...No, relaxing will not get me pregnant...lucky CBFM girls!

Omg ladies I'm in so much pain from these cysts. They normally go away with af but they did not this time. I know all of you will say go to the doctor but every time I've gone they give me an ultrasound and say they'll go away with time just take pain meds. Ok...will this doesn't work for someone ttc pain meds are bad and cysts mess with your hormones. I don't think there is any way I'm getting pregnant with these
Wish I knew what to tell you, sweetie. It's like you're stuck between a rock and a hard place :(
Wow...wow...wow What I have missed!!! I have read back for quite some time, trying to catch up!!
Congrats Tryin :) absolutely elated for you and I hope that your blood tests come back with flying colors (I'm sure that they will) Any symptoms yet?? I bet your just super early in the pregnancy!!! and we had another bfp around the same time How exciting!! Glad to hear that your family and DH are thrilled about the pregnancy!!
Gdane- I'm so sorry about DH being under the weather but yay for you getting jiggy with it :) Also, so sorry about the cysts, I have been there in my past, cyst after cyst every month and they were ridiculously painful! I at one point got a cyst the size of a grapefruit when i was on clomid and it was hemorragic which is one that bleeds into iteself and grows and it was miserable, I had to get surgery for that one because it was so painful and wouldn't go away, they at the time thought they would have to take my ovary and I was so sad but luckily when they were doing the surgery it ruptured crazy huh!? so I got to keep my tube and ovary Thank goodness! I hope the pain eases up for you I know the exact feeling you feel at this moment and it is no fun, do you have any prescription meds that may help? I know nothing really seems to help in your case, you cant sit stand, walk or anything comfortably. And btw don't think you are out this cycle because of them because I have two friends that had cysts that somehow still ended up pregnant, it was painful at first but it still happend and now one has a healthy little girl and the other is about to have a healthy boy.. so keep your chin up, but im so so sorry about the pain.

Slh- I hope things are well with you,I read about you wanting to move forward to iui but how do you know this isn't your month?? I miss ya bunches by the way!!
Keekee, mrs.b, tryin, wookie, lekker you are super missed too!!
Wookie some of your previous posts I caught up on crack me up!! Gotta Love ya!!
Welcome to some of the newer ladies too (BerryBoo) so glad to have you! Even though I have only been in and out here and there lol I need to make bnb priority again like i used to.. guess since I'm not using my monitor or charting it completely slips my mind and sometimes i read but dont have time to type cause its on my phone etc.

I currently am still working out etc but not as hard as before this holiday food is getting me lol I have gone almost daily still to the gym but stopped a boot camp class which i regret cause it brought me great results but oh well ill get back on that after the new year!

I am on cd 15 tonight and have currently had slight cramping the last couple of days with fertile cm so I think o is coming if it hasnt already , but we all know i usually o late so probably hasn't happend yet lol but its getting close, I also had a great weekend this past with the family at the cabin getaway, got some hot tub time in which was awesome, and ate some good holiday food!
this weekend we have hubs fam christmas and also ours as husband and wife, so I'm pretty excited about all that!! I have to make deviled eggs for the ocassion lol thats my assignment!
I also am going to be scheduling an appt with my dr soon to go over my spotting on non ovulation months going away and also want to mention a major pms problem i get lol I really think I have pmdd, Ive noticed the last few months I get too moody during pms etc and looked up symptoms and of course I match a lot of them during that time, and also my mom has the same issues and takes meds a week before af comes to make her moods better, but i need to find out how that will affect ttc, hopefully it won't , if it does i wont take it but sometimes i honestly can't even stand myself durnng pms lol
Anyhow, ramble ramble ramble lol
Thanks allmacs.,i just want to give a big huge super thank you to tryinfor1 for sending me a lovely christmas gift. Its a ornament but its a pink baby carriage that has our names carved into it and days "ttc buddies 2011" so sweet I love it!

Dh and I are meeting with a financial consultant at the hospital tomorrow to talk about all the cost associated with iui. Kind of nervous.

My best bud got transferred to a bigger hospital to a GI specialist and is having another test tomorrow. Hopefully they find something so he can be home for christmas since he already spent his bday in the hospital. :(poor guy.

So happy to see you pook! Thanks for your post! That have me hope I hope you can be around more too. We miss you!
Inkdchick- OMG, did I miss when you got your bfp??? I completely didn't know you were pregnant! Congratulations, and have a happy & healthy 9 months!

Pook- Hey, babe! So happy to see you pop in, and I hope to see you more often! Glad to hear you've been keeping up with the exercise...that will increase your fertility hardcore!!!

Gdane- Those ******* cysts!!!! Try some tylenol, and a heating pad. A nice warm bath in Epsom salts may provide a bit of temporary relief too. I'm sure you've tried everything, but I hate to read you're suffering so much. I do believe you can get pregnant with them, albeit uncomfortable as hell early on. It's awful either way. I wonder if there isn't a holistic or natural method of shrinking them and relieving the pain....

Tryin- I'm anxiously awaiting those beta levels. I'm sure you're on edge, and fearing the worst. Chances are highly in your favor that everything is fine, and your numbers are going up. I've been praying for you, and just feel it's fine. Like Berryboo, I could drop-kick the nurse that mentioned that your levels are low...what a moron to blurt that out to a nervous new little pregnant gal that is already anxious!

AFM, FF is once again smoking crack!!!!! I got my 2nd peak, and clearly ovulated yesterday due to the type of pains I was experiencing- it was day 17. And despite the data I've put in, it gave me my crosshairs on day 15! I can tell you now that's not right, and I don't care what my temps indicate. Oh well, I be-donka-donked on days 14 and 16, so I feel I could be in the running with a shot this month.

Getting poked for prolactin and progesterone levels on the 26th. I feel I am most likely 1 dpo today. Meanwhile, I'm waiting for my morning ritual of TLC's A Baby Story to come on. I watch that show every morning before work.
GRR I wrote this huge post! And it delete because of the crappy internet service.


Gdane-#1 your new kitty is sooo cute! #2 at the best I can tell I should start Jan 5th. I am always 2 weeks late in Jan so I am not holding that as a true date.

Everyone else I haven't really been able to catch up on everything as my internet is very LIMITED :(

I have not been temping or using the CBFM really. I did it here and there and today I did wake up in time to POAS and got a Peak on cd14 so I think I'm ovulating on Christmas. We leave today to go to SC to spend Christmas with my Sis and her munchkins!! I"m so excited. Only bad thing is I'm sick...I believe it's a sinus infection. Other than that I just wanted to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and everyone a Christmas BFP!!!!!! <3
Wookie: good luck and :dust: I would agree with ff according to your chart but you know your body best.

Lekker: my internet does that too so I make sure I copy everything before I hit post. I hope you feel better soon! I

Afm: my nipples hurt! :happydance: they didn't last month and I think its because I didnt ovulate very strong. My body feels like its doing what its supposed to for once. We WERE supposed to meet with the financial consultant but apparently shes not in the office even though I set thus up two weeks ago. My ovarian pain is also gone! :yipee: I'm off work three hours early just because my boss didnt want to stay so dh and I are going out to lunch! My best bud is still in the hospital he had a colonoscopy this morning and it was clear but hes feeling better so he might get out today. :wohoo:

Hope everyone its great and fertile! :) baby dust storm to all of you!! :dust::dust::dust:
LEVELS ROSE!!!!!!!!!!! From 34 (she said 32 today so Idk if it was 34 or 32 to begin with) to 85! Doubling time is 2.12 days. Right around normal.

HOWEVER, my progesterone dropped from 19 to 15. She said the DR said it wasnt a cause for concern and that he doesnt feel progesterone supplements are needed quite yet.

I go back Tuesday to get rechecked.

Thank you ladies for your prayers! Please keep them coming ((except add in progesterone in there too. Lol. I think so many people were praying for my HCG that my progesterone felt left out.))

I will respond to everyone individually later but I am going to lunch with my mom so gotta go!!

PS. I am so happy you liked your ornament Gdane. :hugs:
Sending progesterone prayers, Tryin! And that's a great beta level, seeing as you're still so very early on. I knew you'd be okay! Damn, your levels nearly tripled!!! Awesome, hon! Don't you feel a little more relieved now?
Yay tryin! Thats awesome, i wll say progesterone prayers as well!! Gdane so glad your ovaries aren't hurting anymore, have my fx'd for you! Lekker, So sorry that your sick for christmas and I'm jealous about you going to SC as I love it there and dh and I would move there in a heart beat! LOL
I have holiday celebrations with his family this weekend which is always nice and relaxing!
Wookie thanks for acknoleging my post as well as gdane, I'm suprised you ladies remember me at times LOL
I had super fertile cm and super high sex drive last few days so going to try to make a christmas baby this weekend lol
Heck yes for making christmas babies. I will always remember you pook.my pain is back a little but not like yesterday. I almost started crying in the baby section at a store :(
Merry Christmas all.

I'm out for a few days... going to visit family, and don't really want to answer the questions, so I may not be popping into the site anywhere near any family members, lol.

So Happy New Year's too, if I don't see you.

:dust: to all, and let's see how many holiday babies we can come up with!
It's Christmas eve.... So excited!!!

Hope you all have a lovely Christmas xxx
I just wanted to pop in quick this morning, and wish everyone a Merry Christmas, and a happy new year!

DH and I are going to take Rita (our basset hound) for a stroll in the woods, and just relax during the day. We'll then meet up with some family and go to a candlelight church service to celebrate the birth of our Lord! And after church, we'll go over to the in-law's house, and open gifts.

Tomorrow morning, we're going to my sister in-laws, to see what Santa brought our niece and nephews...and later in the afternoon, we're going to drive up north to have Christmas with my parents and older sister. When we get home, we'll go back over to the in-laws, and finish the day there.

Here's to our health and happiness in the new year! Praise God for giving us His only son....the greatest gift of all! And may He bless us all with children and fertility in the months ahead!
Just bobbing in to wish all of you amazing and wonderful ladies a Happy Christmas and everything you want and more for 2012. Love you all! Wookie, Gdane, pook, tryin (yay for the betas!), SLH, lul, buckles, mrs b, lekker, berry boo (hello!), apple b, inky...did I get everyone?
Hope you all have a fabulous Christmas, Lots of Love xx


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Macs: Hope you have a great time with your family!!

Buckles: thank you, you have a lovely Christmas as well!

Wookie: The walk in the woods sounds amazing! Also sounds like you're going to be a busy gal!! Drive safely!

KeeKee: Thank you doll! Merry Christmas and Happy new Year to you!

MrsB: hopefully AF has left you for the holidays!

Tryin: Once again thank you for the gift. It's hanging in my kitchen and that's where it will stay to remind me I'm not alone in all this. Hope pregnancy is treating you well! Any symptoms yet? When are you planning on telling your family?

SLH: I hope AF stays away from you! I know we have some testers coming up! Hopefully you get that :bfp:!! Fx'd and :dust: for you!!

As for myself: FF gave me cross hairs as expected this morning. I'm three dpo. Not sure when I'm going to test yet. I don't know what the plan is for the new year, but I'll be like 10dpo on New Years Eve...I think. I really hope this is it. We met with the Financial consultant and it wasn't as bad as I thought. It's still a ton of money but the only stuff we need to come up with upfront is $262 for the genetic testing on the sperm for the first visit and my insurance co-pay, (my REAL insurance kicks in Feb 1st :happydance:) We'll have a consult with Dr. Hansen on Feb 7th and DH's sperm testing and I'm not sure what else for the first visit. Then the first IUI treatment all we have to come up with is like $550...the rest for the ultrasounds and medications can be paid over time. So Dh and I aren't keen on the idea, but we're sick of doing this TTC and wait and fail game too. It's hard because we need shingles desperately too. I'm hoping we get pregnant before my appt on Feb 7th though.

Is it bad that I get mad at DH for not taking his blood pressure medication so I threaten him with me stopping my fertility drugs?!? :xmas4: HAHA. He deserves it. I need his heart healthy. He's not overweight or anything, High blood pressure just runs in his family and none of them are overweight. My threats get the job done though!! I tell him, do you think it's fun for me taking a handful of fertility meds that make me feel like crap everyday?! No, so unless you take your TWO little pills, I'm not going to take mine. :) He took them. :awww: I keep having cramps so I hope that's a good sign. :xmas12:

Other than that, everyone have a VERY merry and Safe Christmas. Go make some babies!! Hopefully God is feeling the extra Christmas spirit and gives us some miracle babies of our own. [-o&lt;
Thanks Gdane but dispite my CD no AF, just renamed for the sake of the clomid.

:happydance: for 3dpo, looks like you've covered your basis'

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