Not sure where to post- mixed feelings


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2011
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Hi so I haven’t even had a positive test yet but when you know you know. Pretty sure I have baby n.o 4 on the way!
We have a 10 & 7 yr old & 17 months! We had toyed with the idea but either 1 was for & 1 against which would swap! or both decided against. But after a slip up last month I was a little sad when my period came! Hubby said we should have 1 more. Well if we were going too I’d of preferred to wait until October when my youngest turns 2. But in a night of drunkenness it seems dh didn’t pull out! And seems we have one on the way sooner rather than later or not at all!!
I do feel though if this hadn’t of happend we most likely would of gone on to have another later in the year.
So I guess it’s getting my head around the smaller gap (just 2 yrs) somehow saving up to cover mat leave & organising bedrooms!
Feel abit guilty on my youngest he still just a baby himself & not gotten to much baby groups with him due to lockdown . just had an email about toddler sense restarting in April so really hoping it will and hoping the number restrictions will relax & ill
Be able to take baby along so I can still
Take him .
I never wanted a double pram either! Or a winter baby! can tell it’s not my planning this time!
But guess we will make it work, it just needs to sink in & develop a plan & probably not have too many expectations!
I just really hope, like us all that we are coming to the end of the pandemic now & this baby will get more of a traditional first year!
Dreading telling work too! All in good time.
Oh and the inevitable reactions of the world & his dog! Especially if we have a 4th boy which chance are we will!
It’s quite a lot to get my head around.

Any wise words of wisdom or experience will be gratefully received!

Congratulations! It will take a while to sink in but you will get there and everything will fall into place.
People will have their opinions and maybe make negative remarks but that says more about them. Try to ignore people's unhelpful comments.
Happy and healthy 9 months :) ❤️
Ahh Thank you! Yeah I guess so, at lest it takes out the months of shall we sharnt we when we investabley will haha.
I think I’m 10doo going to do a test now.
Thanks x
I can relate a lot to this except it was #3 not #4. I knew the day after we dtd that we conceived. I know it's "impossible" but I just had this crazy intuition. I was afraid of how others would perceive us having a 3rd, particularly with our short age gaps. Dreaded telling work and family. I wasn't sure how we would make everything work, but it did and now I can't imagine not having my surprise baby. Also, I had wanted a 3rd but wanted to ttc around this very time, but DH was undecided about a 3rd. So, I was a bit happy that we conceived since I wasn't sure I'd ever get our 3rd.
My youngest will be 2 when this one is born. We don't have another bedroom and my oldest daughter will be 10 so won't want the 2 year old in with her and can't really put a baby in with the 2 year old that soon. Although he's only slept through once in his 2 years anyway :coffee:Sooo I dunno what we're gonna do. No idea what I'm doing and so unprepared. Might pop the newest one in a drawer like the olden days :haha: I'm not thinking about it or worrying about it. I'm really weirdly not bothered and have an 'it'll work out' kind of feeling. I have no advice. Just gonna wing it.

Good luck to you! :flower:
P.s also not gonna buy a double push chair. I have a carrier that ill keep it in the bottom of the pushchair (that I already have) and put the baby in that if the toddler doesn't wanna walk :dance:
I've got a 16 month old and am 14 weeks with #2. And it was NOT planned haha! We were told we would never conceive naturally, so #1 was a complete shock... we didn't want to actively prevent #2 and then be gutted it never happened, but we definitely did not expect it to happen so soon. I'm still getting my head around having two under two.

Like you, I'm very aware of how much my son has missed with being a pandemic baby, and I'm feeling a bit guilty that my time will be split between babies so soon. But the flip side of that is I know my son has missed a lot of socialisation, and having a little playmate so near in age will surely benefit him.

Plus I have so much baby stuff ready to go! I won't be doing the double buggy - either the boy can walk or I'll wear baby - and I'm definitely going to get both into nursery by the time baby is six months.

It'll be fine, I'm sure! I mean, its happening now, I am getting pretty excited if I'm honest. Terrified, but excited.

Hi, with my eldest 2 I had a 13 month gap! Totally unplanned, I always knew I wanted more after my 1st but I didn’t want a 13month gap, nor did I want a double pram, I was 21 and didn’t drive either....but, it was actually an amazing experience and my children were the best of very close. I then had a gap of 6 years and am now ttc after 11 years so I’ve gone completely the opposite way.
You will be absolutely fine :)
From a kid’s perspective I come from a family where my parents had 4 children in a 6 year period and I am so happy that they did. I’m super close with all of my siblings and I loved having them close in age as we grew up. My brother and I are less than two years apart and we had a lot of friends in common. We even ate lunch together in high school sometimes since our friend groups overlapped. Your youngest will be lucky to have such a close buddy.
Tha is for all the reassuring replies! I feel rather daft now as I’ve started spotting.
Sooo looks like I’m not pregnant after all. God these cramps & ‘symptoms’ can be so so convincing.
There’s a whole load of reasons why it’s better for us to wait- I need my 2nd covid vaccine for 1.
So I’ll be telling hubby, no more risks! We will see how we feel in the autumn & go from there.
I had 4 under 4 when they were little there’s 11 months between my daughter and my twins. It all works out and I love that they are so close now. I’m going the other way this time and there will be a 10 year gap.
How are things now Twinkle?

Did the spotting stop?

Im also due my second Covid jab so pondering on hanging it out till after!

On the closeness front though , the small gaps are good - we have triplets and then another 7 years later. They adore the littlest but weve hit the 'dont touch my things stage'
My youngest will be 18 months on March 23td and 2 when baby will be born. Our older 2 only had 23 months between them and I found that really managible.
Have u tested yet hon

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