November 2012 Due Dates

we went to speak with the first pediatrician we were looking at yesterday and we were NOT impressed. next we're trying a family practice doctor recommended by a coworker of mine. hope we connect a little better with this one.
I can't imagine interviewing pediatricians. You ladies are on top of everything! After looking through a lot of reviews, we'll be going with a larger clinic. The actual doc won't visit us in the hospital; our girl will get checked out by the practitioner on duty. Since I have a huge trust issue with docs to begin with, I'm not concerned with who it is. We'll see how that goes. I'm more worried about finding child care for when I go back to work.

My doc visit was ok. Very uncomfortable. I'm not a fan of the cervical checks. Who would be though! Doc said that baby girl is head down and that I am 1cm dilated and 50% effaced. I know what all of that means, but I also know that those numbers don't mean much as far as progress is concerned. I did get told to start taking an iron supplement every other day though...apparently I am now very low:(
Wishful your doctors office sounds like a dream come true!!

Bexxc, I used a family practice doc with my son and loved him!! He had a son one month older than ours so it was nice to chat with someone who knew exactly what we were going through. I liked the idea of my son being able to see him his entire life as well if he wanted to without being cut off at 18 like most pediatricians do.

Once we get our insurance situation figured out we will be going to a family practice with a doctor that has peds as his/her main focus
Stephers, be thankful that you are only having one and the cervical checks just started, I have been getting checked since week 29 and I have to take 3 iron pills A warned they make your poop black...tmi but a little werid
I have an appointment tomorrow at 2:30pm est for my 34 week and 4 day checkup!
I have my 36 week appt tomorrow at 9am pst...not sure if they will do an internal or not? I'm assuming they will do the gbs swab though? Fun fun...guess I should get the bathroom and trim things up since its a bit out of control I'm sure :rofl: I know I will be put on monitors and have a quick ultrasound to check fluid seeing her chubby face!
Good luck at your appointment today MommyH :thumbup: Can't wait to hear your update!

All week long but especially Last night and this morning having tons of pains in my cervix! Ouchie they stop me dead in my tracks!!!! I'm honestly going to be disappointed if when I go to the docs on friday they say my cervix is shut up tight and not getting ready. This pain better not be for nothing :haha:
Checks since week 29? BOOO! The gbs swab wasn't bad and the fact that the doc was checking to see where the girl was, made the check tolerable. I'm not looking forward to weekly checks however; no good! My doc won't do any ultrasounds to check on things until I hit week 41. I would love to see Amara's chubby face!

On a funnier note, when the doc was checking, baby girl punched her hand twice. The doc looked at me like something really bad was happening and then started laughing. She said she's never gotten a right hook during a cervical check before. Way to go Amara! Definitely my girl!
Lol that is too funny Stephers!

Didn't sleep much here...I wake up and it feels like my stomach is going to burst! It's so tight and huge and it hurts to try to roll over, anyone else have this feeling?
Did you get to take off from work MRS?

I sure did! :) My boss was so sweet about it. Didn't give me a hard time or ask any questions, he just said "I understand, go home and be with her". I was just a nervous wreck because I imagined her stumbling around, falling on the cold tile, and getting stuck there until someone came home to get her... which was not the case at all - Thank goodness!! She was exactly where I had left her yesterday morning and so happy to see me when I walked in. I picked her up and put her on the couch with me and we snuggled and watched HGTV together... I'm getting in as many snuggles as I can b/c I know I may not have many more chances. We started the steroids this morning though so I'm praying it will work! (for those that don't know - our dog has lost most of the function in her legs and can barely walk anymore. Vet says it's likely a central nervous system disease brought on by cancer or a tumor. We don't know for sure and probably won't know as the diagnostic testing necessary for a diagnosis costs between $2,500 and $5,000! And she's 9... We're trying steroids as a shot in the dark treatment in hopes the problem is just spinal inflammation).

I think baby is finally starting to drop a bit. I still have a ways to go, but the pressure in my hips/pelvis is much more intense now. This morning I had menstrual like cramping... wasn't BH, but more cramp-like. Is that common at 33 weeks?

ps - sorry for the novel :)
i've started to have menstrual type cramping on and off too. i'm not sure if it's normal, but at least you're not alone!
Mrs Im so happy for that update!! I was honestly scared that since you hadnt replied something may have happened.

My fingers are still crossed for the shots helping!!!
Totally normal on the menstrual type cramps. I have been having those since week 33 and I swear some days AF is coming. It has been so bad the last few days I have ran to the bathroom to "check" just like with AF. But its more of the clear watery discharge.
Thanks, MommaB! I'm hopeful they'll at least improve the quality of her life for whatever time she has left. I just want her to be comfortable. She was my first "baby" and I'm really attached.

And that's exactly what I'm experiencing with these menstrual-like cramps... Glad to know I'm not the only one!! And I guess 33 weeks seems to be spot on with when you start feeling it... I was terrified it was the onset of real contractions, and I am SO not ready for that yet!
Our appointment went good :) Ela looks and sounds great, I grew 3cm in fundal height but measure perfect for 36 weeks! They did the gbs swab, not bad at all, but said they don't do cervical checks till 39 weeks unless they suspect something is wrong or think I'm in labor...that kinda sucks, I am too impatient I wanna know lol Oh well, she will be here before we know it <3 I had a ton of mid size contractions while being monitored then one massive one that threw the reading off the chart and holy cow it brought back labor pain memories!!!
Glad to know all is well with Ms. Ela :) Can't believe they won't do cervical checks until 39 weeks though! She could be here by then.
Mrs, I am so sorry about your dog. I'm super attached to mine and I know I would be crying buckets of tears in your position. I hope they can help your furbaby. I'm so glad your boss had some compassion and let you go home. :hugs:

I also had a MW appt today. I've gained more weight :shy: I guess this is what happens when you start indulging in fall treats like a pumpkin scone ( halfsies with my BFF), pumpkin spice kisses, candy corn, apple crisp. Ugh. It's all so yummy! I want to make pumpkin bread too! And I probably will. The MW measured me and said I'm measuring right on for fundal height but didn't announce the number. A friend is dying to know the size of the baby so I asked if she could tell and she guessed 5.5-6 lbs. that is really disturbing after all the weight I have gained, but I would rather she not be 9lbs! I told her about my failed cervix check. That I couldn't even reach it. So she agrees with me. That I'm not even close to going into labor. It will probably be 41 weeks + for me. She asked me to get an exercise ball to sit and bounce on. She also suggested evening primrose oil capsules, and sage essential oil to put into almond oil to rub on my tummy. She also suggested anise but whole foods didn't have it. I will probably order some online. The oils were to help trigger contractions. I guess that's about it. Back next week.
had my 36 week appt today! anddd im on bedrest. :(
blood pressure has been high for several weeks and today it was 140/100!!! then after chilling out for a while and they took it again it went to 138/90. so they said i could go home but I BETTER relax.
did the GBS test...was quick and easy
and a cervical check.. anddd im 1cm dilated!!!!!!
had my 36 week appt today! anddd im on bedrest. :(
blood pressure has been high for several weeks and today it was 140/100!!! then after chilling out for a while and they took it again it went to 138/90. so they said i could go home but I BETTER relax.
did the GBS test...was quick and easy
and a cervical check.. anddd im 1cm dilated!!!!!!

sorry about bedrest :hugs:
9 more cm to go!! haha

so TMI i am having some itching on my outer labia. its not constant and no discharge but its uncomfortable when it hits. wondering if i should go in to make sure its not a YI or VB. i've had a YI and it feels nothing like this, but i guess i am not a dr. my next appointment is not until the 17th.:shrug:

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