November 2012 Due Dates

Oh gosh I feel like a whale too and I've LOST over 30lbs...still can't figure that one out! I lost 7lbs a couple weeks ago then yesterday when I went in to make sure Ela was okay they weighed me and I lost another 3lbs :( They don't seem concerned so I'm trying to not be either...Ela is for sure growing, our next growth scan is at 28 weeks and I'm scared to see how big she is then since they tell me she is already in 80th percentile range!! I think feeling like a whale is just part of pregnancy no matter how big or small or how much weight we gain or lose lol
gorgeous bumps ladies! I feel like a whale too Bexxc and have put on about 35llbs maybe more as keeping away from scales!!
i'm at around 35lbs too! it's going to be so hard to work off all this weight with a baby to take care of. i hope bfing helps as much as people say!
Pumpkin smuggler! :haha:

You two look great! I'll have to see if I can get a decent picture to post. When I take pictures, I don't feel like I look TOO big, but when I am waddling around trying to fit into clothes, I feel massive. I have a short torso, so I am smuggling a bit larger pumpkin.

I have gained at least 40 lbs. I stopped getting on the scale because it was affecting my mood.:growlmad: I will admit that I have not been eating more than I used to, but I have definitely hit up the fast food way too many times. I decided that my body is just going to gain what it needs, regardless of what I do. I too am hoping that B'feeding will help out in the first few months! 12 weeks for FMLA leave used to seem like a long time. Suddenly, it feels like nothing! The only good thing is that it will be winter, so I'll be able to cover up the jiggly parts:)
Amen to covering the jiggly parts, stephers! :haha:

MommaB & MommyH you both look GREAT!!! :)

AMM I hope you're able to cook those girls for another 7 days! So exciting :) The race is on... will it be WTB or AMM that pops first??

As for weight gain. I've gained about 30 so far... with 8 weeks to go! YIKES! I hope it slows down a bit here at the end, but I'm not counting on it. There will definitely be a lot of work to do after he's here. I'll have to dust off our elliptical machine and get back to it.
I also have a short torso (im only 4'11) and me and the fast food are good friends too Stephers! Hell just food in general!! I can't stop eating and at this point, I don't care. Im a few weeks away from not being able to eat like this anymore and Im already well over the 25 they wanted me to gain so whats a few more right? My doc hasnt said anything to me about the weight gain, but I bet that's because she is pregnant too :haha:

As for clothes, I can't fit into any of my earlier maternity pants (and its got cold here) so I have broke down and became one of those moms that lives in sweat pants :haha: Im not going to spend money on anymore maternity clothes. I would rather save the money to buy clothes after baby gets here cause lord knows im not fitting into my pre-pregnancy jeans (they didnt really fit anyways when I got pregnant)
MommaB, I have gone through 3 different sizes of maternity pants! I work in a professional environment so I have to wear slacks to work... I started out in a size 6 maternity dress pant... then moved up to size 8... and in the last 3 weeks I've moved up to a 10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I went a little crazy buynig pants in the beginning (I had like 5 pair of size 6), but now I have 2 pair of pants, and they're both black... and I usually just wear 1 pair all week long (don't judge... I hate doing laundry and I'm just sitting in an office!) :haha:
Def not judging here!! I do the same thing :haha:

I have to pay for laundry. I only had two pairs of pants, one were jeans and one were capri's. The jeans dont fit so all I have are the capri's lol. So I would wear them until they became to loose or the knees would stick out becuase I had worn them for a week :haha: And now that its cold here I have nothing lol. I only have 5 maternity shirts and 2 of them were tank style so now im stuck with my old jackets and hoodies.
I started out in a size 6 as well and now am wearing size 10. Pre pregnancy size my tushie! They lie! As of yesterday, the temp dropped about 30 degrees up her, ya know. <---- my best attempt at a Minnesota accent in a post. I have two pairs of jeans that aren't too tight (close though) and two pairs of pants for work. I don't really have any warm shirts, just a couple sweaters to go over my summer shirts. I did get a maternity jacket, but it's sweatshirt material, so Im not sure how good it will be.

If I make it to my due date, I am going to be freezing my tail off in November! Crossing my fingers that the snow holds off this year:( I'm picturing myself trying to fit into a winter coat that I have no business wearing!
Nobody is going to judge you wearing jogging pants, I have to live in those and track pants as NOTHING fits me, and as for shirts I have been wearing my husbands who is a larger size(3XLT) and they are just covering my massive belly. This is the last picture I have taken and it was actually last week and I have gained about 4 more lbs since this
33w and 3days


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Awe, AMM! Love the twin bump :)

Thank goodness I live in TX! It doesn't get cold here until the end of December really, so I should be good to finish out the rest of my pregnancy in the clothes I already have. Although, if it happens to get a bit cooler, I'll just throw on some cardigans. I would love nothing more than to wear sweats and hoodies! Ah, I can just imagine how comfortable that would be right now :)
Believe me Mrs, you won't find any judging here! Preaching to the choir! :haha:

Momma, there is nothing wrong with sweats. I don't want to buy any more maternity things at this point either. The three long sleeve tops I bought months ago, because they were on clearance being that it was summer, are too small for me. I can wear them, but keep tugging the fabric over my bump and that never lasts very long! I have one sweater, but it fits REALLY oddly and I don't like it! Two pairs of jeans and a pair of khakis... if I'm at home I just live in my yoga pants. At least I've been running really warm lately and haven't really found myself wanting sweaters/sweatshirts/jackets much yet. If I do need a jacket it has to be unzipped with belly hanging out.

Oh, sad for me, earlier in the summer I had a pair of non-maternity capris that fit sooo nice under the bump. After I did laundry one day I noticed that there was a giant hole in the butt. My big butt ripped a HOLE, and I was left to wonder how long I walked around like that!:dohh:

I'll be so happy when baby gets here.

Wondering too if WTB or AMM will pop first!
Thanks ladies :hugs:

I do love being comfy!! So the sweats and hoodies are not bad, but tonight OH should be coming home from Tulsa and I know he will want to go out and I hate the thought of going some place nice and wearing sweats.

Ah well I guess im going to have to get over myself or end up spending the last few weekends we have before baby sulking over it lol. There is this nice Indian resturant we both LOVE to go to (and ive been craving it) and I told him once baby is here that place is off limits until I am done BF'ing (i love my lamb spicy) so I have a feeling that is where we are headed. DS is at his dad this weekend so its really the last weekend we have alone. The next one will be right around when I am due and I know Im not going to want to travel into the city let alone eat at an expensive resturant.

AMM you look sooo cute!!! I also steal OH shirts :haha: But I still find myself tugging at them as my belly likes to pop out the bottom

Bookity I would be upset about the pants too :nope: Nothing worse than finding a pair of pants that fit just right only to have them give out!!
If you eat a lot of spicy things you can quite possibly eat it spicy while BFing, apparently you should just eat normally, if the baby seems fussy afterwards change something. But if they're fine it all fine!!
I'm making a big curry right now :)

I havent washed my jeans in ages... but then I mostly wear them when I leave the house and I don't leave the house all that often atm!! :) when I'm at home I just have leggings and some sweat pants :D my DH HATES IT :D:D
Been mia again the last few days. I got a huge surge of energy on tuesday and have been cleaning up a storm. My appt went well. Nothing out of the ordinary. Baby is measuring a week ahead which all my babies did. My 1st weighed 7'11, my second 8'9. MW says this one is well over 5lbs already with 6 1/2 weeks to go. YIKES! Of course that is all estimations, not for sure, still makes me nervous!. I got a prescription for chiropractic care for my poor hips. I can barely walk due to the hip and back pain. They are hoping it helps. we shall see. I gained no weight in the past 2 weeks, but the 2 before that i had gained 6lbs! so they think I evened out a bit.

Bumps look great ladies! Mine feel so huge. I have a shorter torso, so my babies come straight out, and i dont really get much wider. I look at some 3rd tri bup pics, and think, oh lord! I am as big as that 40 weeker, at 33 weeks! and the stretchies are hitting me this week:(

As for the pants debate, I bought a 15$ pair of yoga pants from target, and i have lived in them. lol
Hi ladies! I missed a lot since I just got home from my appointment...
First, my appt went well, I I gained another 3 lbs so I've gained like 28 lbs I think. He doesn't seem concerned. Her head is still down but she hasn't engaged. I'm "just carrying her really low." I go back to the doctor weekly now and next week he will check me internally and get that test done (cannot think of the name of it right now).

And, both of you ladies have great bumps! You both look great! :)

Mrs-No judging here! I do the same thing...Neither of my maternity pants really fit so I have been wearing my shorts for the most part. It's starting to finally cool off here so I don't know how much longer I will be able to wear them. Shirts are really hard cause I'm so low...I usually wear my husbands shirts around the house but when I have an appt or something I like to wear one of my few maternity shirts. :)

Oh, and yes I did update the front page with our let me know when they are ladies :) Hope you all have a great weekend!
My next appointment is Oct. 18th. GBS swab. Can't wait.
My next appt is oct. 17th. my 34 week appt, which i will technically be 35 weeks.:) Then the 31st for my 36 week( really 37 weeks), then weekly after that!!!
Lol bookity!

My next is Wednesday (also gbs test) and every Wednesday after that for the rest of my pregnancy...

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