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...No, relaxing will not get me pregnant...lucky CBFM girls!

SLH please don't leave :cry:. We love you lots honey! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
COME BACK!!! I hope it's just the hormones talking...

Gdane, pook, lekker, mrs b, wooks, buckles, no doubt, mrs c (sorry if I missed anyone!) :hugs::hugs::hugs:

AFM I hate AF :growlmad:.
Thank you for your kind words Gdane & No doubt, im feeling a bit better today.
Watched a tv program last night called 15 kids and counting lol, i was discussing it after with my hubby and was joking about saying how many shall we have, 8? :haha: and he said, as many as you want! I said i think just the 1, maybe push to 2, he said yes i think so as 1 isnt enough lol It made me smile, because alot of the time he doesnt act as though he really wants kids and its just something hes doing for me, but he says little things that make me think hmmm i think you want this more than your letting on as youve clearly been thinking about it!
Its nice when men are really outspoken in saying they want to be fathers, but i know quite a few men arent like that.

No doubt - good luck with your test results.

Gdane - I think the witch doctor gave you a mix of good and bad feedback there, its interesting about the vitex though, this is my 2nd cycle using it, im taking 1000mg tablet form, how much are you taking? tincture or pill? The only negative ive had so far is spotting before and after af, but i think its just my body getting used to it. Positive is ive not been spotting after exercise through my cycle, which makes me think i did have a hormone imbalance :shrug: just hoping it shortens my cycles a little now even back to 35 days would be good, as since ttc they have got longer.

Hope the rest of you ladies are doing well too
Kee sorry af decided to visit. We will all hate her with you.

MrsC I'm like you. I always tell my husband one maybe two three by accident...lol. But at this point I will take whatever comes my way. It is nice that your husband gives you reassuring conversation. Sometimes men just don't know how to put their words together and don't want to sound too sensitive. I've found with my husband that he doesn't want to say something that will hurt my feelings or be hard to hear. I hope your husbands words gave you a little inspiration to get being...lol.

Gdane are you tracking your O in any way this month? Keeping my fingers crossed for you.
Keekee, right back at you, babe. :hugs:

Gdane- Hey! Okay, please don't get offended...but you know that the Wookie always gives it straight up, so here goes. I feel that the witch doctor sounds slightly insane. She sounds a bit like one of those New Age People, who actually spend a lot of time on Google, jumping on whatever new-fangled bandwagon du jour. I only tell you this out of love, dear. As far as your brain, your ovaries, your DH's sperm...there are no parasites. And your brain is NOT open, or your head, or whatever she said. THIS IS STRICTLY MY OPINION, but I'd stick to normal docs, and the FS, in terms of TTC. And keep doing what you're doing...Exercise, healthy eating, having fun, taking Vitex, and FertileCM are all good things for you! ;)

Mrs. B- I am simply at the end of my rope with this frickin' cycle. I have no idea if I've ovulated, or if I'm still waiting, or whatever. My nips will hurt one day, and not the next, I get ovulation cramps, my temp is going DOWN, I still have highs on the monitor, and no more positive opk's. I will continue to test. DH and I have taken 2 nights off from bding, but I think I'll start jumping on him every other day starting tonight. I'm so glad you're fed up too! It's just a mess this month.

No Doubt, I'm sorry you're feeling crappy. I get frustrated with my OB office too at times.
Go forth and eat cheese, my child. But please follow it with some fiber, as you don't want to become constipated. LOL!!!

SLH- Now I'm getting sad...I guess I don't know what happened all of the sudden...things were going so well for you. I'm confused, and think you should return to us as soon as possible. We need your support and excellent advice, and I feel you need support too! Come on back...:(
SLH- Now I'm getting sad...I guess I don't know what happened all of the sudden...things were going so well for you. I'm confused, and think you should return to us as soon as possible. We need your support and excellent advice, and I feel you need support too! Come on back...:(

^^^What wookie said :cry:.
Mrs. B- I am simply at the end of my rope with this frickin' cycle. I have no idea if I've ovulated, or if I'm still waiting, or whatever. My nips will hurt one day, and not the next, I get ovulation cramps, my temp is going DOWN, I still have highs on the monitor, and no more positive opk's. I will continue to test. DH and I have taken 2 nights off from bding, but I think I'll start jumping on him every other day starting tonight. I'm so glad you're fed up too! It's just a mess this month.

I know, picked up my opks today but think its too late. I want a baby THIS YEAR! Dont think I can face going into 2013!! :wacko:
Should I start vitex? I dont want to mess anything up if I'm ready to o....
I think its something you start at beginning of cycle isn't it?
Yeah, Gdane, I would wait to see if AF evens shows, and then I'd start on CD 1. :)
Last time Iused it I was on like a 60 day cycle and it brought af like after two weeks so I'm wondering if it made me o but by the time I get af I will be at my fertility specialist appt
Ok ladies, I'm 9 dpo and today I've felt bloated and had light ovary pain. It reminds me of ovulation only not nearly as bad. I wouldn't think anything of it only I've already ovulated...duh, and I really only feel this way around ovulation and sometimes during af. My cycles are like clockwork and it doesn't feel like af is, which for me now would be too early. I've never had this feeling during this time. Has anyone else ever experienced? Just need a little guidance. I'm hoping this is good news, but afraid it could be bad.
No Doubt, I always get dull ovary pain a few days after ovulation. That egg bursting through the corpus luteum can create some achiness. Totally normal, and doesn't indicate if AF is on the way or not.

Gdane, sounds like you've had good results from the Vitex. That being said, I'd wait to do it when CD 1 show up, if it does. I'll pray it doesn't!!!
Gdane, I just noticed we're cycle buddies!!!

I'm on CD 14 too!
Wookie we are also on the same cycle. Today is my day 14 also! I am feeling light ovary pain today I do believe since it feels kinda crampy to my right side. So tonight DH and I are DEF getting BDing on and I will be wearing my moonstone earrings and standing on my head and rubbing all over my fertility statue. LOL The only thing I've noticed that I do not have EWCM. So do you think I should give the preseed a good go tonight?
I haven't had any fertile cm either. I would do preseed. Wish I would have bought some this cycle :dohh:
Yay for cycle buddies wookie and lekker!

I need your help ladies! I poas this morning to see how my stupid hormones are doing as of cd15 and I want to see what you think. I'm not using the monitor so I can't have my machine tel me.
I always use pre-seed for baby-making sex. For purely "fun" sex, we skip it.

So...slight rise in temp from yesterday? I'm so frustrated with this month, I could cry. I have no idea what's going on, and DH and I barely pulled off the bding last night...we're both getting tired. I just wish I knew if I have already ovulated, or about to ovulate, or whatever. I do NOT trust my temps too much this month. My sleeping has been all over the place. I just wish things could be clear cut and obvious for once with me. Still getting highs on CBFM, but my test stick looks close to a peak today. I feel I am so out this month. It sucks.
Sorry, Gdane, we were posting at the same time!

Get to bding. You're ovulating...that sure looks like a peak to me.
My cervix is high medium medium the same as the past few days and I haven't had Any fertile cm at all

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