so how do we post pictures on here anyway girls? i'm not sure i feel comfortable posting them on the threads, but i don't mind sending them to you girls via pm i know i'm weird
speaking of .... if dh tells me one time that he's "too tired" on one of the important days, i think i will take up your method, poppy, and just pin him down to the bed!! desperate times call for desperate measures!!
That's the spirit 'greedy mums on a TTC mission' I decided the same, and hubby has endured a marathon week Only trouble is both me and work wore him out and he fell asleep on me last night!
Gonna make him a strong before bedtime with extra suger lol
Tink x
You ladies are funny especially Pk2of8! These last several cycles I have been ovulating during the week & DH said yeah I guess we can do it, but it's so hard for me when he has that attitude cause I don't want pity BD. This time around I only got one BD in due to teenage stress & it was during the week again. So here is to hoping that it only takes one time. It was on my ovulation day according to CBFM & my first time taking bbt.
You ladies are funny especially Pk2of8! These last several cycles I have been ovulating during the week & DH said yeah I guess we can do it, but it's so hard for me when he has that attitude cause I don't want pity BD. This time around I only got one BD in due to teenage stress & it was during the week again. So here is to hoping that it only takes one time. It was on my ovulation day according to CBFM & my first time taking bbt.
You ladies are funny especially Pk2of8! These last several cycles I have been ovulating during the week & DH said yeah I guess we can do it, but it's so hard for me when he has that attitude cause I don't want pity BD. This time around I only got one BD in due to teenage stress & it was during the week again. So here is to hoping that it only takes one time. It was on my ovulation day according to CBFM & my first time taking bbt.
Aww well thank you joyful. Do you have kids then? We're just trying to stay positive and keep a good attitude, enjoy ourselves while we're trying so hard to have a LO. lol I understand what you mean about not wanting to have pity BD too. That would TOTALLY kill the mood. I think I would probably forgo asking at that point. Just get nekked when he would least expect it or put on something sexy that shows off his favey part of you! then just wait for him to make the first move. And don't even act like you want it. It throws them off. Maybe it won't work the first time, but that usually does the trick for me! Lol
Yes pk2of8 I have 2 kids 15 & 10, 2 girls. I didn't think I wanted anymore til 12/09 and than I really wanted another so tried that month & thought it would be no problem. But here I am 10 cycles later still trying & feeling desperate. I am 38 & worried that I am seriously on a time crunch. My DH is feeling okay about trying for awhile but is feeling like he is getting too old. He said he would be okay trying for another year or so. I am trying everything natural that's what my husband wants. So if no bfp this cycle I will do soy again and add softcups to the plan.
Poppy666 I am coming over to the other thread thanks for the invite.