We'll just be moving across state to be near my dad. He's been trying to get me to move close to him since I was 12 and now that my mom is finally showing her true colors and my sister burned her last bride with us (she let a stranger in our house without telling or asking us first) I see no reason not to go. It's a much nicer town with less crime and better schools. My dad is also going to help Roger get a good county job and even said he'd pay for our first and last months rent on a home so it's be kinda stupid not to take him up on the offer.
I'm now thinking I'm starting af. I was cramping slightly and went to the bathroom to find light brown spotting (sorry tmi). I'm kinda happy and kinda not since I've been horridly sick the past 4 days and haven't been able to keep anything down so having pain on top of it isn't fun but hey new cycle. I will be starting metformin back up as well as a few herbs to help with everything.
How's it going on your end? Any good signs? Also congrats on the nail biting thing. I stated to do that a few months ago and recently found myself doing it again so I'll be once again trying to kick the habit. It's so rewarding though to see them grow!
That sound like a very good idea! Seems like a good place to move to plus to get away from your mother and sister will be bonuses. I hope Roger finds a job quickly
Good to hear AF started so at least you won't be having a longer cycle but sorry that it didn't end up as a BFP instead. I hope metformin and the herbs do the trick for you this cycle!
Oh some good news here: DH got a job! He starts August 1st. So we'll be moving as well but think we'll wait at least until the 3 month trial period is over so we're more sure he really will be keeping this job (since they can fire you for no good reason those first 3 months; been there, done that!). As for the signs, it doesn't look too promising at the moment (am 11 dpiui today) but we'll see. You're not totally out until AF rears her ugly head as they say. But mentally preparing myself for AF to show up sometime this weekend and moving forward with IVF around October (since our 1st meeting is September 29th). Guess we'll be taking a kind of break in the meantime and go NTNP which will be good for us I think.
Have you tried using those bitter polishes you can buy for it (e.g. Mavala Stop)? They never worked for me though (tried those when I was like 9 or 10) but maybe they'll help you. I've found out using nail polish on them seems to help since I don't want to eat nail polish (yuck

). My nails though are kinda weak so will be trying the Mavala Nail Shield to get them to grow stronger and see if that helps anything. I've also really commited by buying lots of nail polish and some cuticle oil so think that's helping as well. Just looking at all the pretty nail polishes I have in the bathroom helps as well. What also has helped is I think I know why I do it: because of all the anxiety I've had because of my narcissistic mother and brother. I've read some have also found it helpful when family/friends let them know they're bting so they'rwe aware. Then there's also having a hair elastic around your wrist and pulling it each time you bite. There's this one lady I read about that created a scene every time she bit, she'd scream at herself to stop and that helped (wouldn't do that myself since I'm not much for making scenes, especially over something like that

) Now they're long enough that I find biting them kinda gross so not gonna happen
What also has helped is I think I know why I do it: because of all the anxiety I've had because of my narcissistic mother and brother who've all my life been trying to tell me what a horrible human being I am and have been pretty much blaming me for the family dysfunction (scapegoating). Now that I'm emotionally disengaging from them, what they're doing (Mom insulting me/being nasty/being childish and my brother's condescending crap plus obvious smear campaign against me to my sister and cousin) isn't affecting me anymore and I have much less anxiety now. I think it's really hit me that it has nothing to do with me and everything to do with them and their insecurities/issues.
UPDATE: Starting bleeding red and cramping so it's "game over" for our last IUI

Luckily our hopes were very low for this 6th IUI so no shocker. We'll be going NTNP until we can start IVF in October and try calling the hospital to see if they've had any cancellations for the August meeting but not counting on it. So here's hoping IVF is the way for us!