To me, it felt as if it was very soon after getting in the pool that I started feeling pushy, and that had been not long after finding out I was 4-5cm
You can only push at 10cm = the biggest pile of bollocks in the world. I remember wondering vaguely if I should ask for another internal but I didnt bother. I needed to push, so I pushed. It felt GREAT! It wasnt ARGH pushing either, it was more breathing down, like the birth breathing (from Hypnobirthing). It felt just right so I kept doing it with each contraction.
The second midwife arrived and at one point they had both gone into the living room leaving me alone with Mum and DH. The difference in my next contraction was huge, Id only been vaguely aware that there was anyone with me at all, but the moment they left the room, my urge to push trebled. It wasnt an urge, even
. my body was just pushing and my brain was not invited to the party. I managed to gasp out Midwife!, having the vague thought that someone should be there as my baby came out. They came back, and it eased off again, not so intense. Looking back, I am wondering if Id have experienced the fetal ejection reflex if Id just kept my mouth shut and let go
. I wonder if Ill keep quiet next time and just deliver her into my hands, with no one else in the room except me & DH. Tempting.
At one point the pain got a lot worse. My legs re-arranged themselves to get me in a squatting position and I could FEEL my baby shifting down. The pain eased. One of the midwives said thats great, that will really help your baby move down! I remember thinking well, duh! Pain = move.
Oh god I was tired. Tired, tired, tired. I distinctly remember taking the gas and air out of my mouth and saying Remind me to have a caesarean next time. God, Im *such* a card.
I could feel my baby move gently and gradually down. Nikki (Midwife #1) asked me to lift up out of the water every so often so she could check the progress. I remember her saying that the head was sitting right there, waiting to be born and I was thinking, I know, I can feel it, I can feel just where it is!
I was breathing down with more pressure and could feel everything stretching and opening to let Peanut out. I could feel a little burning, stinging sensation which was worse when I lifted up out of the water. I could feel a bit more burning, and I could feel that the head was on its way out, so I put my hand down there. That helped so much because I could feel so much of the head had been born and I knew I was nearly there! I could feel lots of hair! I stroked the hair and felt the top half of my babys face, a squishy little nose
I remember thinking dear Christ that feels weird! I grabbed DHs hand again and pulled it under the water. I was trying to tell him that the head was nearly out, there was loads of hair, it was REALLY COOL, he just HAD to feel it
. but in my excitement Id forgotten to take the gas and air out of my mouth.
I got really excited then, and it was all I could do to not push down hard, not because I felt like I needed to, but just because I was so close and kind of impatient. I kept breathing down with the contractions and very soon (not sure exactly how long, time had gone very strange) I felt an enormous slithery sensation and I heard someone say pick your baby up! I lifted it up to my chest and told it that it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.