...No, relaxing will not get me pregnant...lucky CBFM girls!

I have THE best husband ever. Last night he put up aa new light fixture that we bought for 30 dollars on clearance and it looks amazing. (ill put up pictures later) then I was listening to christmas music putting up my tree this morning and my husband was cleaning. Then I said "don't we have the most beautiful tree ever?!" He goes "ya AND I have the most beautiful wife ever!" :wedding:

I'm so happy your back lull! :friends:

I hope everyone is having a great thanksgiving. Mines going really good. I made some apple dumplings and they are delicious! My mil about died when she ate them lol. She called then heavenly. Just hanging out now watching the lions get beat...they better get their heads out of their butts. The lions are our team. The kids are super funny playing together today.

Aww:hugs: Thankyou so much Gdane, its lovely to hear that! i do tend to lock myself away when im like this as i dont want to burden anyone with my mood:nope: pma:thumbup: i love your profile picture hun and i love christmas too and cant wait to put up our tree and decorations, your husband is lovely!

You would never be a burden. If you ever need to vent or need an online hug we are here for you.
Thanks for all the compliments ladies. HOpe everyone is doing well. I know you all missed my stick pictures so you get one again, because i STILL have not peaked. Should we start taking bets on if I'm even going to O and when? I'm thinking hopefully I'll see peak in the next couple days. But I sure hope it is because I only have two sticks left. :nope: I know it's not the greatest picture, but my estrogen and LH line are about equal...they're barely showing. PS: Did anyone check out my little change to the top of my signature?? :)
Hey, ladies! Well, here's the full story on my situation, as I'm off work, Thanksgiving is done, and I have time to type!

This is cycle #4 using my CBFM...I have always gotten peaks, even my first month using it, usually between CD 12-15. This month, I had to crack into my box of new test sticks, as I ran out at last cycle.

Well, this month I'm on cycle day 19, and have never peaked...I've had only high readings from cycle day 8, so it looks like the monitor will ask me for 20 sticks this month rather than 10, and that's never happened. Also, I added OPK's into the mix this month, to use in the afternoons or evenings. I started getting darker OPK's between CD 11-14, but to me, they never looked completely positive. DH and I BD'ed on days 12, 14, and 17...more on the BD thing in a moment. Anyway, despite not getting a peak on the CBFM, FF shows I ovulated on day 12. This very well could be the case, as I started having ovulation pains around this time, although I remember them being pretty bad the night of CD 14. So, who the hell knows, right?

Okay, onto the BDing part. So, I've mentioned before that DH is taking Prozac, and is currently tapering off it to see if that helps his low libido. Well, since I wasn't getting a peak, I thought we'd better try the SMEP, and BD every other day for a while. Days 12 & 14 were successful, but then came the night of CD 16. I hopped into bed with DH, and tried getting frisky, but he could not get hard, nor did he seem like he wanted to even try. I told him that I didn't care HOW I got pregnant, so I gave him a softcup, and sent him to the computer room to watch porn, and ejaculate into the softcup...yes, I was going to attempt an at-home insemination. Well, he agreed to try it, and over 45 minutes later, he still couldn't get aroused enough to finish the job. So, this resulted in a DH that felt like less of a man, and me staying up all night crying my eyes out. He told me that when he wants me, he wants me, but he can't "do it all the time", and sometimes he can't get into the mood. I was upset, and you probably know what I was thinking...how the hell are when going to conceive when he can't perform when he needs to?

To let you all know, DH is NOT a playful lover. He pretty much enjoys the same things all of the time, kissing, me performing some oral on him, then some pretty standard bding. I on the other hand, am very adventurous in bed, enjoy a variety of positions, locations, etc. I love toys, and sorts of other fun stuff, all of which I've expressed to DH, and I've tried to gently persuade him to try mixing it up. But you see, he's got issues with sex in general. He seems only able to perform when it is rather straight-laced lovemaking, and doesn't seem real turned-on by anything else. In fact, prior to me, he was unable to ejaculate with a sexual partner AT ALL. He has received professional help for these issues, and I feel satisfied with our sex life UNLESS it is within the week of ovulation...the pressure and frequency just kills it for him, and he can't perform. He loves sex with me, but it really only happens under circumstances that meet his needs.

The blessing this month, is that if I did ovulate on day 12 or 14, we BDed on both of these days. Could my monitor not peaking be because I had to use a new box of test sticks or something? Ugh.
I'm so sorry wook. The only thing I can say is that you look like you ovulated on cd14
Wookie, last month I didn't get a peak on my monitor, but FF confirmed ovulation. I noticed that the more and more I used the monitor it got messed up so I wiped the memory clean. Maybe you could try to wipe yours clean? This month I got 2 highs and 2 peaks when I usually get 7 highs lol. I think wiping the memory out helped. I know my monitor was right this month because I peaked on the same day the clinic called me to tell me that my blood work detected an LH surge. I don't know what kind of OPK's you are using, but when I was using IC's I could never get a true positive. I always got a faint positive. I don't think they are that sensitive because I got a peak on my monitor, a smiley face and a chart that confirmed ovulation.

The only advice I can give you with your husband is maybe ask your doctor about viagra? Tell your doctor about his problem with Prozac and that you are TTC and need some help. You could also maybe try another anti-depressant, but the only problem with that is it might take a while before you can find another one that works. It took me 10 years to find a drug that worked for my depression. I was on Effexor. I'm not sure if a cock ring could help as well if you can't get him into the mood. I'm sorry that this is happening and it must be frustrating.

From looking at your chart it's hard to say, but definitely 12 13 or 14.

May I ask you how you got your username Wookie?

Gdane, I love the new add on to your signature. I think I will add something to my signature as well just as soon as I can figure out what I'm going to say.

Your stick looks like it is going to peak any day now. I bet it will peak tomorrow and it if doesn't maybe you need to reset your monitor too and clear the memory. I doubt you will need to do that though because your sticks don't look like you have peaked yet, but you will soon I bet.

I finally got a huge temperature spike today. When I take the user override off FF confirms ovulation happened on cycle day 17. On cycle day 17 my ultrasound confirmed ovulation already happened on cycle day 16, so I'm wondering if maybe I ovulated late on CD16 and it took a bit longer for my temp to rise. I'm happy now that FF is only off by a day.

I'm pretty sure I have a short luteal phase. I bet it will be 11 days this month which is still short according to my doctor. I'm getting my progesterone tested on Monday so we will see.
Hello Ladies!!!! I hope everyone got their bellies full of delicious Thanksgiving grub. And if you were brave enough to give Black Friday a try...I hope you were as successful as myself. I decided to pop one of my xanax and drag DH to walmart for black friday since I was in a VERY good mood, worked and got paid DOUBLE, and made some awesome tips. I went to get some movies and grabbed only 4 that I didn't have since we had to wait in line to look for 30 mins. BUT I took a chance and we walked to the back of the store where the XBox's were and I was getting nervous since a TON of people already had them in their buggies and told me they were only 200 bucks for the kinect bundle....I walked right up and picked one up!!!!!!! I was overly excited!!! Although I'm very upset once I got home I found out they had the Dance Central 2 for only 15 bucks. I did score the new Batman game for 28 and they gave me a $50 giftcard back at the register!!!! So I think I scored a great deal and it took my mind off of anything that might have discouraged me. Came home and got our BD on!!!!! Although my new medication Celebrex is making it hard for me to finish although I really really want to.

Gdane-I was seriously looking at your tests and thinking she starts getting highs on CD10 just like I do...so does the CBFM do this with everyone else?! Then I saw Wookies post and her's is different. So I don't know. I really really hope you get your peak tomorrow. Maybe with all the holiday stuff going on your body is like....I'm going to give you a different kind of cycle this month. SO HEY GDANE'S BODY....OVULATE!!!!! Because we all said so!!!! We want a house full of BFP's so we can start a new thread. "CBFM Ladies...we're ALL pregnant for Christmas!!!!!!"

Wookie-At first reading your post I was going to say, yes the prozac sucks in the bedroom. But they are supposed to prescribe any man taking it a 2nd medication to counter react that low libido. But then I saw what you said about wanting to mix it up and DH isn't really into that. My DH wasn't either when we first got married and very very very slowly I've introduced some small things into the bedroom. Just recently I went to one of those temptations parties and I bought this stuff called Nympho's desire. It's arousal creme for me as like I said I usually can't finish myself in the first place(it's worse now because of meds) but I gave it a shot and we LOVE it. (except when taking meds lol) So maybe keep bringing it up very slowly and start off with something less intimidating like a sleeve or a cock ring or something? It's worth a shot right? I really hope your BDing was successful!!!!!!!

As for me now it's off to do some laundry and hang out with some friends. I think a glass of moscato today is just what the dr ordered!!!
I just found out for sure I got the FS dr I wanted!!!!! Only sad thing is, I don't get to see him til Feb 20th! It is WELL worth the wait though! I'm so excited!
I just found out for sure I got the FS dr I wanted!!!!! Only sad thing is, I don't get to see him til Feb 20th! It is WELL worth the wait though! I'm so excited!

That's not too far away. Hopefully, you'll get pregnant before you have to see your FS.

I got lucky too, and got my favourite FS in our clinic.
Hey, thanks, ladies! I too thought maybe I O'ed on cd 14, and if that's the case, we may be sitting well in the BD department. As far as DH and our bedroom issues, we normally don't experience erectile problems...it's mainly when the situation has added pressure, such as when I'm ovulating. His main issue is low desire...we generally spontaneously BD once a week, which is fine with me, except when I'm fertile!

We've been to the doctor, and he felt Viagra isn't necessary at this point. He's going off the Prozac slowly while we're ttc, and we're seeing if his libido goes back to normal. When we first got together, he was a normal horny guy! If/when the depression becomes an issue again, he's going to try Wellbutrin, as that has fewer sexual side effects.

I haven't considered using a cock ring...maybe that would help! I can't see DH being keen on the idea, but he knows I'll do anything once in the bedroom. He's funny, becuase he wants sex to always be sweet and emotional, and fairly traditional...and he knows I'm a lot friskier, and would like to basically tear his clothes off, and hang from a trapeze!!!! LOL!!!!! Oh, well. TTC is major pressure, and our aging asses are feeling the crunch, you know?

Lekker, major Black Friday score!!! I didn't head out...I felt more like chilling in bed, and cuddling with the dog, the kitties, and DH.
SLH- my screen name comes from being a former Star Wars dork. LOL!!!!!

Gdane- I sure hope you'll get your peak soon! I may need to do a hard reset with mine...this 20 stick thing sucks!!! I sure hope it only happens to me, and not you too.
My husband loves star wars and he told me to google a wookie so I did and laughed when I saw the picture lol.
I have THE best husband ever. Last night he put up aa new light fixture that we bought for 30 dollars on clearance and it looks amazing. (ill put up pictures later) then I was listening to christmas music putting up my tree this morning and my husband was cleaning. Then I said "don't we have the most beautiful tree ever?!" He goes "ya AND I have the most beautiful wife ever!" :wedding:

I'm so happy your back lull! :friends:

I hope everyone is having a great thanksgiving. Mines going really good. I made some apple dumplings and they are delicious! My mil about died when she ate them lol. She called then heavenly. Just hanging out now watching the lions get beat...they better get their heads out of their butts. The lions are our team. The kids are super funny playing together today.


Aww:hugs: Thankyou so much Gdane, its lovely to hear that! i do tend to lock myself away when im like this as i dont want to burden anyone with my mood:nope: pma:thumbup: i love your profile picture hun and i love christmas too and cant wait to put up our tree and decorations, your husband is lovely!

You would never be a burden. If you ever need to vent or need an online hug we are here for you.
:hugs: xx
Lol...i had to google wookie too:haha:

So sorry to hear everyone is having trouble getting peaks and also no confirmation of ovulation, im also one of them, this thread is not an easy thread is it:haha: why is nothing simple!

Well considering last month i was in agony with cramps from start to finish and i mean agony:cry: this month i have hardly had any:happydance: few twinges here and there but so glad im not suffering....

Today since getting up all i have felt is sick, hope its a good sign as dnt normally suffer nausea.
Sounds like a rough month for all of us. What is this world coming to? I though this was supposed to be lucky thread :nope:

My tummy was upset today. I don't know what the deal is. I about crapped myself when I went to the Post office to mail Apple blossoms christmas present! International shipping is NOT cheap! HOLY MOLY! I just realized saying my tummy is upset then saying I almost crapped myself is probably not the best thing to say one right after the other :haha: It wasn't literally.

Thanks for the pep talk ladies LoL. I hope everyone gets their peaks soon. This crap is frustrating! I did reset my monitor this month SLH...I'm thinking I shouldn't have.

I googled wookie too. That's what I'm going to think of every time I see you post now :rofl:

Tryin: I hope you're okay!

MrsB: :hi: Haven't seen you around!
For the record, I don't look like a wookie!

If I did, that would explain DH's sexual problems, wouldn't it?


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