New TTC with PCOS

Hello MrsBurton09, you sound exactly like me (except I am 33, lol). I have had fertility issues for about 15 years now, last year I was diagnosed with PCOS and just recently found out that PCOS has made me have annovulatory cycles because my follicles were not growing past .9mm when they should be 1.8 - 2.4mm for ovulation. Sooo, this cycle (first cycle on Clomid and Metformin) was the first cycle I actually Ov'd in quiet some time. I also do a lot of research on the internet.... trying to give me clues on whether or not I am actually pregnant, since I have zero patience :haha:

I am also 7DPO and started testing today (could not help myself), :bfn: of course, but I am not believing it!!! Not yet anyway.....

I read (on the internet....) that a symptom of pregnancy is cold like symptoms and when I was pregnant 17 years ago, I thought I had some sort of bad cold, I remember taking Neocitran.... but then again, it seems like everything is a symptom of pregnancy :wacko:
wifeyw, I did not see one born every minute.... what is it about??? and is it a series or documentary or movie???

So if you DH's SA comes back the same, are there meds to help with that???

My fingers are still x'd for the results.... lots of :spermy: dust!!!!
Hello MrsBurton09, you sound exactly like me (except I am 33, lol). I have had fertility issues for about 15 years now, last year I was diagnosed with PCOS and just recently found out that PCOS has made me have annovulatory cycles because my follicles were not growing past .9mm when they should be 1.8 - 2.4mm for ovulation. Sooo, this cycle (first cycle on Clomid and Metformin) was the first cycle I actually Ov'd in quiet some time. I also do a lot of research on the internet.... trying to give me clues on whether or not I am actually pregnant, since I have zero patience :haha:

I am also 7DPO and started testing today (could not help myself), :bfn: of course, but I am not believing it!!! Not yet anyway.....

I read (on the internet....) that a symptom of pregnancy is cold like symptoms and when I was pregnant 17 years ago, I thought I had some sort of bad cold, I remember taking Neocitran.... but then again, it seems like everything is a symptom of pregnancy :wacko:

What side effects did you have with Clomid? I was really moody and cried a lot. What symptoms are you having during your 2ww? The only thing that I noticed is cramping in my lower belly and back with twinges on my left side. I assume I feel so sick is bc of my cold/congestion/drainage thing I got going on Idk if its related to possible pregnancy...although I have read in several diff. forums that those who were pregnant experience a cold during the 2ww..but idk. I am so nervous anxious and excited I am so wanting to test but I can't set myself up with disappointment. Keep me updated and since I am new with the site I will try to keep everyone here updated as well. Thanks for being here. GL to you and tons of babydust. :dust::dust:
Also bc of PCOS should I get my follicles checked out? My dr. never mentioned this..and me being newer to the TTC seriously I am not that informed on everything.
omg, with Clomid I was a mess..... my DH does not want me to go back on it :haha: I was angry and crying the 4 out of 5 days and for the silliest stuff too.....

And for my 2ww I have had many symptoms but I don't know what would be normal for me so it's a little frustrating. 2-4DPO I had a lot of pressure about 4 inches below my bellybutton and twinges on my left side, my breasts were tender, though not very bad.... only if i ran upstairs or they got nudged. on 5DPO everything went away except for the tender breasts, which still remain. On 6-7DPO I had very slight twinges on my right (which I thought ws a little weird because my egg was dropped from the left) and have been a little gassy and constipated (sorry, TMI)

DISCLAIMER-----> Since I live in Canada, most of my appointments are covered by the health plan here and I have actually insulted a person on here before because she didn't have insurance and I said her doctor should be monitoring her when on Clomid. She was really mad saying her doctor knows best.... so I am not sure if you have insurance or not but this is just my opinion.... it's not meant to be an insult!!!

I would have a cycle monitored if your not clear on what PCOS is doing to your cycles. I was told for 15 years that there was nothing wrong I just have unexplained infertility. Last January, I started seeing a FS who did cycle monitoring and found quite a few issues (Insulin Resistance, Follies not growing therefore no ovulation caused by PCOS). It's very hard to fix something when you don't know what is wrong and PCOS does different things in a lot of people. I have noticed however, that people with PCOS generally have issues with their follies (whether it be they do not mature or they are not that healthy, etc).

Actually, before you do anything, can I ask you a few questions???

Do you get your AF on a regular basis???
omg, with Clomid I was a mess..... my DH does not want me to go back on it :haha: I was angry and crying the 4 out of 5 days and for the silliest stuff too.....

And for my 2ww I have had many symptoms but I don't know what would be normal for me so it's a little frustrating. 2-4DPO I had a lot of pressure about 4 inches below my bellybutton and twinges on my left side, my breasts were tender, though not very bad.... only if i ran upstairs or they got nudged. on 5DPO everything went away except for the tender breasts, which still remain. On 6-7DPO I had very slight twinges on my right (which I thought ws a little weird because my egg was dropped from the left) and have been a little gassy and constipated (sorry, TMI)

DISCLAIMER-----> Since I live in Canada, most of my appointments are covered by the health plan here and I have actually insulted a person on here before because she didn't have insurance and I said her doctor should be monitoring her when on Clomid. She was really mad saying her doctor knows best.... so I am not sure if you have insurance or not but this is just my opinion.... it's not meant to be an insult!!!

I would have a cycle monitored if your not clear on what PCOS is doing to your cycles. I was told for 15 years that there was nothing wrong I just have unexplained infertility. Last January, I started seeing a FS who did cycle monitoring and found quite a few issues (Insulin Resistance, Follies not growing therefore no ovulation caused by PCOS). It's very hard to fix something when you don't know what is wrong and PCOS does different things in a lot of people. I have noticed however, that people with PCOS generally have issues with their follies (whether it be they do not mature or they are not that healthy, etc).

Actually, before you do anything, can I ask you a few questions???

Do you get your AF on a regular basis???

I understand what your saying about clomid. I was such an emotional rollercoaster my DH didn't know what to think, do, or say bc everything either made me angry or upset. I am hoping that this will be the one and only cycle and I get a BFP.

Today is CD 22 and I am 8 dpo...sypmtoms today I was nauseas, mild cramping like AF is on her way...usually when I cramp an hr ltr AF arrives but she didn't think goodness.

I do have insurance and my dr. is wonderful they are trying to hold off on hinting anything to insurance about fertility issues bc it won't be covered..but they are pretty much want me to call them on CD 32 and tell them if I am pregnant, not pregnant, if AF arrived, or didn't arrive and they said they would take over from there.

With my PCOS...I have a lot of things that effect my fertility. I do have cyst on ovaries, higher levels of male hormone, and I do not ovulate on my own.

You can ask me any questions you want to hun! I do not have regular AF. She comes every few month may last a day to 2-3 months long...and then not come back for a few months or may come back the next week. I was on BC but she took me off of it to concieve and it didn't help so I got put on Metformin for my PCOS and it made me horrible sick...and now I did my first round of Clomid 50 mg.

I thank you for taking time out to talk to me.:flower: I have no one else to rly talk to that understands...bc everyone in my family can get knocked up by just looking at a guy.. :haha:

(oh the gassy part of the tww has just started in this past couple days...idk if its related.)
I am sooo happy to hear someone has the exact same issues as me (at the same time, I am very sorry that it has to be you :hugs:)

On the bright side, I have been to a fertility specialist and can let you know thing that might cost you money otherwise since it appears your system is exactly like mine. It's funny, even talking to the FS and the nurses, they don't understand when I say I dont have a regular cycle, like my AF can come one a year or once every 3 weeks.... and can last anywhere from 1 day to 3 months.....never in my life have I heard of someone with the same symptoms as me.

So after my cycle monitoring, they found out my follies were not maturing (therefore hardly ever ovulating, which is why our AF's are so sporadic), I was put on Clomid in March to help with this. And for the most part it did it's job. But I must say that I was also prescribed Metformin but stopped taking it last November until I was ready to start TTC after I was married in January...... but I forgot to start taking it again. I went in at CD 10 I think and they said my follies still were not growing (.07mm) and asked about my Metformin.... I told her I was taking 500mg once a day (supposed to be taking 1500mg per day) but I really wasn't taking any. As soon as I got home, I started taking 500mg per day for the first 4 days, then 1000mg for another few days then 1500mg. By the time I was at CD 16 they had grown to 1.6mm so Metformin is imperative!!! I might have started taking it too late for this cycle though.

So.... since you seem to have the same issues, don't waste your money just yet on cycle monitoring..... get back on Metformin (if you stopped) I know the side effects are horrendous but take 500mg for 1 week and slowly increase it to your dosage each week. The first time I was not able to leave my house for the first month..... the second time, when I increased the dosage slowly, I didn't have any side affects (also take it after dinner or if you eat befor bed, take it then).

Sorry for all the info, but I hope it helps you..... I know what it's like to go so long with "unexplained infertility" and PCOS is really unexplained until you know what effects it has on you because it does so much. G'night hun :hugs:
I am sooo happy to hear someone has the exact same issues as me (at the same time, I am very sorry that it has to be you :hugs:)

On the bright side, I have been to a fertility specialist and can let you know thing that might cost you money otherwise since it appears your system is exactly like mine. It's funny, even talking to the FS and the nurses, they don't understand when I say I dont have a regular cycle, like my AF can come one a year or once every 3 weeks.... and can last anywhere from 1 day to 3 months.....never in my life have I heard of someone with the same symptoms as me.

So after my cycle monitoring, they found out my follies were not maturing (therefore hardly ever ovulating, which is why our AF's are so sporadic), I was put on Clomid in March to help with this. And for the most part it did it's job. But I must say that I was also prescribed Metformin but stopped taking it last November until I was ready to start TTC after I was married in January...... but I forgot to start taking it again. I went in at CD 10 I think and they said my follies still were not growing (.07mm) and asked about my Metformin.... I told her I was taking 500mg once a day (supposed to be taking 1500mg per day) but I really wasn't taking any. As soon as I got home, I started taking 500mg per day for the first 4 days, then 1000mg for another few days then 1500mg. By the time I was at CD 16 they had grown to 1.6mm so Metformin is imperative!!! I might have started taking it too late for this cycle though.

So.... since you seem to have the same issues, don't waste your money just yet on cycle monitoring..... get back on Metformin (if you stopped) I know the side effects are horrendous but take 500mg for 1 week and slowly increase it to your dosage each week. The first time I was not able to leave my house for the first month..... the second time, when I increased the dosage slowly, I didn't have any side affects (also take it after dinner or if you eat befor bed, take it then).

Sorry for all the info, but I hope it helps you..... I know what it's like to go so long with "unexplained infertility" and PCOS is really unexplained until you know what effects it has on you because it does so much. G'night hun :hugs:

Thank you so much for the advice. :hugs: I have dealt with these issues for a while with no one understanding. It's nice to be able to talk about it with ppl who know what I am saying and not lying about my cycle. Bc most ppl I talk to think I am making it up or something but Im not Lord knows I don't want to bleed 2-3 weeks straight. gross. I did stop metformin but I will be sure to begin it again next cycle if I dont get my bfp April 1st. Right now I am only going to my OBGYN. I think I will wait on the FS for a few cycles. Thank you agian. :flower:
Hey how is everyone feeling today?? how is the BFP coming along?

Well just came on for a quick update - phoned up for DH results to see if they are in and they are but they wouldn't tell us over the phone the DR wants to chat with us so we made an appointment for wednesday 3:50pm i know its going to be the same result and DH seems to not want to accept that it might come out the same result and to top it all off its on the same day as my sister gets her 1ST baby scan upsets me so much. I just think i wish it was us going for the scan instead thats so horrible thinking that way. I know my mums not going to stop talking about her scan etc i just think i'm going to lock myself away that day after the DR thats how i feel. xx
Awe hunny, that sounds like a difficult day for you.... keeping fx'd for you and DH :flower:

We are always here if you want to vent or just need someone to chat with :hugs:

(BFN for me so far at 11 DPO) where to start so sorry if i go on alittle.. well...we went down for the results and got a junior doctor he told us that the tests results came back more or less the same as the last time that there wasn't any sperm wat so ever there.

So he started asking about DH kidney transplant etc and past DH has had 3 hernia operations when he was 13 or so so we asked if that would have any affect and the doctor replied with " i don't know" ( at this point i looked over to DH and i could see he was getting emotional about the whole thing and trying to take everything in i just wanted to give him a massive hug) he didn't seem to know alot about anything. I was the one questioning everything.. ( i bet i seemed like a real nasty pasty but i just want to get all the information and blanks filled in) I know the FS will answer alot of them for us... ( but me being me i want it all done yesterday)

On that note he said he would refer us to FS yay! which could take 14 weeks or more depending on the list... I feel so relieved in a way that things will finally get started... but in the mean time he's sending DH for ultra sound scan and blood ( which i had to ask him for and the DR didn't know which bloods he was going to find out and then send for DH) but i think it's a good thing that they are doing that before referred to FS we wont have to go through more waiting and it will mean we will feel like somethings getting done rather than a big gap of nothing and worrying more aswell as dragging it out more.

Question for everyone in same situation.. When referred to FS did u and ur partner have to say to the others GP about it? Did your GP's have to refer you's seperately?

So i'm still unsure weather to go to my GP and tell him everything and say to him about the referral as my GP was the one who asked me to get DH to do a SA. I asked DH's GP if i needed to go to mine and he looked puzzeled ( uh did i say something wrong?) he said well yeah u can if want i don't see why not so as soon as we got out i phoned my GP and there was a cancelation app for tomarrow at 4:40pm so i'm booked in and while i'm there i might ask for some weight loss tablets or something to get me down faster... does anyone know what they call the one that helps with weight loss for PCOS suffers?

Oh and my sister got her 1st scan today which my mum phoned me up to ask about how the GP went and i told her everything, and i asked about how my sisters scan went and she said that there's a fibroid ( which they thought it might been a twin that died) growing in with the baby and its bigger than the baby's head and they have to keep a close eye on everything and asked her to consider a planned C-section to deliver baby as going the natural way might harm it. and she might need a blood transfusion too. as much as i am really sad that shes PG and i'm not i don't wish any harm on any of them. I just sometimes think that my mum doesn't really truely understand what we are going through. she said tell DH that everything will be fine but she seemed more worried about what was going on with my sister than us.. i know that sounds so selfish but it was always the way. maybe i feel like this cause i was up worrying and never got any sleep.. i dunno. my heads a mess trying to stay strong for DH when we got home i tried to stay positive as DH is so down and he asked are u not upset or gutted, i said yeah course i am i know its hard to hear but i know we will get there in the end and at least this is the start of a long journey but we will get there and the baby will be so wanted and so loved which makes it even more special experience ( i was crumbling on the inside though i just wanted to be strong). i will keep everyone informed about tomarrow.

I'm sorry girlies that i've went on so long .. oh my i had'nt realised how much until i checked there now

MABEL2011 - how are you today and how have you been getting on with BFP?

Michellew2525 - haven't heard from u in a while i hope ur ok and keep us posted on how ur getting on xxx
I am sorry about the results (I was thinking about you today and hoping the results were better), but it is great that you and DH will be starting the process with a FS. This is such a hard time for you both, just try to remember things will get better :hugs:

I really can't remember if I was referred by my GP or if we just made an appointment with the FS (I guess things are different in Canada, are you covered by insurance or something for your FS appointments???), but if we were referred, it was only by my GP and not DH's. The FS should be sent all of the tests that were done on you both and in turn will send results to you GP.

The meds that help women with PCOS lose weight is Metformin. It's actually for insulin resistance (a common issue with PCOS) and would think it would only help you if you have insulin resistance. Basically if you have insulin resistance, your body stores sugar as fat which makes it extremely hard to lose weight so Metformin makes it so that your body uses sugars correctly (therefore no longer storing sugar as fat). You can find out if you have Insulin Resistance through BW.

Sorry to hear about your sister, I am sure everything will be fine, since they know it's there, they will keep an eye on things :thumbup: Is the fibroid growing at all???

I am sure your mother just doesn't realize the impact this is having on you and your DH, it is very hard for people to understand when they have never been in that situation, a lot of my friends are not very good for support because they can't relate. That's why you vent here and we try and sympathize with you and make you feel better :happydance:

Good luck with your FS appointment tomorrow and let us know how it goes :winkwink:

(12DPO and still :bfn: :sad2:)
MABEL2011 i'm sorry about BFN hang in there, are u testing again?

That means alot knowing u are thinking of us thank u xx
we do get funding here i'm unsure as to what yet tho i will find that out as soon as we got to the FS i guess. I had got a cancelation appointment at my GP today and they were so busy they forgot about me:shrug: i was siting 1 hour 10 mins waiting - i was so MAD!!! I was telling him about everything about DH and no sperm he asked "no sperm at all?" i said no he said "well.. looks like ur going to have to think of donor sperm" ( not even saying that theres other options nothing) ...:growlmad: my DH and i have already talked abit about it but then he said " u know that theres very little donor sperm about here ( in northern ireland) because they can't stay anonymous anymore the only places is Dublin in ireland or holland :huh: ok so as soon as he said that i felt so sick because even though i'm not prepared to go to donor sperm unless we have excusted every option to have our own bio child i always knew it was a plan B... but now that feels like everythings getting worse...

AF is due and im so emotional as it is i just feel so down i couldn't help it i burst into tears on my way home from the GP got back home and DH was already home from work and he was asking what was wrong and what he said and i told him... and i didn't want to break down in front of DH as i know he feels bad and that he feels as if its all his fault and he said to me last night he feels less of a man, he asked if i wanted to go and get someone who can give me a family and i broke down even more how can he think that way? :cry: he says he wouldn't want me to not have a family because of him:sad1:

I just can't wait to the FS hopefully whenever we do test and get to the bottom of things there might be hope somewhere. we are also considering tellin our immediate family. My mum is the only one who knows and DH mum has past away and he's very closest to his eldest brother so i said for him just to tell his bro for now and then whenever we know more or if the others ask then tell them.

Has anyone else said to their families before referred or when did u's tell them?

I think i'm just going to go for a hot bath and climb into bed and hopefully wake up tomarrow feeling better and more positive!

Hmmm, I don't think that your only option is a sperm donor. I would think that there must be a reason for having a zero sperm count and you guys just need to figure out what that reason is.... I am sure once you do that there are meds or something that can make things right again. This is probably what the FS will talk to you's about.

I misunderstood, I thought that there was a cancellation at the FS so I thought that's where you were going today. Did your GP also refer you to a FS??? Maybe he can get you two in faster???

We didn't tell anyone about my issues unless they asked questions like "when are you guys going to have kids". Some people that I am very close with I spoke to about problems before I found out I had PCOS (like have the :witch: for 2 months straight :growlmad:)

Anyhoo, have a nice long bath, relax and de-stress :hugs:
:witch: showed up today, very happy about that though..... I thought I would have to wait weeks for her. Next cycle begins - 150mg Clomid :thumbup:

Hope things are getting better for you wifeyw :flower:
Hey MABEL2011, I always like seeing AF rather than a BFN it's so dis-hearting glad your back on track again fingers crossed for the next cycle then girlio. Have u gotten much side effects now with clomid still?

I know that donor isn't our only option as i have been following up on girls stories on here and researching abit myself i was upset that he would say that though as GP don't really know much on it and he hasn't really known someone with 0 sperm count too... grr! so annoying.

Yes my GP did refer us he had asked if DH has and i said yes he said that he did.. so he said i'll refer u's aswell just incase... so that good!

I agree to not tell so many people about our issues even until we get more answers ourselves but over the weekend DH decided to tell his family bro's, sis's, dad and their other half. They were understanding to a point that they could of i guess, got the usual stay positive and it will happen, we are here if you want to talk and that, we know this person and that person who had IVF and has a couple of children now ( all which had unexplained fertility problems not 0 sperm, which they don't really understand that their situations have been different).. i'm just scared of them telling people or their other half telling and then it will be a knock on effect .. ahh well! i don't know DH says he feels better for telling them so i guess if it helps him deal with it i'm ok with it. As he was closes to his older brother i just said for him to tell him and his fiancee just so he has someone else he can chat with.. but when talking to his sister about it his sister said that as my DH had a kidney transplant back when he was 16 the DR said in the risks it said could cause infertility later, his mum past when he was 21 so we can't ask her things like that and i guess his mum never brought it up as he was only young and wasn't really a good time to talk about them things but the DR only said MIGHT! what's the chances?

Baby dust to all xxxx
I don't start my next dose of Clomid for 2 more days but plan on taking it right before bed so that the side effects will be as minimal as possible...... otherwise I might be a divorced woman :haha:

I plan on temping and doing Preseed this month in addition to OPK, Clomid and Metformin. I am also back on my diet (I lost 15 lbs just before my wedding and put it back on :blush:) and exercising.

GP's annoy me a bit..... well not really the GP's but just the whole situation of infertility. GP's are not specialized in any area but a lot of people go to them for fertility issues. The GP's do basic BW and nothing shows as being wrong so they jusy say unexplained infertility (which to me doesn't exist..... there must be a reason in everyone)..... so people learn to accept it until they see a FS and find out there actually is a reason. I wish FS's were covered for everyone because everyone deserves to know what is going on in their body........ my little rant for having unexplained infertility for 15 years :blush:

So, I am sure the FS will do tests on your DH and find out why that is happening then you guys can work on correcting it..... it's a long process but in the end, you will definately have your little miracle :thumbup:

I am not sure about the kidney transplant and how that affects sperm count.... have you done research on this??? Something to def. tell the FS though so he can look into it.

Have a goodnight :hugs:

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