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...No, relaxing will not get me pregnant...lucky CBFM girls!

Hey Ladies. Sorry I haven't come back since the other day when I posted the bad news. No it's not going to matter about the referrals we have to do it the tricare way. ugh. I'm so depressed that I've completely lost my sex drive. Not to mention the fact that I've been sick too. But the dr did give me the meds for the sinus infection. Funny when I went to the pharmacy to pick them up since they prescribed me antibotics the woman behind the counter is like, "I have to tell you if you're taking birth control that antiboitics will cancel them out." I laughed at her and said even if I was taking BC that would be a good thing because I've been trying to get pregnant for almost 5 years. HAHAHA I'm in such a terrible down slope right now I just feel hopeless. I made the announcement on facebook tonight that we are moving. I feel like I could throw up. DH really wants to BD but I've just used the sick excuse to try to avoid it. It's almost my O time and I"m not even sure that I care right now. :(
Lekker I'm sorry you are feeling so boxed in. I understand your frustration of knowing there are so many options out there and not being able to use them. But don't give up hope. I know you still care and obviously so does your husband. If nothing else be happy about that. I know that probably doesn't help but I think you should still keep trying. You don't want to miss cycles and then wonder what if. I hope you feel better.

Yay Wookie! I thought I was only one feeling tired and exhausted after being all the time...lol. It's like dh can go forever but after those special days I'm done...lol. Hopefully this is it for you.

SLH how are things for you? Still freaking out...lol. Anything new on the scene for you?
Lekker, honey, I'm sorry you're sick and depressed. That's not a great combo. What is tricare? If I were within driving driving distance of you, I'd bring you a cup of tea. Don't you wish these doctors and specialists could just make housecalls like they did on the Andy Griffith Show in Mayberry? Give you low-down on your hormones and uterus while sitting on your couch, wherever you're at in the country?

Now don't shoot me...but this could be a positive move. I know it doesn't seem like it now, but perhaps when you move, you will like the change of scenery - the warm weather, the shopping, the ocean, the sunshine, etc. And if you get to BDing now before and during ovulation, perhaps you could get a baby out of the deal to take to the beach!!! :)

I really believe with some investigating, you can find a good baby doctor that is covered in Cali. Hell, they have everything there! I'm praying for you that this works out in your favor, and it really could.

Give the man some nookie. You really could end up with a baby out of it, you never know, and you may actually have fun having sex too!!! And that would be wonderful! Change sucks...life definitely does not follow a formula, and sometimes the best thing we can do is just roll with it, with a smile. Things WILL look up, babe.

Let's give this thing a chance...and give yourself a chance too! Things will work itself out, as long as you remain proactive, positive, and flexible. :hugs:
AFM, monitor is still on "high," and no thermal shift. My temps have been the same the last 3 mornings, actually.

Who the hell knows?
Lekker, I'm sorry you are feeling down :hugs: Being depressed and sick at the same time is not a good thing. I hope the anti-biotics work and you are feeling better soon.

Maybe Wookie was right, maybe you'll love it down in California. I know it doesn't seem like that way now, but once you are moved and settled in things might start looking up. Everything happens for a reason! Maybe the move will help you in some way that you aren't even aware of right now, and in a few years you'll look back and be like "thank god we moved to California".

Don't ever give up hope. I don't know about anyone else, but it's the only thing that keeps me going. You will be a mother one day, and that day will come before you know it. Before we know it we'll be having grandchildren.

Mrs. B, I would take a BD break for a day or two. You don't want DH to run out of swimmers. I know whenever we have lots and lots of sex it seems like there is less of DH's semen. Having too much sex might make you too tired for when you do peak.

Wookie, that's weird that your monitor hasn't peaked yet when you got a positive digital yesterday. I wonder if your monitor is wrong, or if your digital is wrong. I have been looking at the chart gallery in FF, and I have noticed lots of people who got only highs on their monitor and 1 positive OPK. Are you going to continue to use the digitals?

No Doubt, how are you doing?


AFM, my chart is giving me false hope. It's way too pretty for my liking. Today my temperature reached an all time high of a whopping 37.2 (98.96)! People have said that progesterone is known for making charts look pretty, but my chart didn't look this pretty last month lol. I still keep seeing these little specks of blood on the TP, okay well I've seen it twice, and it's starting to freak me out. I wonder if it is related to AF coming, or if I would have it even if I was pregnant. I have no idea. I still can't believe I'm only on cycle day 17, but 7dpo lol...weird for me.

TMI I'm also having weird symptoms like acid reflux. I keep throwing up in my mouth. My aunt once told me that once that starts to happen I'll probably end up pregnant because she said that was the first thing that has happened to her.
SLH- Your chart makes me want to die, it's so awesome!!! It really could be the progesterone...

BUT...there's the uterine pressure, that feeling, and now heartburn stuff. Did you know that the more often you experience heartburn/acid reflux, the more hair will be on your baby's head? It's a fact! Wierd, huh? This COULD be the month, SLH!!!

Now, freak that I am, I went ahead and called the Clearblue Easy Hotline, as this CD 10 smiley digi, no peak, no temp rise thing is bugging the hell out of me.

And the lady was very helpful. She said the Clomid will most likely mess with the CBFM. She said it does NOT affect the digi smiley opk's (now, I don't know whether I believe this or not, but whatever), and I should absolutely trust the + I got the other day. I asked her why I would then get a negative the very next day, and she said that is how the stick reader works...you are NOT SUPPOSED to test after the first smiley. You just need to get to BDing after the smiley, within 12-36 hours. I then asked why my chart isn't reflecting a thermal shift, and she said that at CBE, they don't find charting to be very reliable (as I'm rolling my eyes to that one)...so, she said in a nutshell, that I should trust that CD 10 smiley.

Now, STILL being skeptical, I think I'll continue to test with the smiley's in the afternoons anyway. If I get another surge in a few days, or later this month, then maybe that's really go-time for ovulation. The Clearblue Mistress seemed to think that go-time is NOW, but whatever. I just don't trust it in my gut. And neither does my chart, apparently.
My husband asked my fertility specialist if OPK's could give you false surges, and he said yes. Sometimes your body will just produce too much of the hormone causing it to go positive. With this being said, however, I doubt this is the case. I don't know why, but I trust your digital. I think you are ovulating now and your temperature will rise tomorrow. I could be totally wrong.

I have read a lot that the CBFM will screw up if you are taking Clomid. The only reason why my CBFM didn't mess up and was because I had the HCG trigger shot. Since the HCG trigger shot mimics LH, my monitor peaked. If I hadn't got the shot, I don't think my monitor would have peaked.
SLH I'm good...still waiting and trying not go insane. Yesterday and today I am SOOOO moody. I looked at husband yesterday and got pissed off...and he didn't even say or do anything. I generally am not irritable like this but who knows. The acid reflux sounds good, not good for you but good for a bfp. That's one of the signs. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Wookie I think you should trust your digi too. Especially if you know clomid screws with the monitor.
I do hope gdane comes back to us when shes ready :(

SLH, yes I think a break is in order, it wasnt planned last night but hey ho! lol

I have ordered some opks but dont know when I will get them. Hubs had SA on monday, so I hope it doesnt clash with O if it happens!
Yeah, I miss Gdane. Where arrrrrrre youuuuuuu?????

I hope she's okay. I like to keep our herd together...it helps me so much.

I've had a dreadful headache and queasy stomach today. Blech.

Mrs. B- I totally agree that you two deserve a night off from bding! One night won't hurt a thing, and will help DH build the swimmers back up. Any signs of ovulation yet?

SLH- I hope those temps continue their nice steady rise!
So I woke up this morning feeling great, but now I feel like ass crack on a plate. I'm tired, my throat is a little scratchy, and I feel like a headache is trying to start but can't make up it's mind. Not to mention that everything and everyone is getting on my nerves. I swear, I better not be getting sick. My job is such a germ factory. Not to mention I take public transportation into downtown to work which has nothing but people hacking and coughing and sneezing all over the place. Sorry, I just had to rant a little bit. I get so whinny when I'm not feeling well, and I can't complain to my hubby cause he's avoiding me cause I'm not in the best mood and got snippy with him. Yep...tonight's gonna be a good night....
Hey ladies I've been lurking. Just been down in the dumps. I'm better today but I don't know if I'll post as much as I used to. I do have pictures of kaya that I will post later. We went for a walk and were walking on the river lol. My new avatar shows one of them...it cracks me up because it looks like she's ice skating or dancing. Sorry you're all having confusiong with your monitors and opks. That's why I stopped doing opks...they drove me mad. And I'm not using my CBFM because it's expensive. I don't think I'm going to ovulate normally. I had sticky cm and now it's creamy so who knows when I actually will ovulate not being on clomid. I'm on cd12 so some fertile cm should be here by now. :shrug:

My boss friend goes to this lady that does muscle testing and kinesology and natural medicine...I have an appt with her tomorrow so I will see how it goes and let you know! I don't know how much I believe but he swears by it and is paying for it, so what have I got to lose??

SLH: I hope and pray this is your time. It's looking so good for you! Fx'd [-o&lt: :dust: Your symptoms sound sooo promising!
Hey, Gdane! I just posted on your journal...I'll keep up w/you on there, if that's your home base now.

Your new avatar of Kaya is awesome! She looks like a happy and healthy girl.

The naturopath or natural doctor sounds really interesting...does he/she perform acupuncture? I've heard great things about that not only for fertility, but for overall health and well-being. Of course if they offer massage and that type of thing, that would be cool too...I'm always good for a rub-down, you know? And since you're eating healthy, and working out, massage is soooo healthy. It helps release toxins that build up in your muscles, and that combined with a high H2O intake can solve sooooo many health issues.

Okaaaay. That was quite the little tangent I went on about massage (LOL!!!), but I hope your lifestyle changes help make you feel fabulous inside and out.

Because there are several of us on here that KNOW you're fabulous, so please don't be a total stranger around here. :hugs:
Awwww thanks wookie! :hugs: :cry: I love you girls. You did absolutely nothing yto make me run away
:hi: gdane, that sounds interesting, let us know how you get on with your appointment

Wookie, I'm not sure on my signs of ovulation as I've not seen a pattern before due to me not ovulating the majority of the time if at all, so It's difficult.

I've had a very small temp rise this morning so will see If anything comes of that
Morning ladies! :hi: sorry I haven't been around much on this thread but I have been keeping up with you all!

Gdane, I posted on your journal too - you're a big part of this thread and you are missed here. Hope the witch doctor helps...really interested to see how that works out. Love you lots :hugs:.

SLH, I am soooo hopeful for you this cycle! I'm keeping everything crossed for you :hugs:.

Wookie, how confusing with the OPKs and CBFM :growlmad:. This cycle I had peaks but no +ve OPK...bah. Hope the CBFM mistress is right :hugs:.

Lekker :hugs: sorry you're feeling crappy. Hope things work out for you, wookie's post said it all and maybe the change will be good in the end, although it might not seem like it now (wookie writes the best posts, we all need a little bit of wookie in our lives :kiss:.)

Mrs b, pook, buckles :hugs::hugs::hugs:.

No doubt, damn those hormones! :hugs:

Lul, where are you? Anybody heard from her?

Tryin, I know you're not posting here but wanted to send :hugs: and say I'm thinking of you sweetie.

AFM, am 15DPO, CD29 and still no AF although I feel like she's on her way. Keep running to the bathroom to see if she's arrived but it's just lots of watery CM (guess that's the Fertile CM :thumbup:.) I'm supposed to test today but I have no tests (what a dope) so I'll have to wait till I can get out and get some or until AF arrives, whichever comes first. My money's on AF. LOL.
I really do appreciate the encouragement. I just have a difficult time letting go of this dr. I truly felt he was my miracle worker. As for the Cali thing I've been weighing the pros and cons. Trying to find something to look forward to. So I'm a little worried about dh. Last night we finally got to the bd and he is usually faster than I am (tmi) but then we usually go again and go for me. But lastnight he just couldn't get back up and that's unusual. I asked him what was wrong if he was upset or something and I know he's hiding something. It just upsets me because I don't know what he's upset about. He is not one to really talk about it at first. He bottles things up and then explodes and I'm trying to prevent the explosion. I know we are both under stress about this move but something like this has never effected the bedroom behavior. I know I'm sharing a lot I just don't really have anyone to talk about it with.

On a lighter note SLH I think it's your test time ;)

Gdane I love the new pic. But don't be in a funk too. We need you ;)

Wookie thank you for the encouragement

Everyone else thank you all for the kind words!!!
Keekee, I hope not!!! Get out your anti-witch spray!!!!

Thank you for your nice words. :hugs:

Mrs. B- I feel your chart frustrations, as I'm right there with ya! No temp rise, just a teeny dip today, actually. So, DH and I may have to BD tonight...How about you? Did you take the night off from sex? My monitor gave me another high. I do feel the clomid has effected my CBFM. It is doubtful I'll get peaks this month. I'm on my 6th month with it, so next cycle it will get a hard reset. I'm also going to continue taking the digi smiley opks in the afternoon...I just feel that although I got that + on day 10, I don't feel I've ovulated. I think the digi opk's would be a good idea for you too, Mrs. B. It sounds like you and DH are really humping it out, which I guess you need to do if your monitor isn't cooperating.

I'm starting to wonder if I didn't have a surge, and my body just won't ovulate this month. It sucks. And I still have this hormonal migraine thing.
Morning ladies. Woke up feeling better this morning after sleeping for almost 10hrs. Still tired though. Any who...

SLH I'm really hoping this is it for you. I'm so excited about for you!

Gdane I'm sorry you're feeling down. Hopefully the natural doctor is something you're interested in and enjoy. I've heard good things about them too. If nothing else at least it will be a relaxing experience.

Lekker I hope you are feeling better.

Kee hopefully af won't show her ugly face this go round...stupid af.

Hope all of you ladies have a :dust: filled day!
Aaaand we now have fertile cm.

I have definitely NOT ovulated.

Keep on testing, keep on testing, keep on testing!!!!!

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