Newbie here, TTC #2 aged 36

Hey everyone

Congratulations Hinky and Rowan! Fab news! Wishing you super sticky beans!!!

I had my FS appointment today and he said my bloods are consistent with my age rather than being particularly abnormal. I'm on cd6 so he gave me an internal ultrasound and checked uterus is clear and both ovaries showed a few follicles so all looks normal. He advised us to try for another 6 months and go back if we still haven't conceived after that.

Glad all is ok and I guess we just have to keep on trying...

I'm going to the Olympics tomorrow- evening athletics session, with clients but should be fairly relaxed, looking forward to a few beers. DH's sister is looking after Joey overnight which I'm a bit anxious about but I'm sure will be fine....
Hey everyone

Congratulations Hinky and Rowan! Fab news! Wishing you super sticky beans!!!

I had my FS appointment today and he said my bloods are consistent with my age rather than being particularly abnormal. I'm on cd6 so he gave me an internal ultrasound and checked uterus is clear and both ovaries showed a few follicles so all looks normal. He advised us to try for another 6 months and go back if we still haven't conceived after that.

Glad all is ok and I guess we just have to keep on trying...

I'm going to the Olympics tomorrow- evening athletics session, with clients but should be fairly relaxed, looking forward to a few beers. DH's sister is looking after Joey overnight which I'm a bit anxious about but I'm sure will be fine....

That's really good news - I know it must be frustrating because of course you have been trying really hard for ages, but good that you've have a scan and the blood checks to put your mind at rest. A lot more positive knowing that there's every chance you will be ovulating most cycles and your bd efforts are not being wasted. "Keep doing what you're doing" is not an easy message to hear though, so loads of :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Ooh, enjoy the Olympics - and the beers! We tried for the first round of tickets but then gave up; sort of wish we'd tried a bit harder now. My parents are going pretty much all next week - I think my dad applied for everything!

Of course Joey will be ok, but I can understand your concern. We've only ever left Stan overnight with my parents and OH's (we are sooo extremely lucky to have our family nearby, and so willing to help out). I leave him without a thought (and he with barely a backward glance at us :haha:) but the first time I must've spent as much time explaining every eventuality as I spent out of the house! :wacko:
That's great news Captain :thumbup: My doc told me it just takes a little longer at our age, which frustrated me at the time because I wanted some miracle answer. Turns out he was right though, and it will happen soon for you too :dust:

Fin stays at my OH's parents or sister's once every couple of months. He always sleeps better than I do! I bet Joey will have lots of fun, he'll have loads of fuss made of him :hugs:

My hubby's off to the Olympics 2 days next week too, with a friend. OH applied for loads of tickets and only got 1 set. His friend got a set too so they're taking each other. I'm taking Fin on day trips both days to keep us both entertained. We've got tickets to the Mr Bloom roadshow too next weekend so that should be fun x
How is everything going with you dan-o? x

Yeah ok, a little fed up with ttc etc, hence why I've stayed quiet he last few weeks lol :haha:

Im currently waiting to do redo my cd3/21 bloods and hubby's sperm count, also have an ultrasound referral, to check if I still need investigating for fibroids. My gp think I might be too old for NHS referral back to my FS, so said she would check the age cut off and then refer me privately in that case, whatever that means. We have no money to fund any private appointments, so I'm hoping she has got the age cut off wrong!

Hope you are well and your little bean is progressing nicely. The weeks seem to be flying by! xx

I'm not surprised you're fed up - sounds like they are doing a lot of prodding and poking, but hopefully it will bring you some answers and positive steps. Sending you loads of :dust: in the meantime and fingers crossed that all is well. Don't forget to keep up that bd while you're waiting :hugs:

Re the cut-off age, I remember reading something recently about proprosals to raise the NHS cut-off (for IVF, at least) to 42, which surprised me as they seem to be trying to squeeze everything and restrict it. But that might be promising for you. Can't remember where I read it (sorry) but perhaps you could find more info online or gp might know...
hmm very very faint 2nd line.....did 3 tests 2 with my fmu and one now - dh wont be able to see them ofc - gah this is why i like the expensive ones - love to see those words!!

so will test again tmro....

:blush: I think I must've missed this post in my excitement.


Any more news today?
glad all is ok captain - frustrating but a relief hopefully just a matter of time - v jealous of olympics :) sounds fab

defo bfp on a clear blue digi - v excited!! bit daunted too i must admit! :)
glad all is ok captain - frustrating but a relief hopefully just a matter of time - v jealous of olympics :) sounds fab

defo bfp on a clear blue digi - v excited!! bit daunted too i must admit! :)

Congratulations! I did a digi today as well just to make sure my eyes weren't deceiving me! Lots of luck to you for a h&h pregnancy xxx
Congratulations on the postive digi tests ladies!! :yipee:
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: dan-o. I'm sorry you're feeling down and can understand entirely why you've been keeping away a bit more.

I hope your appointments help shed some light on what's going on and like Hinky I'm sure you're within age for referral to a FS on the NHS if it comes to it. I really hope it doesn't and the recent good luck on this thread continues with your BFP

Captain it's good news your bloods are normal and if your US showed follicles there's a great chance you'll get your BFP soon. Try to stay positive and I have fingers and toes crossed for you.

Rowan and Hinky :happydance: for your digi BFP's, awesome news :thumbup:

As for me I'm going along fine as far as I know at least. It's about a week and a half until my hospital booking appointment which seems pretty late to be honest (I'll be 10 weeks by then). I still don't have a scan date either but I assume it will be booked at that appointment as I haven't heard anything yet. I didn't get a 12 week scan with Maia as where I live you don't get one if you have an early one so I have no idea how it works. I feel like I'll finally be able to properly relax when I've seen my bean :cloud9:
As for me I'm going along fine as far as I know at least. It's about a week and a half until my hospital booking appointment which seems pretty late to be honest (I'll be 10 weeks by then). I still don't have a scan date either but I assume it will be booked at that appointment as I haven't heard anything yet. I didn't get a 12 week scan with Maia as where I live you don't get one if you have an early one so I have no idea how it works. I feel like I'll finally be able to properly relax when I've seen my bean :cloud9:

Both my booking appointments were at 10 weeks - I think that's the timeframe they aim for. Both my scans were initiated at the initial appt with the midwife, then I got a letter from the hospital to confirm time and date (and in fact, the first pregnancy, the midwife also called me to confirm). I am pretty sure I knew the dates of the 12 weeks scans before my booking appt, but it might work differently nowadays / in your area.

Hope you hear soon anyway, will be lovely to see your bubba - nerve-wracking in the meantime though :hugs:
Thanks Hinky.

It's funny how it varies so much between areas. My sister (who lives in the midlands) had her booking appointments at 7 weeks and started seeing the community midwife much earlier than I will (I think I will be 17 or 18 weeks before appointments start).

It is nerve wracking but to be honest it feels like its going pretty quickly and happily I'm nowhere near as anxious as I was to begin with :thumbup:

I hope you have a relatively anxiety free first tri too x
Hinky and Rowan congratulations on your BFP on digi :) :happydance::happydance: This is becoming quite a good luck thread!

Captain im glad your bloods came back good- and while its frustrating trying to be patient i have my fingers crossed your BFP soon too- especially as now your not worrying something is wrong :)

Dan0- sorry your feeling a bit down hun.... both of us need to stay positive now. with all this fairy dust in here we can't be too far behind!! :hugs:

Star, i had my letter come through last time for booking appointment with the midwife a few days after the MC and the date was when i would have been 10 weeks 2 days- so i think its about 10 weeks around this way- i think my SIL was about 10 weeks too- glad things are coming along nicely, and looking forward to seeing your scan pics :)

everything- glad your happy with your decision- I always like the idea of finding out and then you can get organised lol

away for the weekend again ladies- so you all have a good one. Sending sticky bean dust to our newly BFP girls! :) :happydance:
Hi ladies, I am still waiting for my nice dark line, feeling a bit down about it to be honest :cry: Tested with 2mu this morning, the line was considerably lighter than it was yesterday lunchtime. I am trying hard not to read too much into this, and to resist the urge to test again.

When I got pregnant with Stanley, I did one test which came up with a lovely line and I never tested again. With my second pregnancy I used the other test out of that box (!) which also came up with a lovely line. At the time I thought that was a great story - my 2 chn confirmed with 2 HPTs from the same pack! Unfortunately not to be...

After having a chemical a few months ago I just can't help worrying. I know that seeing a dark line isn't a guarantee of a healthy pregnancy, but still I feel it would be a good start :shrug:

Wish I knew when I'd ovulated. I am now 38 days since spotting or 36 days since full AF. Latest I've ov'd is 21 days so that would make me at the very least 15dpo.

OH is being lovely and telling me just to chill out and take it easy - I know stressing isn't going to change the outcome, but I know how much we both want this and the thought of having it taken away again is horrible.

Sorry for the self-indulgent post - I know I'm lucky to be in this position even of seeing a faint line as it proves we are managing to get one bit right! Just so worried it's not going to stick again.
Hoping that line gets darker for you hun, could your pee just be too dilute?
Hoping that line gets darker for you hun, could your pee just be too dilute?

Thank you :flower: I was hoping that might be the case, or just a freak test with less dye or something, but surely with smu it would be darker than lunchtime yesterday when my pee was probably very diluted. Tested again about an hour ago (have drunk a few cups of tea so not ideal, I know) and line barely showing after 10 mins, and very faint even after leaving it for an hour.

Last time I had an early loss I began bleeding 4 days after my first bfp having watched the lines get darker and then lighter again. Today would be 4 days, so just a case of waiting and hoping.

I know you've been here before as well, it sucks doesn't it. Yesterday I felt really positive and happy; today I have this horrible feeling this is going to be another loss :cry:
Oh Hinky, I'm so sorry to hear what you're going through :hugs: Sending you lots of sticky dust, and I so hope to hear that you get a dark line soon :hugs:
I'm so sorry things are looking uncertain :hugs: I just hope tomorrow shows a darker line. If you had a good feeling before then that's a good sign in itself IMO. Everything crossed for you hun xxx

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