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...No, relaxing will not get me pregnant...lucky CBFM girls!

Lekker sorry you are feeling poopy about all of that hopefully you can get dh to open up so you avoid s blow up. Those are the worst. :(

Keeks: sorry that damned witch got you.

No doubt: good luck with your ss

Mrsb: it almost does look like you ovulated but I would keep bding til you get your cross hairs.

Wookie: you are such an amazing person! :) sorry your body is screwing around with you I know how that goes. Its extremely frustrating.

We bd this morning even though I'm not fertile and its cd13 I think I'm giving up on this cycle. It was one thing to be on clomid and know when my body was going top work normally but more its beach to the guessing game and I just dont want to deal with it. Witch doctor today in a couple hours and then three weeks from today is my fs consult. We have $590 in our baby fund!
Lekker sorry you are feeling poopy about all of that hopefully you can get dh to open up so you avoid s blow up. Those are the worst. :(

Keeks: sorry that damned witch got you.

No doubt: good luck with your ss

Mrsb: it almost does look like you ovulated but I would keep bding til you get your cross hairs.

Wookie: you are such an amazing person! :) sorry your body is screwing around with you I know how that goes. Its extremely frustrating.

We bd this morning even though I'm not fertile and its cd13 I think I'm giving up on this cycle. It was one thing to be on clomid and know when my body was going top work normally but more its beach to the guessing game and I just dont want to deal with it. Witch doctor today in a couple hours and then three weeks from today is my fs consult. We have $590 in our baby fund!

Now I feel left out. I think I have to be done with this forum. It's driving me absolutely insane!!! No one talks to me and not one single person likes me. I'm asking them to delete my account. This is too stressful.

Anyway, that's awesome that you saved so much money. I still feel that you won't need a FS.
SLH- OMG, honey!!! So far from the truth, dear! We not only LIKE you, but you're LOVED!!! :hugs: Please don't leave us. Remember what we were talking about with staying positive? We can't let the stress of all of this win...we will all prevail over our challenges. You have to believe that...I know I do, and I believe in you as well.

Please hang in there with us.
Slh and Gdane we do LOVE you wookie is right!! Don't leave us!! We all have so much love foreachother in here,please don't go we would miss u tooo much!! I know I comeandgo, but I always comeback and coulfnt live thru ttc w out u ladies
Slh,i just go from the last time I posted and you hadn't posted yet.
Awww...SLH you can't leave. We all love and care for you and I really excited and hopeful for you too! What happened?
I posted to you SLH! Was that maybe a prego mood swing hopefully?!?!! I sure hope so! I adore you!
SLH, Wookie, Gdane... We had a night off last night, but I reckon back on it tonight due to thet temp rise, even if its a fluke we wont know until its too late if we dont :winkwink:

SLH! Stop it! :haha: We have convinced you back once :hugs: You'll be leaving us soon enough when one of those two eggies starts to multiply!!:winkwink:

Wookie, the monitor is so frustrating isnt it!! My OPKs tried to get delivered today but they wanted signature and noone was in, so the post office has them!! Hubs is hoping to be able to get them tomorrow, but then I dont know if its too late to use them lol

Gdane, well dont on your savings, thats good already! How did your appt go today?
SLH (using my teacher voice), get back here. NOW!!! (lolol!!!!!) Lekker's right, this better be about preggo hormonal angst!!! You're our girl. :hugs:

Gdane, that baby-fund is growing! Yay! At least you have a savings strategy. I myself do not...lol.

Mrs. B- This month is really starting to piss me off...how about you? I just don't know what is going on. Keep testing, blabbity, blah. Ugh.
Mrs. B- This month is really starting to piss me off...how about you? I just don't know what is going on. Keep testing, blabbity, blah. Ugh.

Absolutely! I've had it with the whole TTC thing, ](*,) if I didn't want this so bad I would have so given up! I work so hard to get everything I want, that I can always achieve it!! It annoys me that this isn't the same! Grrrr
Everytime i have said i want to ttc, i give up soon after.. This is the longest time ive tried, and even that isnt long (August) compared to some people, im feeling like i dont really want to think about it at the moment and havent got that excitement i had at the beginning, im throwing myself into my exercise again, i was starting to feel consumed by ttc and now i feel almost as if im not ttc,, i dont know how to explain it, i just feel a bit emotionless about it.
Well I dont know if this ties in with my slight temp change but my nipples are very tender this evening!
I had super strange dreams about the name Hadley...did anyone ever mention this name on here? I don't have a clue where this name has been put into my head
MrsC I know what you mean by feeling emotionless. I've done that before, just thrown myself into other things so I don't have to think about ttc. I think that's ok as long as you don't completely throw it out the window. I know it gets hard, especially when things do go the way you want, but I encourage you to keep trying. Things will start to look up, I'm sure.

Lekker, I've been having weird dreams too the past couple of nights. I can't remember the night before last's dream, but I remember last night. I don't know what that means.

So this morning I went to go have my progesterone levels checked...blah, I hate needles. Luckily I have a nice lady who can always get a good stick. Then I called the fs to make sure they got my recods cause my obgyn sucks and of course they sent itk, but they only sent everything that doesn't even matter. So I had to call back over to my obgyn and do there job for them. Just in case I had them give me all of the information from all of my tests and my husband's so I can take it with me in case they were complete idiots again. Then I called my hubby and balled my eyes out. And now I have a headache. Not sure if that's from the crying or from the weather doing whatever it feels like. 19 degrees one day 54 degrees the next. I don't know what's going on with me. And on to top it all off I want cheese. I don't care what it's on, I just want cheese.
SLH: Now that I have proper typing abilities to write to you, I do NOT want you to go anywhere. We love you and I hope this is crazy horomones talking. Like I wrote on your journal I did not mean in any way at all to offend you. I even double checked that you hadn't posted since my last post and that's how I respond to everyone. It was quick thismorning because it snowed and I wanted to make sure and give me enought time to go to work.

MrsC: I think we've all felt that way one time or another...may be afew times after that too. Like others said, it's an emotional rollercoaster and we never know what it's going to do to us. Hope you feel better soon.

Lekker: Never heard the name Hadley before so I don't think it's been metioned on here.

No Doubt: Hope your headache goes away. They're the worst. I hope your progesterone checks out okay and that everything is in working order for you. I feel your pain on the weather. Our weather is the same here.
Alrighty ladies...my ovary is hurting me so I'm wondering if I'm going to O soon?

Witch doctor recap:
Hmmm where do I begin? She asked if I had any medical problems and I told her PCOS. She does this weird things with her hands...thats where the muscle testing comes in. She didn't touch me once. She said PCOS is always caused by parasites on your ovaries. they're laying eggs and the clomid has started to get rid of them but i need to "rod" whatever that means and then take some other stuff on certain days and that my hubby is passing parasites to me during intercourse. She said everyone has parasites but it's an overgrowth/bad ones vs good ones kind of like bacteria. She kind of freaked me out because she said no one sound have ultrasounds because they are terrible for the baby. She told me I need to go back to vitex and that all the vitamins at walmart are pretty much fillers...which I have heard before but I don't know if I belive because I take lysine for cold sores and I don't get anymore and then i take cranberry supplements for UTI and I haven't gotten any since. The only good place is like natural places like ours is a local one. It's where I got my vitex. She tested my FertileCM and said it is a really good supplement and that my body needs it. She used to be a Certified Nurse Midwife and says the vaccines are bad (which i expected her to say) and had suggestions for my hubby. The only thing that kind of had me saying...Hmmm was that she said something pre packaged in my fridge on the third shelf needed to be thrown out and all I could think of that she was describing was miracle whip and she said yep that's it. So I wanted to fly home and check to see which shelf it was on and it was on the second shelf so I don't know how much I believe....She said that my olive oil is rancid because it's supposed to be refridgerated after opening. She kept saying something was "open" and ended up saying something in my brain was open and needed closed...Whatever that means Says it's been opened for five years. I have a bunch of stuff I'm suppoesd to do on certain days.

Asked about my hubby and his stomach issues and she had some suggestions for him so we will see if it works for him. Above all else I want my hubby to feel normal again. That poor guy. :hugs: She also said pork is really bad for you. Hmm...I think that's all I got. Said that acupuncture is good. I actually thought about trying it. I'm back on vitex and we will see how the rest of it pans out. I'm keeping my appointment at the fertillity specialist.. I was halfway convinced all this magic stuff would work until I got home and the miracle whip was on the wrong shelf. :shrug: I don't know what to think. I was perplexed afterwards. It was interesting to say the least.

What can I say...I'll try anything once, twice if I like it!!

As for other news in Gdanemom4now world...my stupid SIL M strikes again. They bought a house and DH's brother (supposed to be BFF's too) didn't even tell either of us. I found out guess how.....duh duh dunnnn FACEBOOK! Stupid mother effers. I'm so close to deleting facebook its unreal. I just want to see pictures of the twins because I miss them :cry:
Gdane, hopefully the stuff you believe/try from the natural doctor works for you. I'm with you though, I don't know how much of that I believe, but like you said...anything once. Let me know how things pan out. Hopefully the pain does mean the big O is coming. You never know what your body is capable of. Maybe the clomid has helped regulate things a bit and this month you will still ovulate...kind of hold you over til you see the fs. If I were you, I'd get to bding. I didn't know the hubby was having issues, but hopefully he will be bck to his normal self soon.
Ff gave me cross hairs but temps not up much. But it reckons 3 dpo

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