Not sure where I fit in here


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Nov 27, 2013
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So after a long hiatus I'm back on bnb and finding it really hard to post.

I'm a ltttcer going at a year and 4 months now but I'm not doing any fertility treatments currently because.... who can afford $700 on a denny's paycheck and a not so well off etsy shop?

I'm also technically trying for my first after 3 mc. However I will be adopting in less than 9 weeks. So I'm a bit confused if I should still be labeled as trying for our first or not (since adoptions can fall through).

I had a really awesome buddy before my hiatus but I kinda disappeared without warning and am kinda afraid to just be like "hey I'm back" since she has all right to be mad for my disappearing.

Soooo.... yep not sure what else to say. Want people to talk to but feel out of place on all the given forums. :nope:
Hi HCas, welcome back:thumbup:

I was worried about you, was wondering if the adoption had gone wrong or something since you were gone for so long. Good to hear that's still on:thumbup:

AFM my 3rd IUI failed so getting started on IUI #4:dohh: AF even came 2 days early and at first was hoping it was IB but nope, she came full flow yesterday. Had otherwise my hopes high since I had a follie in each ovary and DH's count was 40 million:nope: So going in today for my 1st U/S to make sure there are no cysts.

But I'm starting to think we need IVF. We're being referred for it now but due to the 4-5 month waiting list at the hospital the clinic is referring us to (it's cheaper for the state since they're paying for 3 IVF tries) we'll be doing 3 more IUIs in the meantime.
It's great to see you again. Yeah sorry about disappearing. Stress settled in big time with the wedding and some bad family drama so I just kinda removed myself from all social media.

I have my fingers crossed for you. I'm glad they're moving you along quickly it seems. Hopefully in the next few months you'll be showing me a BFP!

My cycles have kinda regulated the past few cycles which got me excited. The last 2 were 28 days and this one was 33 days. I'm hoping that means I'm actually ovulating and may be able to catch a sticky bean soon myself. Otherwise me and Roger are saving up for an IUI. I'm even going to try selling blankets to get there XD

As for Ave-Marie. Nope we're still going strong with her. She's due in less than 9 weeks now and my sister finds out her delivery date within the next two visits! I swear when that little girl gets here I will have soooooooooo many pictures within the first few moments XD Unless I faint from watching the C-section.... that might happen XP
How did the wedding go? I never did get to see a pic of the dress. Hope that there was no drama at your wedding at least:wacko:

Well IUIs do move pretty quickly. But I'm still thinking we'll need IVF, we'll see, maybe one of these IUIs will suddenly pay off and I can avoid all the torture of having eggs sucked out of my ovaries with a needle :haha:

Regulated cycles always helps things:thumbup: It does sound like you're Oing if they're not that long. Seems the norm is 21-35 days but I can't remember how long your cycles have to be before it could be a sign of anovulation:-k I do remember that too large of a variation in cycle length isn't good either but I think yours is fine:thumbup:

Yeah it sucks that assisted conception costs money where you live. I sometimes feel a bit guilty that we can get 6 IUIs and 3 IVFs for free (although we do pay for hormones which are pretty expensive) and other ladies on this board have to come up with the money or not get the chance to try it:blush: I'll never understand why other countries don't set a limit for how long they want you to try before offering free tries. Although here it's only free if you're TTCing #1, #2 or more and you pay it for yourself. Anyway, hope you soon save enough money, how much do you need to save?

Oh my, will you be seeing the C-section:wacko: I'm pretty good at seeing stuff like that myself though. Looking forward to seeing some pics, of Ave-Marie not the C-section:thumbup::haha:

AFM the appointment went well today and they're keeping my dose at 75 IU Puregon since she felt I respond well to it and saw no reason to increase it. No cysts so we're good to go:thumbup: I go in again on Friday for U/S #2 to see when I can trigger. DH came with me and got to ask a couple of questions to the nurse which is good, also because he can answer any questions his parents have and "defend" me if they start conveying worry over my lack of ability to conceive. He also managed to remember to ask her about referring us to the nearest hospital for IVF since there's a long waiting period and she said she'd get that done today:happydance: So we're set for IVF if the next 3 IUIs don't work out either.

The nurse doesn't think it's my eggs though, she kept talking about how timing is everything so guess ours wasn't optimal the last 3 times:(

Will need to start planning next rounds 2WW earring projects:winkwink: One of them will need to be a pair I'll give to my MIL since her birthday is coming up end of April.

Oh yes my DH was unfortunately fired from his job at the end of February because the company decided to close down his department. So he's job hunting. But I don't think there's anything to worry about since he has 9 years experience and is a man :haha: He seems to get to interviews pretty easily so I'm sure he'll soon find something. They gave him 5 months pay due to how long he was with them plus 3 extra months. This money will be payed even if he gets a new job so it'd be great if that could happen, extra money:)
I'll give you a pic here ^^ There was some drama of my aunt and cousin sneaking in their own alcohol but I was unaware of it until after the whole thing so that was nice. Also DH's uncle and aunt came drunk and apparently thought that I saw them as servant's because she offered to cut the cake for me and I let her so I could clean cake off of Roger's eye XD and myself of course. But otherwise it was great. And now my family is happy that were legally married.

I wish the government here would pay for it. Or that my "amazing" insurance would pay some towards it. Originally I was told they'd pay 70% but after the first two visits they called to let me know they didn't cover fertility treatments because "It's not a needed treatment". So for one treatment going about it naturally, where they med me up and all but we dtd naturally, is $700. For IUI its $1000. We have nothing saved thanks to the wedding and adoption.

That sounds painful! I hope you get that sticky bean before IVF. But it kinda sounds like you will :hugs:


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Oh my, so pretty:cloud9: Also really like the bridesmaids' dresses:) Wait why would they sneak in alcohol? And his uncle and aunt came drunk? I would've been furious:growlmad: That's so not ok:nope: The most important thing is that you had a good day:thumbup: I know mine was great and drama free, thankfully! Although I did some weeks before threaten to throw people out if they didn't behave so that may have helped:winkwink: My family is drama filled as well and some of them weren't on very friendly terms at the time but they managed to at least be polite to each other.

It's just so unfair:nope: Here infertility is considered a disease which it technically is, albeit a non-life threatening one. Which is probably why some countries don't want to pay for people's treatments. They probably just feel that if you want a baby so bad then adopt but that can be pretty expensive too. Wow $1000, here it costs at my clinic $700 for IUI plus 1 U/S so it's a bit cheaper here (and I think it's a bit cheaper at a hospital than a private clinic). Odd when so much here is usually more expensive that e.g. USA. Awww I hope you manage to soon save enough or get a super sticky bean so you don't need the IUI :happydance:

It's not for sure yet, my last 3 IUIs can just as well all fail:wacko: As to IVF, I think I read that they inject a pain killer in your vag so it doesn't hurt (plus I think they pump you with morphine or something like that), then they stick a needle through the vaginal wall and into the ovaries to get the eggs out:wacko: You're not allowed to drive home so you have to have someone to drive you. I don't even know who I could choose if we end up needing IVF since hopefully DH will have a new job by then. No one in our families understands so question is if I'd want my MIL to take me since she's the lesser of 2 evils:nope:
They're big on their drinks and they always seem to have their favorite in their car so when the venue didn't have what they wanted (or cut them off) they brought out their stash. What's funny is that the uncle who always has a beer in his hand was the best behaved and wasn't drunk for the first time in my life. But I didn't have to deal with any of it. I just enjoyed myself and spent most of my time dancing with my niece and nephew XD

When I talked to my insurance about it, they mainly made it seem it was because of my age. According to them 20-25 is too young to be considered in need of treatment. Both me and my dad tried explaining it wasn't just so I could have children but also so I could live a normal life and treat the pain from the cysts and stuff but they still said it wasn't something that I needed. Like they know what I need. One lady even said "Did you try birth control?" I was floored. No no I haven't because that defeats the purpose of trying to get pregnant.

I understand that. When I went for my HSG I begged by best male friend to help just so I wouldn't have to go with my mom. Love her but she is making many bad decisions and is choosing not to be apart of my life. I'd rather not have her there for things like that. Hopefully whoever takes you is understanding that you are going through a type of surgery and will be nice and comforting.
They're big on their drinks and they always seem to have their favorite in their car so when the venue didn't have what they wanted (or cut them off) they brought out their stash. What's funny is that the uncle who always has a beer in his hand was the best behaved and wasn't drunk for the first time in my life. But I didn't have to deal with any of it. I just enjoyed myself and spent most of my time dancing with my niece and nephew XD

When I talked to my insurance about it, they mainly made it seem it was because of my age. According to them 20-25 is too young to be considered in need of treatment. Both me and my dad tried explaining it wasn't just so I could have children but also so I could live a normal life and treat the pain from the cysts and stuff but they still said it wasn't something that I needed. Like they know what I need. One lady even said "Did you try birth control?" I was floored. No no I haven't because that defeats the purpose of trying to get pregnant.

I understand that. When I went for my HSG I begged by best male friend to help just so I wouldn't have to go with my mom. Love her but she is making many bad decisions and is choosing not to be apart of my life. I'd rather not have her there for things like that. Hopefully whoever takes you is understanding that you are going through a type of surgery and will be nice and comforting.

Hmmm that seems a bit worrying they have alcohol in their car, they're not alcoholics are they:wacko: Good you were busy then and having fun so you didn't notice it.

Oh boy, they don't understand that infertility can hit you at any age, including in your early and mid 20s:dohh: Yep, must be because none of it is considered life threatening or enough of a pain that they'll pay:nope: One thing I don't miss about living in the US. And that birth control comment is just insane when they know you're trying to get pregnant:wacko: Would that even help?

I wish I had a friend I could ask but my one friend is A) really annoying me with her attitude and B) doesn't have a driver's license. She told me recently that maybe I should think positive and then I'll get pregnant:dohh: She doesn't get infertility at all. We tried explaining it to her but she got a blank look on her face so we dropped it. I sent her an SMS and told her maybe we shouldn't talk about it anymore and that you can't think positive your way out of infertility any more than you can think your way positive out of having cancer but she basically told me I didn't get the depth of what she was trying to say so I'm on an extended break from her. Couldn't handle her drama anyway, she'll just have to rely on her other friends. Rather have my MIL than my own mother or that childish friend (even if she could drive), they'd just drive me crazy with their selfish attitude and stupid comments. At least my MIL knows to not say stupid stuff now that DH talked to her. Would love for DH's grandmother to do it but she's 93 so might be a bit much to ask her, she's otherwise amazing about all this:thumbup:

Anyway sorry your mom is being impossible again. I get it. Are you still in contact with her? If she's too emotionally draining, you could consider going low contact. I'm trying to go as low contact with mine as possible and it's working.
Don't know if it would help really. I wouldn't think it would. But oh well. We'll figure it out without them.

As for my mom.... I talk to her maybe once or twice a month. Normally because I need a ride to work or she wants me to ask my sister something. However somehow me and Roger got pulled into taking a two hour drive with our niece and nephew next week to her house for two days. That should be interesting. It kinda sucks though because I kept saying I didn't want to. I just wanted to hang out with Roger for the last few weeks left of being a pair instead of a threesome XD Oh well rather take them than let them be on that drive with someone we've only met once.
OK that sound like my contact with mine. I've managed to stop her daily calls and see her 1-2 a month with DH. It seems to take the edge off since she normally doesn't say anything really cruel in front of him. The worse she's done was tell him that I was (materialistic wise) spoiled rotten a few days ago. I don't know why she keeps telling people that other than as a set up for when we're on bad terms again to show them I'm ungrateful or something.

I hope that your mom isn't too bad those 2 days:wacko: Sorry no one else could do that when your relationship with her isn't very good. Does it help if your DH is there? Like, is she nicer?

I've been having family issues myself. I don't remember if I told you this but my brother started a heated debate with me on FB when I posted an article saying that the whole relaxation thing is a myth. I wasn't in the mood or right emotional state and told him that and tried to end the debate but then he told me basically I'm childish and just can't handle someone having a different opinion than me:wacko: This coming from a man that went through assisted conception for 4 years (TTCing 5 years total) before they had their daughter.

My sister was also too much, when I told her my 2nd IUI failed and AF showed up she just wrote "I got my period too...ughh...keep trying" or something like that. As if my AF could be compared to hers since she has 2 kids and isn't TTCing:nope: I told her that politely and she never wrote to me again. I now never hear from her. Other than when I liked one of her posts and she wrote "Wow! I finally got a like from (insert my full name here since she tagged me)...impressive":wacko: She very rarely likes any of my posts herself so don't know why she saw the need to be catty:nope: She didn't even "like" a recent post I made with pictures of some of the earrings I've made. Perhaps because I wasn't non-stop liking all her pictures of her kids? Or their very recent trip to Disneyland with my brother, his wife and his daughter? I didn't respond since it'll just end badly and my brother will mix in and tell me how selfish I'm being:nope:

We both really lucked out in the family department:dohh: I have much better relationships with DH's family than my own, my cousin being the exception, she's lovely (95% of the time anyway:winkwink:):thumbup:
See my relationship with my mom is... strange. I can deal with her and she has no idea that I have issues with her. But the issues are that I recently learned that she lied to me my entire childhood about my father (stupid lies at that like why they divorced) and other things she swore she told me the truth about. I also have issues with how she always says that she tried to keep her family together (her two sisters and parents) but never once actually tried and instead always started fights with them and made herself into being the victim then she comes to me and complains about how much her family hates her and how they hate me too for being her daughter. I can't stand my aunts because they deny their families are screwed and always point out how we're poor or how I can't have kids and stuff. But they on more than one occasion recently proved that despite how they act the do care, unlike her who only speaks to me if she wants me to bring my niece and nephew to visit or if she can't get ahold of my sister. And when we do talk I try talking to her about things that are bothering me and she either acts like she isn't listening and talks about herself or she does the "Baby I already warned you that having kids might be impossible for you. So I don't know why it's upsetting you that you got your period." thing. Like literally she told me that when I got to her house on Monday.

The only ones in my family I actually get along with are my dad and my niece and nephew. And my dad has only become close to me in the last two years after I told him off for treating me like crap. I get along with my sister slightly but its kinda forced. I love her but she uses me a lot. And if it weren't for my niece and nephew and ffor Ave-Marie I probably wouldn't ever talk to her.

I'm sorry your siblings are brats to you. I don't understand how people who went through the same thing can treat others like crap and people who have never gone through it think that they can relate. My little cousin tried relating to me recently because of a loss. I felt really bad for her but she literally never talks to me and started the convo with me with the words "I finally understand how you feel." I didn't know how to respond so I asked her what she meant. And she said that she mc twice and so she understood my feelings now. I tried to gently tell her she really had no idea because I have recently gone through a third and am considered infertile while she is 18 very fertile (since she's already pregnant again) and the only reason she lost hers was because she did things she wasn't suppose to do. She got pissed at me for "thinking my pain was worse" and cussed me out. And when In tried explaining again that that wasn't it but that she still couldn't truly understand where I was coming from she decided to tell the whole family that i lied to her about miscarrying. The only people who knew about my loses were my mom, sister, and her (inside the family) so her whole side now thinks that I was trying to get attention by lying about a loss to someone who "actually" went through one and they don't believe me or my mom or Roger when we try and tell them the truth.

Wow we really did get a interesting selection of family didn't we? Makes me so greatful for Roger's family. They are much more normal. And nicer... And they feel like family.
See my relationship with my mom is... strange. I can deal with her and she has no idea that I have issues with her. But the issues are that I recently learned that she lied to me my entire childhood about my father (stupid lies at that like why they divorced) and other things she swore she told me the truth about. I also have issues with how she always says that she tried to keep her family together (her two sisters and parents) but never once actually tried and instead always started fights with them and made herself into being the victim then she comes to me and complains about how much her family hates her and how they hate me too for being her daughter. I can't stand my aunts because they deny their families are screwed and always point out how we're poor or how I can't have kids and stuff. But they on more than one occasion recently proved that despite how they act the do care, unlike her who only speaks to me if she wants me to bring my niece and nephew to visit or if she can't get ahold of my sister. And when we do talk I try talking to her about things that are bothering me and she either acts like she isn't listening and talks about herself or she does the "Baby I already warned you that having kids might be impossible for you. So I don't know why it's upsetting you that you got your period." thing. Like literally she told me that when I got to her house on Monday.

I'm so sorry, your mother actually sounds a lot like mine. I think I mentioned Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) to you last time? I think your mother might have it. Mine lies as well, to me she blatantly lies while to others she puts a bit more thought into it. Victim mentality, yep that'd be a typical NPD trait as well. My mother is also forever making herself out to be the victim in everything, even in cases where she's clearly been the aggressive part. She's never wrong, never at fault. Problems with her kids? It's all us, we're ungrateful. Talking about herself 90-95% of the time? Check, mine does that as well. That comment sounds pretty narcissistic as well, cruelties couched in a loving way. Mine was for the first 9-10 months of TTCing constantly trying to talk me out of having kids, saying it'll be the biggest mistake of my life and if she could do her life over, she'd never of had any kids. She also will tell me how she never had any problems conceiving her 6 kids, even conceiving me at age 41. When I try and explain that she was more fertile at that age than most because she started having kids when she was 18, it goes right over her head. She's telling me how much more fertile she was than I am, how much more of a woman she is than I'll be.

If your mother does have NPD, it might be best to not talk to her about anything that's emotionally important to you. She'll just use it as ammunition or be totally cruel about it to see you get upset and enjoy your pain. My mom does that, say nasty things to my face to see my hurt expression while a smile plays over her lips and her eyes shine. It's truely sick! It's called being an emotional vampire, they feed off of your pain. She once frightened me some years ago and I said "Wow Mom, you gave me a heart attack!" Her reply: "That's impossible sweetheart, you don't have a heart", huge smile on her face. Then there's that time out of the blue she told me I'm selfish, I was flabbergasted and was all ", no Mom, I don't feel I am...." but she just said, smiling again, "I can say whatever I want to you and there's nothing you can do about it.":wacko: I know now that it was a case of projection but was totally caught off guard. I have tons of stories, won't bore you with them all:winkwink: Unless you want me too:haha:

So yeah, I feel your pain:nope: If you can, try going low contact with her. You don't need that this time in your life. See her as little as possible. Know that it has nothing to do with you, she has issues and probably had a mother that treated her the way she's treating you. Narcissistic mothers create 2 types of kids: those that are narcissistic themselves (to varying degrees) and the sensitive ones that get emotionally run down by the narcissistic family members. We're of course in the latter category. The ones lucky enough not to be narcissistic ourselves but unfortunately have to deal with the verbal and emotional abuse the narcissists in the family dish out to make themselves feel better and somehow make ourselves whole enough in the end that we can rise above it. They're nothing but insecure bullies, forever stuck at the emotional stage of a 6 year old with no ability to grow or introspect.

I'm sorry your siblings are brats to you. I don't understand how people who went through the same thing can treat others like crap and people who have never gone through it think that they can relate. My little cousin tried relating to me recently because of a loss. I felt really bad for her but she literally never talks to me and started the convo with me with the words "I finally understand how you feel." I didn't know how to respond so I asked her what she meant. And she said that she mc twice and so she understood my feelings now. I tried to gently tell her she really had no idea because I have recently gone through a third and am considered infertile while she is 18 very fertile (since she's already pregnant again) and the only reason she lost hers was because she did things she wasn't suppose to do. She got pissed at me for "thinking my pain was worse" and cussed me out. And when In tried explaining again that that wasn't it but that she still couldn't truly understand where I was coming from she decided to tell the whole family that i lied to her about miscarrying. The only people who knew about my loses were my mom, sister, and her (inside the family) so her whole side now thinks that I was trying to get attention by lying about a loss to someone who "actually" went through one and they don't believe me or my mom or Roger when we try and tell them the truth.

In this case I suspect my brother may have NPD to a degree, he's not as malignant as my mother though, that's for sure. But he's always been on the arrogant side and always has this need to see me as a horrible person. My sister I can't entirely explain as she was mostly raised by her stepmother but perhaps she has some issues still from those early years. She's more sympathetic though to what our mother has done to me while my brother won't really talk about it.

Your cousin unfortunately sounds toxic as well. I'd talk to her as little as possible and avoid talking about anything emotionally important, like with your mom. Maybe try avoiding getting into discussions and let her be right, if she wants to feel like her pain is worse, it's probably not worth discussing anyway. Sounds like she's also into the victim mentality and being the injured party:nope:

Wow we really did get a interesting selection of family didn't we? Makes me so greatful for Roger's family. They are much more normal. And nicer... And they feel like family.

Totally in the same situation, DH's family have been wonderful to me and his parents (other than the LTTTC thing which they don't get at all) have always been so good to me and treated me really well. His grandmother has also been so great and I get along fine with his brothers.

But I have learned something: I'll never put my child through the abuse my mother put me through! I'll be a loving mother to my child, the mother mine is totally incapable of being. The chain of abuse ends with me!
Yeah. I really only see my mom once in a blue moon now (mainly at weddings and other family events) as for my cousin I only speak to her.... well let's out it this way. That was the first time she's spoken to me since I had my second lose. And she only spoke to me then because she thought Roger was hot and wanted to talk to him :dohh:

I agree with you. The chain ends here. I could not do what my mom did to me to my child. Ignoring all problems and acting like things would just "turn out" is not how you parent.

Its kinda funny though because while I was over there we talked about Ave-Marie and I brought up how I still had a lot to get for her since we only have 7 weeks left. She made a comment along the lines of how I shouldn't spoil her too much and how sometimes it's good to turn a blind eye. Roger, who was in the other room playing with my niece said "That explains so much." and she got really red and shut up. It's hard to put her at a loss of words so it was nice and funny to see :happydance::thumbup:
Yeah. I really only see my mom once in a blue moon now (mainly at weddings and other family events) as for my cousin I only speak to her.... well let's out it this way. That was the first time she's spoken to me since I had my second lose. And she only spoke to me then because she thought Roger was hot and wanted to talk to him :dohh:

I agree with you. The chain ends here. I could not do what my mom did to me to my child. Ignoring all problems and acting like things would just "turn out" is not how you parent.

Its kinda funny though because while I was over there we talked about Ave-Marie and I brought up how I still had a lot to get for her since we only have 7 weeks left. She made a comment along the lines of how I shouldn't spoil her too much and how sometimes it's good to turn a blind eye. Roger, who was in the other room playing with my niece said "That explains so much." and she got really red and shut up. It's hard to put her at a loss of words so it was nice and funny to see :happydance::thumbup:

I think that sounds like a good idea. Lucky, I end up seeing my mother 1 a month because DH has never entirely got it so.... My mother though has found out I don't want to talk to her much so she calls and manipulates DH instead to get us to come over:dohh:

Oh boy, your cousin sounds like a prize:haha: She doesn't sound like she's ready to be a mom to be honest though:nope:

Nope it truely isn't. Makes you wonder why our mothers even bothered having kids. Although I have read that narcissists have children to have "mirrors" of themselves so maybe that's why. My mother certainly never spent any time with me and the only time she showed interest was when I went horseback riding so she could take credit for my talent and when I won or placed high in competitions.

For Roger:thumbup: Maybe he could come over here and shut my mother up, that'd be priceless:haha: My DH could use some tips:winkwink: I'm usually pretty quick with coming up with one-liners but I seem to be bad in coming up with stuff that isn't too harsh if you get my meaning. I need to learn how to shut her up and not entice an altercation which is why normally don't say a word.
Haha I understand. I use to never say anything so now that I openly tell it how it is I always get told that I'm mean or a bitch. And my sister likes to use it as reason to be bitchy with me (when she's not pregnant since she's nicer when she is XD ). But oh well. I'd rather seem mean than be walked on any more.

Usually Roger doesn't say anything. He's pretty timid around my family which I don't understand since he's snarky with me and always pushes his sbling's buttons XD So I think it really caught her off gaurd.
Hey Deafgal! Long time no chat.

How have you been doing?
Still on break haha... Busy with work mostly. How are u?
Pretty good. Been going crazy trying to figure out my body butttt at least I've calmed down a bit XD
You should try a cruise when you get a chance one of these days!

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