November 2012 Due Dates

i am so sorry you're going through this, mommyh. :hugs: not that it's even the same situation in the slightest, but when dh and i started dating, we just couldn't get rid of his ex. he had to change everything to get rid of her. he then had to specifically tell his friends not to give out his information. she would get his number from someone, call him, then leave a message telling him not to tell me she had called. thankfully, dh wanted nothing to do with her, but i can understand how frustrating, maddening, and disconcerting it is to have these ladies around who you can't seem to remove from your life no matter how hard you try. personally, i wouldn't make any attempt to contact them. people like that tend to feed off of attention. is there any way to block them from pinterest? and just leave it at that?
No I tried :( pinterest doesn't have a blocking option yet it says :( He says he asked 2 of them not to contact him anymore but didnt say anything to the 3rd one because she was in the hospital giving bith to surrogacy twins... I feel like now I have to say something because it's getting out of the same time I agree that they will just love the attention if I attempt to set them in their place. we have both deleted them and he has not given his number out to his close friends and family that he knows won't give it to them...he swears they haven't contacted him or vice versa. The girl who was in the hospital is 'S' and her sister told me today that she saw we deleted her but that she hasn't asked why and said she doesn't know why we deleted her...I find that to be bs, how would she not ask her sister she lives with why or if she didn't know why then why wouldn't she ask us why ya know...her sister just said 'she probably knows better than to ask and just assums you found out'...ughh so sick over this :(
MommyH-I am so sorry that you are going through this. :hugs: I agree though, I would not contact them in any way. I know its easier said than done but just let it be and focus on your family. Girls like that want the attention no matter if its good or bad. That is just my opinion though.
Thank you's so hard being the bigger person sometimes but I agree and I know by ignoring this it is for the better....I guess I just worry they will keep at their crap until I have lost my mind...just feels at this point that it will never go away, I know that's unreasonable because they will find someone else's life to f up eventually I just hope this all ends soon so I can work on learning to trust my husband and have faith in my marriage again :(
I need some advice :( you all know what happened with my husband and these 3 girls he was talking to...well as I said they were 'friends' of mine. Well one of them I wasn't but I was the other two. Anyhow the one I wasn't friends with 'K' just tried adding my husband as a friend again on Facebook a couple days ago. He denied the request, he had already text her when all of this came out and told her not to contact him again. Well one of the other girls is my husbands best friend ('A') older sister, her name is 'P'. So 'A' text my husband pissed off because his sister 'P's name is getting drug through the mud all over town for what she and my husband did. My husband explains to I'm that not only have his wife and children been affected by their actions but yes the whole town and all of our families have been affected and that it's just as much her fault as it is his so they both have to deal with the consequences. We live in a pretty small town and since we all grew up here everyone knows us and them. Girl number three ('S') is sister to one of my friends (I was friends with both of them).

So that's a little about the girls...well this morning started out with me headed to work where my first client I was going to have was my friend, 'S's sisters little boy...her sister texts me and asks me if I will cut 'S' sons hair too...ARE YOU F'ING KIDDING ME!? I couldn't believe they would even ask if I would cut his hair, granted he did nothing wrong, but after what his mother did why on earth would I want the liability of even having him in my salon! I told my friend no that I wouldn't cut his hair and that I couldn't believe she would even ask considering she knows what has happened and that I was no where near comfortable having him even there because of the situation! She said okay and brought her son in as planned.

Then this afternoon I received an email from my pinterest account saying that 'P' has started following my baby shower board and my daughters board!!! WTF!?! Why would she even do that why would she want to know what I am planning for my baby shower and what I pin for my daughters?! I'm so sickened by these girls!!

No matter what I do I can't seem to get away from them or the situation. My husband has deleted them from fb, text them to tell them not to contact us and then changed his number. God only knows they are still texting his old number trying to contact him?! I'm at a loss and I don't know what to do from here. F'ing with my husband is one thing but F with my kids and I can't control my actions!!

Do I send them a message myself saying to back the f off and stay away from us or do I leave it alone? I feel like I'm going crazy and going to lose control at any moment I just cannot deal with this. It's also making my husband and I take steps back when we are trying to move forward because these girls will not leave us alone and keep coming up. If I send a letter what do I say? Lord knows I want to kick their f'ing asses and I don't know if I can make a polite letter or even write one at all to these horrible people...I just feel like I need to do something I can't stop letting this affect my life and my marriage :( help.

She's just trying to drum up some drama. I would just sign up for pintrest under a different account that only you know and go on from there. She is a creeper. EW! I am sorry you are going thru this. I agree with the others. :hugs:
Just keep ignoring them and they'll eventually get the hint. Though I do think it's extremely weird one of them has started following your pinterest thing (not sure what it is?) after everything that has happened? I'm one of those act before thinking, so I would hvae gone in there all guns blazing, but do agree with the others and, think just leave it. :hugs: I hope this all disappears for you soon though - it must be so stressful having to deal with all this :(
MommyH - So sorry you are having such a difficult time with the other ladies. Hopefully changing your numbers and ignoring them will send a strong enough message to them! As for 'S' It seems like she needs a stronger message and maybe having a quiet word with her is what is needed there. I would suggest sending a strong message via someone who, you can trust and she will listen to.

AFM - I had a better nights sleep when I eventually got to sleep. Did take me almost 3 hours to fall asleep, but at least I managed to sleep for almost 8 hours.
MommyH exactly what ashley said! Girls like that just want attention and if you contact them you fuel the fire and give them a reason to keep going on with what there doing. I have been in situations like this before and the best thing you can do, although not easy, is continue working on your marriage and not letting the past keep getting drug into it. Ther lady following you boards is clearly a pysco :wacko: and must be extremly jealous of you to have to know what your interest are.

Stay strong and keep moving forward for you and your families sake. This will pass eventualy and make your family stronger. If you let these girls get to you then they win so to speak. Home wrecking whores!!! (sorry I hate females like this)

:hugs: to you and your patinets
yeah even if its driving you nuts and on your mind constantly (as it would anyone in this situation) dont let them know that. thats what they want. get fired up, vent to people not related to the situation (like us hehe) and dont say a word to them. not worth it. and if they follow any other pintrests or anything i wouldnt even tell your hubby. clearly he seems to have put them out of his life, there might not be much more he can do and bringing it up might make things go backwards. good luck and :hugs:
Just heard from our midwife about our ultrasound...Miss Ela is measuring at a whopping 80% ALREADY :/ I knew I already looked/felt as big as I was with my first daughter full term!! She said Ela is measuring 4 1/2-5 pounds and 18-19 inches (My first daughter was born two weeks overdue at 5lbs 18"!!!) So we will be having a repeat ultrasound in a few weeks to determine a game plan for when she will be born...they were planning to avoid induction before 36 weeks but after having this info we may just choose to let her grow all she wants and have a c section on/around November 1st. Bummed but happy she is healthy <3 I can't wait to meet her...but I think it's time to come up with a new nickname, she is not a bug at all lol
Aww mommyH she is a little rolly polly bug :haha:

Thats so awesome to hear that she is growing so well. And our babies could be born via c-section a day apart!! Then we could chat about our recoveries together.

Can't wait to hear your update in a week on how she is doing!! :happydance:
Yay for 30 weeks! :)
I remember with my 1st I had a scan for baby on a Sunday (by husbands aunt) because Dr had talked about inducing if I hadn't had baby over weekend and I had an appt Monday morning. We wanted her to check everything out to see if she thought baby was ready :) She was estimated to be 6lbs11oz and I had her 2 days later(by being induced because of pre-elampsia) and she was 7lbs10oz. Amazing how she grew that much in 2 days.
i heard the estimated weights can be plus one pound or minus one pound and sometimes even more.. my dr said "it gives a rough estimate". not sure if anyone else has heard this?
Yeah I'm sure its not exact. My doctor expected a 7lb baby with her. He never got a chance to say with my 2nd because she came early...
i heard the estimated weights can be plus one pound or minus one pound and sometimes even more.. my dr said "it gives a rough estimate". not sure if anyone else has heard this?
I have also read this in several locations. I have been hoping to go natural and I'm trying to keep on top of all of the reasons someone might get induced. That's one of my bigger fears. A lot of my friends have been induced and it is not fun and most have ended up in a c-section. Not what I'm hoping for, but we'll have to accept what comes. Anyhow, induction due to size can really backfire because the u/s just isn't an accurate indicator. That's what I have found and I think I'm going to avoid any more u/s if I can manage it. That way there won't be pressure to push the baby out before it's ready. It is a personal choice and I'm saying this now, but may change my mind later?
I've also heard that too!

Though, with my second my midwife kept telling me (when checking fundal height and having a feel around) that he was going to be a small baby ..... he was the longest thing I have ever seen and was 9lbs 5.5ozs! I don't think you'll really know how big baby is until they're born

ETA - my cousin in law was hte opposite - she was HUGE!! They did scans etc and said she was going to have a 10lber .... he was 6 and a half lbs.
I agree completely and that's why we told them no matter what unless one of us is in danger we will not under any circumstances induce before November 1st! They said my dd was 7-8lbs and she came out two weeks overdue (to their calculations) at 5lbs!! I knew she wasn't even ready yet but they insisted I be induced at 42 weeks they just wouldn't let me go longer even though I knew when I got pregnant they wouldn't go off my date they went off my last period and I don't have regular cycles due to PCOS and I don't ever ovulate normal! So I agree completely...I do not want to be induced and I want her to fully cook but if that means she'll be huge then we may select a c section even though that is my greatest fear :/ really hoping I will be able to go all natural with no induction and we will both be healthy and happy!
Mommy H, why exactly are you worried about her being too big to push out? I think you and she will be fine. Your body is made to do this. :thumbup: you've got this! I would have been furious about the PCOS and messed up due date!
i would have been really pissed off about the messed up due date too. my pcos and irregular cycles are the whole reason i started charting- so i'd be able to know when things were happening in my cycle. i think i might have been mad enough to change doctors!

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