I wonder if this religious woman who runs the B&B would also refuse unmarried couples a double room?
Yes they would. And they said as much. Of course it's easier for a heterosexual couple to hide and lie about it.
And they didn't refuse to have them stay, just not in a double room. This is why labelling this couple as homophobic is a little flawed.
I do think any business should have the right to choose who they do business with. That way, it is society who decides what is acceptable and what isn't rather than the law getting involved and this whole nonsense about compensation for "hurt feelings" is ridiculous. At most this couple should have been awarded any out of pocket travel expenses and perhaps any extra costs they incurred in finding alternative accommodation.
To liken it to "the olden days" when businesses would turn away black people is a little off. Those were different times and I believe that even without a law, the vast majority of businesses wouldn't do that nowadays. Any that did would probably go out of business. I think that's how it should be dealt with. Let these little old couple's run their B&Bs, letting in whomever they choose and they might well do great business or they might not, it's not like this B&B is the only one that couple had the choice of using.
I have absolutely no time for anyone who would turn away a gay couple, it irritates me that people hold these outdated views but I think they are entitled to hold those opinions and apply those to their customers if they wish. If they were to discriminate against their staff, that's a different issue.
I think couples like this need to grow up and move on. There are large numbers of things I can't go to with our disabled daughter. The law protects us so far, but the bottom line is some people are not willing to go the extra mile, or to bend to another's needs. I simply find somewhere else to go or something else to do. Life isn't fair, some people are crap but we have to stop suing everything that moves when we don't get our way. It's getting ridiculous.