Not sure where to post this??


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2006
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Sorry if this is in the wrong place...

I have just aplied for a full time college course for next september. i have a good chance of getting on coz i know the tutor plus i have pervoius quailifactions to suport teh course...

It means putting Coby and the baby in to teh college nursery for 4 days a week, im sooooooooooooo worried about it, i have always said i wanted to be a full time mum and be with them, but i have reached a stage where i want to do something for me, is that selfish?
Im not to worried about the baby, but will Coby cope with all of a sudden being put in to nusery?

I know its a long way off yet but altho i really want to do it, i feel guilty for him.

The course is this...

Diploma in Health & Fitness – Full-time
(Examination Board – CYQ)

Who will the course suit?
All exercise and fitness enthusiasts over the age of 18 who enjoy practically based learning. The course will also suit learners wishing to begin a career in the fitness industry, as a fitness instructor, children’s coach, or move onto the personal trainer qualification.

What are the entry requirements?
Learners need to have enough skills to deal with the course.

Please note that sometimes, even if a learner has the entry requirements for a Level 3 course they will start on a Level 2 course. This happens in practical subjects. This is because learners will need to develop practical skills to a certain level before they can attempt a Level 3 course in these areas.

For all full-time courses and some part-time courses you will be invited to have an informal interview with the tutor. On all courses that interview, a successful interview is also an entry requirement for the course.
In the interview the tutor will see whether you have the potential to progress on the course. It is also a chance for you to find out more about the course.

How long is the course?
The course is full-time for one year and runs over 4 days per week, starting in September.

When will I be in College?
4 days per week, 10.00am – 4.00pm or 9.00am – 3.00pm.

How much study is involved?
You will be taught in College for approximately 21 hours every week. If you are on Job Seekers Allowance you will be taught in 16 hours.

What will I study?
You will study a range of modules including:
Exercise and Fitness knowledge, Circuit Instructor, Gym Instructor (Resistance Training weight training, Cardiovascular Machines) Exercise to Music (optional), Outdoor Action, First Aid at Work, Emergency First Aid, Instructor in Fitness Assessment (FITECH), ICT for fitness instructors, communication for fitness instructors, Working in Europe. CYQ Instructing Health related exercise for children, improve own learning. Pool Lifeguard course is offered as an optional extra (additional course fee required).

How will I be taught?
You will be taught through practical based sessions in the gym, sports hall and on the field along with planning lessons, theory sessions, use of videos, the internet and a variety of learning media.

How will I be assessed?
You will be assessed continually on IT & Computing. You will undertake a practical test and a multiple-choice test for all instructor, first aid and lifeguard qualifications. IT & Communications work is assessed throughout.

What opportunities will the course provide me with?
Successful learners will be able to pursue careers as fitness instructors and gain insurance and a place on the national register for exercise professionals. Some learners also progress onto the Personal Trainer Award at Level 3

I have to do something about my weight and this will give me extra help, plus i get a good job out of it.

how did your little ones cope with going in to nusery for the first time, how old where they? and how long did it take them to settle in?


Jack and Em didn't do nursery so can't comment on the settling, although Emily settled at Playschool really quickley
I think they will be fine TBh children are very adaptable little things

I don't think you are being selfish in the slightest, you wil still spend plenty of time with them, its not like you are doing 12 hour shifts or anything
I thnk it will prob do you all good and give you a little me time
Definitley not being selfish, and Coby will love the nursery-he might actually wave you off which will make you feel bad!

You have to think of yourself, and its not as if ur not being responsible and leaving them with Tom, Dick or Harry, you are putting them in a proper nursery.

rebecca went into nursery at 4 months for financial reasons i needed to return to work so she is used to it.

good on u i say hun!xxx
thanks guys

Is tehre anything i could/should do in the months leading up to it? September is a long way off but at the mo if i leave him with a baby sitter, (either charlie and ethans nan or his god dad) he crys all night untill i get back.
I hate the thought of him crying all day in a nursery with people he doesnt know so i feel like i need to get him ready for it.

Altho he will be older then so he might want to go off and play like you say

Is there anyway they could start the week before your course? We done this with Rebecca as that way we were on hand if she didn't settle or the nursery could call me at home and I'd go in and get her...but she was fine.

Or even a day where you can take them in and introduce them before they start, telling Coby this is where your coming to play with the boys and girls etc.

He might be upset when you leave him etc, but 2 mins of u being away he will be having fun!

Rebecca still tries the tears or drama when we drop her off but when I peak in the window a minute later she is laughing and running about mad!

Dont beat yourself up hun, they will love it, more so Coby!xx
He will soon settle into nursery, my son did when i started college and the staff know how to deal with children who are upset. It will get him ready for school aswell and makes it loads easier.My son hated leaving me but by the time he started school he just went in and it didn't bother him, it might seem like you are being horrible to him now, but you will thank yourself later when he goes to school.
I hope you get on ok
Luv Cheryl xxx
No experience but good luck :) DS goes to a childminder for 4 hours once a week and he's been fine, DD goes as well on a different day and really enjoys it too.
Charlie was under 5 months when he started nursery and he loves it. Like KX said, he now waves me off, but there's nothing better than that smile and wave when I pick him up!

I've seen loads of babies scream the place down when their parents leave them, then 2 minutes later, they're fine. Remember, these people are trained to deal with all types of babies and children, and can deal with screaming and upset children.:hugs:
thanks :)

We go to toddler group on a friday morning and he loves it there, as soon as we get in the door he is off playing, he makes a note of where im sat and then i dont see him for the whole 2 hours lol

Im hopeing that he will think of it as a toddler group, just not having me there with him


I only applied for this course a few days ago but i have just had a letter though saying they want to interview me on the 19th novmeber!!

I will still be pregnant and fat then!!!!!!

I thought id be interviewed in April time so that would give me time to lose some weight, now im worried i case he wont let me on the course for being to big or something! :(


Just wanted to say that you're not being selfish at all, I was recently talking to my boyfriend about wanting a job (being in all day makes me feel like im going mad) but feeling guilty for leaving Bethanie! so I understand what you mean.

Im sure he'll have a great time at nursery, and you'll have a great time on your course. Hope it goes well.

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