Yup, just looking after the 2 kiddies at home is enough of a challenge to get me through the day. Add to that the dishes, washing, tidying up of toys, vacuuming and what not and it's getting me to the point of not wanting to get up at all. Everywhere is a tip, the idea of a home birth in this mess is frightening the life out of me so I'm going to have to find some energy in the next few weeks. Haven't taken down the baby clothes or washed them yet either.
Oohhh, are you with One-to-One by any chance? =)
Had my previous home birth with them and it was absolutely amazing, so definitely the way for me again (all things permitting of course).
Even though I still can't find the energy to do every day tasks like tidying up, I started painting the bathroom yesterday. Don't ask me what I was thinking! I remember the colour walls really annoyed me during my last labour, so finally getting around to painting them plain white in case this little lady is also born in there.