November 2012 Due Dates

oh ashley what a long day for you! hope the meds work and you can get some rest and things quiet down :hugs:
Thanks ladies. I did get a couple hour nap. It going to be a long process...After about 4 hours I started contracting again...had to wait 2 hours before I could take another pill. I don't know how long this is going to frustrating. I just want to sleep til its time...
Thank you so much ladies :hugs: :kiss:

More :hugs: for you Ashley, I really hope you can get some much needed rest. It sounds like she's trying hard to make her appearance despite the medicine. Keep us updated lovely :hugs: xx
Ashely-how frustrating! I am sure you have mixed emotions (as I would!) waiting to meet your new lttle one!

It completely freaks me out that both Ashley and Coleey are due within the same couple of days that I am. Yikes! I still haven't packed a bag and was laughing at DH because he's nervous about that. Guess I should maybe get on that!

I have my first doc appt today that includes an internal exam and I don't wanna! I can't think of anything I want to do less. I'm already so uncomfortable and having trouble walking, etc. I don't want anything added that will be uncomfortable. It should be interesting though considering the first doc thought that I had an extremely short cervix. If that were ever true, the weight of this belly should've knocked out that tiny cervix weeks ago!

OMG-I could complain all day!
Thank you so much ladies :hugs: :kiss:

More :hugs: for you Ashley, I really hope you can get some much needed rest. It sounds like she's trying hard to make her appearance despite the medicine. Keep us updated lovely :hugs: xx

Thank you...We will see. So, I saw her pics on your journal! Your baby is adorable! And a great size!!! :) What date was she born? I am going to update the front page with a Baby list :)
Ashely-how frustrating! I am sure you have mixed emotions (as I would!) waiting to meet your new lttle one!

It completely freaks me out that both Ashley and Coleey are due within the same couple of days that I am. Yikes! I still haven't packed a bag and was laughing at DH because he's nervous about that. Guess I should maybe get on that!

I have my first doc appt today that includes an internal exam and I don't wanna! I can't think of anything I want to do less. I'm already so uncomfortable and having trouble walking, etc. I don't want anything added that will be uncomfortable. It should be interesting though considering the first doc thought that I had an extremely short cervix. If that were ever true, the weight of this belly should've knocked out that tiny cervix weeks ago!

OMG-I could complain all day!

Mixed emotions for was so back and forth the whole time I was there...Good luck at your appointment today. I hope your internal exam goes smooth. Usually it doesn't hurt that bad when you get checked just once...I got checked so many times in a 20 hour period that I am really sore. Ugh. And I am with you...I could complain ALL DAY! :hugs:
Wow - I take a weekend off and miss 1 baby and 1 almost baby! Congratulations Coleey!!! Your sweet little baby is absolutely beautiful! And hopefully you've been able to get some rest Ashley. Sorry to hear about your frustrating day, but hopefully you're resting well now. It seems she'll make her appearance very soon :)
Ashley, I'm sorry you had such a rough go of it. I bet you are sore after all of that. I know they were just trying to figure out what was going on, but I can imagine you are sore. I hope that the meds help and she can stay in just a little longer. NICU is no fun for anyone.

Last night I had a BH contraction that lasted approx 25 minutes long. I drank over 2 L of water yesterday. So I don't think it is because I was dehydrated? I didn't get a nap in yesterday and we walked the dog last night as per usual. They had been pretty much on and off all day. Then when we were about 15 minutes from being done with the walk it started and just never stopped. I jumped straight into the shower when we got home because I wanted to get clean and rest. I guess I should have just rested and then showered after it stopped because it continued the whole shower too. I was kind of freaked out about it. After learning about labor contractions that can stress the baby it was concerning to me that it lasted so incredibly long. Thankfully she did finally move for me and that alleviated some of that fear. However, every time I would get out of bed to pee (very often) another BH would start. Thankfully not the long 25 minute version though. Just about 2-3 minutes. More normal. Is anyone else experiencing this? I finally called the MW office about it this morning and the lady who answered said hydrate and change activity. So I guess I should have just laid down sooner. I wasn't listening to my body I guess.
I still have some more stuff to buy to be ready so hearing you ladies heading off to deliver is stressing me out. I need to confront the issue and get it done! We are pretty close, but we still urgently need a changing pad for the top of her dresser. So, we need to get on it!
Is everyone ready? Do y'all have your nurseries finished?
Viking I know exactly what you mean, most of the time mine are just bh and come and go...take it easy and be sure to rest between every activity you do if you can :hugs: I try to do the dishes, sit down for 10 mins, change over the laundry, sit down for 10 mins, etc etc...

I think our nursery is finished and we are ready for our little girl! We have one piece of wall art to put up but I'm waiting for hubby to quit being a lazy ass and help me (can you tell he's annoying me right now grrr! He went hunting this morning while I stayed ome and puked 3 times then got dd off to school came home cleaned the kitchen did dishes, did laundry, s leaned the whole living room, brought in wood since its getting colder, filed away bills, took care of putting my student loan payments on hold while I'm on maternity leave, called to have the guy come out and clean our chimney, fed and walked the dogs and more!!) he walked in and layed down for a nap even though I have a list sitting RIG IN FRONT of him of things that HAVE to be done before the rain/cold starts...I just feel like I'm getting no help and I'm the one who feels like shit kwim?! Ughh sorry that turned into a big rant...our nursery is ready and that's what the moral of the story was...
our nursery is complete too! we have some frames to put up but i decided to wait until after his newborn shoot to add pics :) i should upload some pics!

meeting our sons dr today for an interview... i hope he is easy to talk to because i kind of clam up during things like this lol
MommyH, you make me feel lazy. I have done absolutely nothing more than make breakfast today and meet with a pediatrician for an interview. The interview went well and I think we will just go for it. She is super close to home and seems to be on the same page as us regarding health care for the baby. She came recommended to us by a friend. So, I don't see the harm in just going with her. I can't muster up the energy to find someone else. Otherwise I've been in bed. Since every single time I got up over night and early this morning a BH would start again I didn't sleep all that well. I just don't feel like doing anything. I am tired and lazy.
I wish I was in bed! I'm actually thinking of asking my boss if I can head out a little early so I can spend some time at home with my pup... she's not doing very well and I'm a mess just thinking about her at home by herself. It's stressing me out!
Oh Mrs :hugs:

I wish we could get a pediatrician but we have no clue what our insurance situation for this LO is going to be. I have insurance but since im not technically working im not sure if I can add her to mine, not to mention I will no longer work for the company as of Jan and will lose my healthcare coverage. OH does not have insurance through his company since they are smaller as of right now. But I can imagine it will be so expensive once it is offered that he wont be able to afford to have. If I have to apply for state insurance for her I cant do so until she is born, or at least I dont think. SO.... when we go to the hospital we really have no clue what to tell them in regards to who her pediatrician is.
Oh that stinks, MommaB. Can you call the state and get answers from them prior to her birth?
I'm not sure Mrs....But really it is the only option I guess I have. I really dont want to have to use state insurance, but she has to have her check-ups and vaccinations. I know as of right now they will not let me apply for it for her since 1) she has no social and is not here yet and 2) I have insurance coverage. I just know from others the proccess of getting help through the state takes FOREVER and I dont want her to miss her one week follow-up because of this. I am also going to chat with my HR person here in the next few days to see if it is possible to add her to my coverage (they dont know im not coming back) since it is a change in status.

I really need to get the ball rolling since it looks like we are all on edge as to who is going to go next.

Did you get to take off from work MRS?
just read your post Ashley, sorry it's all been so frustrating and no baby, but a few more weeks would be good. Hope you've got some rest and recuperation after all of that!

I'm majorly uncomfortable at the mo as bubs has totally dropped, ouch my pelvis, i didn't think it was possible to walk this slow!! and each time I walk I get BH too Viking, some times it feels like one long BH, i'm sure it's not and they're coming and going without me noticing and each day I feel like they're increasing all the time. I think it's just our bodies getting ready for the real deal, but i was a bit freaked out by them yesterday as nothing seemed to get rid of them!

mommy H sorry you're feeling let down by your OH, hope he gets his act together soon! Mine's been up internal scaffolding trying to paint our stupidly awkward hallway all day, almost finished!
MommaB - I would say call your local health services office and just ask. I know we don't live in the same state, but the coverage in Wa covers all kids services. Up until the age of 19. it isnt the most ideal, but it is what we work with with our kids as I am not working and my DH's work insurance doesn't cover anyone but him. I have never had any issues with the state insurance at all either. I believe with children and newborns they make insurance available right away. But like I said, probably is different where you are. It can't hurt to call and get the answers though :)
Managed to get him up and he took apart the pellet stove and cleaned it out and flushed the chimney and got that all ready for winter :) Now he's off to pick up our daughter and take her to cheer camp and swimming lessons and he said he would have dinner ready when I got home (I have to take off to the salon for a couple clients this evening) so I suppose he is off the hook for now...but his ones do list is growing bigger and he better get on it or his days off with the baby will be full of chores not snuggles lol
Hubby and I had a dentist appointment today. Took advantage of MIL watching DD and did some shopping at Babies R Us. So now we have a dresser and nightstand on order. The crib we want is out at the warehouse and won't be in for like 5 weeks (then another 1-2 weeks before the store gets it). Good thing Vanessa won't actually need to be in the crib for a while. She'll be in bassinet for a couple months and probably in the pack n play for the most part for the first year.

Think we're going to go to Burlington soon to check out bedding sets. There was one at BRU that we really liked, but hopefully I'll find one at Burlington that I like just as much for cheaper.

Also bought a couple more pairs of yoga/lounge pants at TJ Maxx. I should be set for my hospital bag as far as clothes for me now.

Oh and Toys R Us we got really cute sweaters for Vanessa and DD, so they'll be similar, but not matchy, so cute!
liked babys dr a lot. made us feel comfortable and stressed to call whenever we wanted and he promised not to get annoyed lol. they have hours on Saturday and Sunday and a place close by to the office that you can go until midnight which cuts down on ER visits. it costs as much as an office visit so thats really nice! i told him i had to FF and he was very understanding.

MRS i hope your dog gets better... sick animals is so tough :( :(

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