I spent about 2 hours trying to get on the site on Wednesday morning. Managed to order about £10o of stuff, then it froze while checking out. We left it open as we had to go out, then came back to find that the order had been successful!

But the happiness didn't last long! When I opened the confirmation email, only £8 of the whole order had still been in stock by the time it had got through!

So yesterday I had an £8 order delivered (2 pairs joggers and 3 t-shirts for Charlie), but with £3.95 delivery, and a new catalogue thats cost me £3.75!!!!
So I got DH to drop me off at the shop yesterday, spent £152, and have oooodles of stuff!!!!!
Although, DH popped to his friends for a coffee while I was in the shop and she works for Next. She said if we had given her a list before Xmas, she could have got it all from stock, bagged up, and given it to us!
Oh, and she did say that all stores should have been re-stocking the shelves last night, and there will also be further reductions!!

We're off again in a bit!!!