so im a week late for AF.... Got a BFN on most recent pregnancy test yesterday afternoon with clearblue digital... Is it posible i may be pregnant still... Or just messed up cycle... today i started gettin crazy headaches... which havent happened since i was pregnant with first child.. my boobs are so sore (TMI sorry !!!!) and swollen and boyfriend cant even touch them !!
someone help ! lol
September 10th ! : Did a pm pregnancy test.... had a 2nd line but was faint.... doing another test with FMU.... any one ever had a faint 2nd line and then got a negative? i hate this game..
someone help ! lol
September 10th ! : Did a pm pregnancy test.... had a 2nd line but was faint.... doing another test with FMU.... any one ever had a faint 2nd line and then got a negative? i hate this game..