, "don't give up, ladies!" You can do this. After trying to get pregnant for 8 months, I found out I had PCOS in August, and I began taking metformin. Within a few months I had lost 22 pounds. I did a little exercising (zumba) once or twice a week. Only for fun. At times I felt completely hopeless. I felt like everyone was pregnant but me. It seemed so easy for them. The next thing I knew, I was pregnant. Although we lost our little one in the 6th week, we were so blessed to know it was possible. We found out at the end of March we're pregnant again. We've already seen the little heartbeat, and everything seems to be going well.

Just do whatever the doctor says and enjoy the intimate time w/your hubby. Good luck everyone! You can really do this. :hugs:
Hi Jrc10 , Its so refreshing to hear your story thanks for the advise, i'm sure your on cloud 9 right now. Glad your all doing good and no problems, wishing you healthy pregnancy and birth xxx

MABEL2011 - GOODLUCK FOR TODAY ( sorry i just read ur post there now) hoping everything goes well for u's, make sure you get plenty of rest afterwards and take things easy x Just out of interest as i don't know much about the size of follies etc but i will need to for future so this is a learning thing for me... How big have they to be grown before they say they are good? I read in another forum that someone had to many and they had to cancel the TX can that happen? and how much is too much? keep me posted on how things went I hope this all works for you xxx

Update with me: DH and I had an appointment with fertility specialist today. It went as well as could be expected. He looked at DH bloods which all came back normal... he then started explaining that it was a good sign that they did cause it meant he wasn't missing any tubes and that he would need to examine DH to see if they are normal size.. Then we could do a SSR to see if he is producing any sperm. If they came back smaller than normal there would be no point in doing the SSR and we would have to go to donor... So he did the examination and to our delight everything felt good so he has now put us on the waiting list to have the SSR done.

I went prepared with questions etc and he wouldn't let me speak about my PCOS all he kept saying we aren't at that point yet, which i thought was abit rude cause i wanted to know how i can be helped but i guess it makes sense to sort out the sperm cause without that we can't have our own biological child. DH was so nervous when Dr mentions tese biopsy. He gave us 2 options to have the biopsy and freeze then or biopsy and not to freeze. the not to freeze one waiting list was less time and would mean they could get us treated quicker but would mean another biopsy for DH, which he isn't to keen on and i can't say i blame him *owch* and the to freeze one would take up to 6 months and couldn't guarentee the wigglets would make it through the thaw so he might have to get 2 biopsys anyway and we wouldn't be any further ahead. So i left it up to DH as it's his body and i wouldn't want to put him through the pain twice. He chose to do the not to freeze but when we got outside and the more he had thought about it he is regretting saying that now. So yeah the positive is there's more chance we can have our own biological child so although we have to take it a appointment at a time to find out the next step we left with a good feeling soooo happy.

We are still awaiting the ultrasound scan though and the fertility Dr said it couldn't hurt to get it done so should get that out soon.

That sounds awesome and very promising for you two :thumbup: To me, I would think the worst scenario has been ruled out, it seems logical that the remaining scenarios are the best for azoospermia. So since he chose not to freeze, how long is the wait list? Keep me posted with any news!

I actually chickened out of the aspiration and IUI..... so I took my trigger shot and hoped for the best. I have been O'ing for 2 days now, OMGoodness I am in so much pain. But me and DH were able to BD quite a bit before O'tion so I am hoping it worked..... just need to wait and see now, FX'd.

The follicles should be a minimum of 1.8mm in order to contain a mature egg. The ideal size is 2.5mm though. If you produce too many follicles, the chances of having multiples increases dramatically (I have a 50% chance of having twins....) so FS's give you 3 options.... 1) Cancel Cycle and no sex 2) Aspiration (which is where they take out the smaller follicles) 3) Carry on as planned and deal with things at a later point. Generally, women have 3-5 follicles and 1 or 2 will mature (women with PCOS generally have more). When I went into my CD13 US, they found 15 maturing follicles and immediatly cancelled my injections but they were still moving forward as planned so I think it starts to become an issue if you have 20 or more maturing follicles.
Hello, just thought I would update you on my status, I am now pregnant (confirmed by BW)..... after 15 years of infertility, I did not think this day would come. Technology has come so far, this would not have been possible without it. I know it will help you and your DH acheive your little miracle as well :hugs:
Sorry i haven't got on sooner but... OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MABEL2011 could be :baby::baby: u never know, i am sooooooooo happy for you i can't believe it.... CONGRATS!!!!!:dance: I couldn't believe it when i seen your post what a lovely post to come on and see. i'm sure it still feels so sureal just yet. I am so glad you deserve it after the long journey How is hubby feeling?? have you rang and told everyone? well done girlie. let us know when you have been to the DR and first scan. Wishing you a healthy Pregnancy xxxxxxx:hugs: it has given us hope thank you!
Hi MABEL just checking up on how you and the little bean is doing? have you had your scan? xx
Sorry, I had not been checking this forum, I have been on another one (The Mommy Playbook)

Things went really wrong with the pregnancy, spotting and beta levels low, so I was given an injection to terminate the pregnancy on June 9th. On June 10th, I was admitted to the hospital and had emergency surgery for an Ectopic. TMI - a few days after the injection, I passed 2 masses so I believe I was pregnant with triplets :cry:

On a good note, I found out yesterday that I am pregnant again :happydance: but I am trying not to get excited until I know everything is ok. I have not had spotting so far, so that's good, once I see my beta levels increasing, I will be happy and more relaxed. I will keep you posted. How are things on your end???
Hi MABEL, I am so sorry for your loss thats a hard thing to deal with im sure... but it's such a blessing to get PG so soon after i wish u a health pregnancy.

Everythings good.. just waiting for october to come so we can get our next appointment at the FS. Dh had a biopsy done and we found some sperm and froze it. so next step i'm thinking is test for me then on the waiting list for ICSI but i don't know for sure until our next appointment.

Hope you are taking things easy. won't be long before your first scan. xx Good luck

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