Newlyweds TTC

Hello all! Happy holidays!

So last night dh's parents had a holiday party. There were about 30 people here, 10 being under 18. Right in the middle of the party, dh's cousin had a seizure and fell down. Then he stopped breathing. Thank god that one of dh's cousins is a respiratory therapist, one is in nursing school, and one of his uncles was a police officer. Those three took over and handled the situation as best as it could be handled. What was really bad is that we couldn't get the kids (ranging in age from 3 to 16) out of the room because dh's cousin fell right in the entrance to the living room, blocking the path out of the room. We ended up having the kids just gather in the corner and turn around. Thankfully the two youngest (3 and 5) were too little to really understand what was going on. But some of the older ones got really upset. As we were waiting for the ambulance to arrive, one of dh's other cousins (he's around 12 I think) started throwing up in the living room. So imagine it, we've got about 15 people, most kids crowded in the living room, a man down being given cpr at the entrance to the room, and the rest of the family huddled in the dining room which is right past the living room. It was a very very scary time. Thankfully the paramedics got here, and he was breathing by the time they arrived. They ended up taking him to the hospital, and I guess he is ok and is resting at home now.

And to think, I was so worried about dh's aunt bringing up those books she sent me, and here a man (only a year older than myself) almost died. I am truly thankful that there were people here who knew how to handle the situation, for the paramedics that arrived so quickly and did a wonderful job, and that dh's cousin, for the most part is ok.

I hope each and every one of you lovely ladies has a wonderful weekend.
oh my Lucie that is an eventful party. Glad there there were people there who could help him. Just makes you realise we should be grateful for our health as without it we have nothing!
Hope everyone else had a less eventful xmas. I have eaten too much and am stuff as a turkey !
Hello all! Happy holidays!

So last night dh's parents had a holiday party. There were about 30 people here, 10 being under 18. Right in the middle of the party, dh's cousin had a seizure and fell down. Then he stopped breathing. Thank god that one of dh's cousins is a respiratory therapist, one is in nursing school, and one of his uncles was a police officer. Those three took over and handled the situation as best as it could be handled. What was really bad is that we couldn't get the kids (ranging in age from 3 to 16) out of the room because dh's cousin fell right in the entrance to the living room, blocking the path out of the room. We ended up having the kids just gather in the corner and turn around. Thankfully the two youngest (3 and 5) were too little to really understand what was going on. But some of the older ones got really upset. As we were waiting for the ambulance to arrive, one of dh's other cousins (he's around 12 I think) started throwing up in the living room. So imagine it, we've got about 15 people, most kids crowded in the living room, a man down being given cpr at the entrance to the room, and the rest of the family huddled in the dining room which is right past the living room. It was a very very scary time. Thankfully the paramedics got here, and he was breathing by the time they arrived. They ended up taking him to the hospital, and I guess he is ok and is resting at home now.

And to think, I was so worried about dh's aunt bringing up those books she sent me, and here a man (only a year older than myself) almost died. I am truly thankful that there were people here who knew how to handle the situation, for the paramedics that arrived so quickly and did a wonderful job, and that dh's cousin, for the most part is ok.

I hope each and every one of you lovely ladies has a wonderful weekend.

Oh Lucie :( Hope he is okay now :hugs: :hugs xx

Hope everyone had a lovely christmas, well as you can see from my ticker, im on to yet another cycle :( still taking it casually but at least now im seeing my hubby a bit more so more BDing is happening.

I started my new job as a health care support worker on the 20th and i love it! Its so different to what i was doing and im really enjoying it. At least now it means im off more with hubby so that means a little extra chanceof making babies :haha:
Hi all!

Lincoln- yeah for new jobs! :)

As for me, I am getting ready to head home tomorrow. Thankfully we are going to take 2 days to do the drive. We will drive about 13 hrs tomorrow, and around 9 Friday. I am just so ready to be home! I am anxious to get back to work and keep busy. I am anxiously waiting for dh's apt in Feb. I do hope that the clomid has upped his #s!
One quick ? I have just started a journal, but can't for the life of me figure out how to add a link to it in my signature. Can one of you lovely ladies help me out?

I hope everyone is doing well!
Hi Lucie, when I hyperlinked it would not work so as you can see I have just got the address.

Quick Links
Edit Signature
then copy the address of the journal and paste into the box. Preview.
If you want to hyperlink - write your bit you want seen is Luice fabulous TTC Journal then highlight this ans at the top there is a symbol of a world and a funny paper clip thing( a link symbol) click this should then open up an area for the journal's adress to be pasted into.

Hope that helps xxxx
Thanks Liz! I will try to do that when I get home tomorrow, as I'm not sure if I could do that on my iPhone.
Hay girlies,

I thought I would pop in and actually post something rather than reading and running!

Im glad to hear you have all had a good Christmas.... albeit, some more eventful than others!

Lucie - I hope you have a safe journey home.

I had an eventful Christmas and one I would like to forget. My mum has been feeling ill for about 10 days. She has been back and forth to the Drs but has not been given any answers to her problems. She was given steroids to help ease her chest but these gave her the shakes so the Dr lessened the dose. The next day mum was admitted hospital, again because of her chest. :cry: They ran a series of tests on her, including swine flu. The following morning, Christmas eve at about 1130hrs she was released from hospital. She had no answers! I had a call about 1530hrs saying to get to mum's house ASAP as the ambulance was on its way..... Mum was taken back to hospital and readmitted, again because of her chest. Blood test revealed she had an infection but they were unable to say where :dohh:
Mum was released at 10am Xmas day under strict instructions she wasn't to do anything. The most she was allowed to do was sit in the chair. We were all glad she was home but she looked awful! We opened our presents round their house and my dad prepared dinner etc. Mum was glad she got to see my DD open her presents from them but she was still feeling really poorly.
Anyhow, Boxing Day she was still feeling poorly and told me she thought she was going to have to go back to hospital but didn't.
As the week has been progressing, mum has been getting slightly better, although not sleeping. She had a Drs appt this morning and the results of the tests are showing phumonia. :( . She has more pills to take and signed off work until at least the 10th Jan. Heres hoping for a speedy recovery!

As for me, this little boy is still breach, feet first. I have a C section booked for Friday 7th Jan. I have seen the consultant and had all the pre operation stuff done.... MRSA swabs etc. I am to go in about 0730hrs and see where abouts I am on the list. Its as simple as that!!
Bump is still measuring 2 weeks ahead of my dates. Those of you who are on Facebook, I have uploaded a recent bump picture which was taken yesturday! I am also asking for people's guesses as to the weight of baby H.

Its my last day at work tomorrow. I can't wait! I am getting ssssooooo much pressure. It feels like this baby is going to fall out everytime I stand up! :haha: I have also developed piles over the Xmas period which are PAINFUL! My SIL says its because of the pressure the baby is causing. I just wish they would go! :cry:
MW says there is more of a chance my waters will break on their own because his pointed/sharpe feet are wriggling and jiggling in my pelvis rather than a blunt/rounded head that hardly moves! As long as im in Mothercare, John Lewis or M&S, I don't mind!! (For those not in the UK, they are well known department stores and rhumor has it that if your waters break in them then they give you loads of free baby goodies!!!!!!)

Thank you for reading! I hope you are all well. X
Oooh lorts so happy u get to meet ur bby soon
sorry to hear bout ur mum and I hope she's better soon
pm me ur fb name hun if it's ok x
LAL's waters have broken. She has posted in her journal! Goodluck LAL! X x x
Update on LaL...

My :yellow: bump turned :blue: last night at 7:52 pm weighing 6lbs 12 1/2 ounces and 19 inches long! He is the most perfect little guy mummy and daddy are bey blessed! I will update when I can about my tramatic birth story. Thanks for thinking of us so much. Xxxxxxx

Here's a quote I had to share...

"I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together."
— Marilyn Monroe

On another note, where is everyone? I feel like I'm all alone here... :(
Hello lucie!!! I am still around, been away for new year to the new forest, which is a national park but very small one comapred to your NP in USA! I think you would think it is the size of a back garden. It was lovely though. We were away with both of our parents, DH mother did start to pee me off in the end, but that is to be expected as she is very intense and it winds mw up a bit lol
I am back to work tomorow which is a shame as I was getting used to the whole time off.

Lorts, the count down begins and fingers crossed the waters break in John lewis as they do lovely stuff!!!!! (glad your mum is recovering ok, we had something similar with my dad last Feb, turned out to be an Ecoli infections and the Dr forgot to check and went to discharge him form the hospital when still very ill - a junior dr noticed nobody had bothered to pick up his test results, ended up on drip of anti biotics not allowed home for a week, then was in bed at home for another couple of weeks - my conclusion Hospitals are actually dangerous places to go!!!)

Congratulations to LaL!!!! xxxx

Hope everyone else is doing well and Lastly HAppy New Year!!! may 2011 be a good un!
Thank you!! I'm still holding on to this baby! Don't think there is any chance of my waters going! I did suggest to DH that I wls spend the rest of the week jumping up and down in JL!

I'm in a bit of a dilema over baby names. DH likes Enzo and I like Cruz. Neither of us like eachother's choices so we went back to the drawing board. We have come up with Axel. We both really like it and its the strongest contender we have had for 9 months! We only came up with it this evening. I secretly told my mum who has subsequently told my dad. They both hate it and think I'm out of order by inflicting the name onto him and leaving him open to being bullied for his name when he goes to school. I have said its our choice and that's what we have decided on. Mum then said she was going to make a silly nickname for him so I had to change it. I replied she could be nasty if she wanted to and that was up to her but we liked it and that's all that mattered.

I'm just so upset and annoyed. Just wished I had kept my mouth shut but considering mum is my best friend I thought it would be OK.

What do you guys think? Do you think Axel is a stupid name and he will be bullied in the future? Mum says I don't have a heart if I call him Axel.

Honest opinions please!!!

X x x
It's def different
but there are sooo many names around now so wrn ur little one goes to school there wil be lots of weird and wonderful names.
Happy New Year ladies :flower:

Hi Lucie- im here, been away over xmas so no been on much sorry :flower:

Lorts- from working in a school perspective.....

there are so many different names about now and strange ways of spelling them i think it has become the norm and lets face it everyone gets picked on at one point in their life if it be their name, braces, glasses etc my point being you cant disreguard a name because a child may be picked on. It is far better to teach the child how to deal with the bullies in later life and you be happy with your child's name. At the end of the day its you, dh and child that have to live with it and if your happy then don't let anyone else change your mind.

Just my opinion but thats what will make my mind up with names, hope you are ok and only 3 more sleeps :happydance:
Lotrs - do you both still like the name after you slept on it last night? I have never named a baby but when we named our cats, we had names before we choose them and then changed our minds when we actually met them - maybe you should wait till you see him before making any final descisions?
I am a teacher, I have not taught any axel's yet so can not say if it is a name to be bullied for BUT there are lots of names like caprice mercades etc that you would think maybe they would get some stick for but kids seem to leave the name thing alone. Its more the quiet ones that get picked on. Hope you are feeling a bit happier and that your mum has been nicer today x
:thumbup: Thank you ladies. I'm not sleeping well at the moment so every time I woke up I kept on thinking about it. I haven't gone off the name.

Our criteria for choosng a name was - Can't be shortened, Unique, can't know anyone with the same name at all, has to go with surname and DD's name. I'm not sure if you guys are aware but I'm a police officer, so not only do I work with a lot of men, I can also associate criminals to names which then become no nos! - I suppose its the same as being a teacher and associating a name to the 'naughty' child!!!!!!!!!

I agree that there are many 'different' names out there now and Axel isn't that obsecure. My DD's friend is called Breeze?! :shrug: To begin with we were like "Eh, Breeze?" but now its just Breeze!

I also agree that we should probably wait until we meet him to see if the name suits him. If it doesn't then I have no idea what we are going to do! LOL! :dohh:

When I revealed what my daughter's name to my nan and auntie etc when she was born, im almost certain they didn't like that, but that has turned into the 'norm' now.

Aaaahhhhh..... if my mum's reaction wasn't so bad then I wouldn't even be thinking twice about it! :wacko: :growlmad:

I shouldn't have told my mum (or anyone else) the name so I can't mention it to DH! Mum hasn't said anything to me today. There is definate tension in the air. I just think that its our choice and she shouldn't be nasty about it. My nephew is Lewis (a normal name you think) but his surname begins with a L therefore sounds a bit strange.... (our opinion inc my mum's) but she hasn't said a single word to my bro or anything. I'm just annoyed. :cry:

On another note, my DH did my belly cast tonight. Oooooouuucccchhhhhhh is the only way I can describe it! DH said "you only need to put Vasceline on 'a lot' of body hair so you will be fine" - Well, thats the last time I listen to him! :growlmad: It was like having the biggest plaster pulled from your tummy. The thin skin from under my boobs was SSSSOOOOOOO sore!!!! :sad2: I could have killed him! I made sure my boobs had Vasceline on them because by the time he got to them the belly part had started to dry and pull at my body hair!!
The cast will be sprayed blue at a car body shop and DD hand prints and DS foot prints will be put on it followed by a clear layer will be put on!

I have been getting ready for surgery this evening! Poor DH has had to VEET my 'bits' because I can't see what im doing. :haha: I have been told to use VEET and not shave just in case I cut myself which will leave the area open up to infection. Tomorrow I have MW and I am going to give more blood at hospital just in case I need a transfusion then they have my exact blood type..... or something like that!!!

Thank you again for your replies. It kinda helps me make mind mind up when you say you haven't taught anyone called Axel.... that meets the 'unique' criteria!!!

Hope you have a good day tomorrow. XxXxXxXxXxXx
Hey there Lolly!

Lorts- I'm a teacher too (7 years) and have never taught an Axel. I too would like to name my children something unique (and it can't remind me of any of my past "difficult" students ). I say if you are happy with the name, then go for it! As for being made fun of for it, I've met many students with "weirder" names. As long as you and dh like it, that's all that should matter!

Sorry to sound pathetic....but would you guys mind popping into my journal if you have a minute....I'm starting to think that no one likes me over there... lol!
I'm sat in the hospital atm and there is a little boy running around called 'Law'! Considering my job I don't think its a good idea to copy that name!

I am nearly 48hrs into considering the name Axel and my feelings about the name haven't changed! I have only 2 sleeps left till I meet him!

Thank you for all your help, ideas and advice about this. X

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