November 2012 Due Dates

Mommy that is wonderful that Ella is safe!!!

Good luck
MommyH, I am praying that you are better VERY soon and you and Ela and your family can be together again soon.

On another note, I and 37 weeks and now I am in panic mode, as my hubby just got a newer job within his company and he HAS to travel on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday! T and W he will be within an hour of me, but Thursday is going to IN and a five hour drive...I am SOOOO worried that he wouldnt be here so I broke down and we talked about it, and since I am having contractions and I am dilated to 2cm......I did the castor says to take anywhere from 1-4TB and I only took 1ts.....which is the kids dose! so hopefully it wont make me sick but will get these contractions going and I can have these girls within the next two days and my hubby will be here for their c-section.....I know everyone has an opinion about it and we talked about it, and I researched it ALOT to know the ins and outs on using it, and I feel that this was an okay option for us today...Please dont judge me..
Wow AMM! That must be tough knowing your hubby has to be out of town then!

Hope that things get moving quickly so babies come before he has to go. Best of luck! I haven't been in your situation, so I wouldn't be one to judge. :thumbup:
MommyH-I am so sorry! :hugs: to you! Stay strong! I am happy to hear that Ela is healthy, now I just hope you are healthy soon so you can get back to your family! Hang in there!

AMM-No judging here! That would be a horrible feeling with your husband going to be away when you can have those babies at any moment. Hopefully things happen before Tuesday!
annie, Some people say you shouldnt take it becuase it is a laxitive, so it makes you sick(can be both ends) and really crampy...some people say if you take it then the baby poops in utero, but that can happen anyways...and its very rare. I only took a small dose and so far just feeling a little crampy, but nothing major yet.
O I c...

Why don't they induce u?

How ru feeling now?
They cant induce me before 38weeks because of our insurance, they have changed the policy...:(
Which would be on Friday, but the chance of my labor actually starting before that would be greater since Hubby will be out of town! So I was just trying to jump start things, but I dont know if its working yet......but I do hope that it works before tuesday and then he can go out of town and then take the week after off and be home with me!
I really hope it gets things moving for you, amm. :flower:
MommyH :hugs: Hope your home hugging that baby soon!!

So sorry ladies I have not been by. But im happy that you all heard the news that little Morgan is here!! :cloud9: :happydance:



morgan 2.jpg
:hugs: mommyh - hope you recover soon and can get home to be with your baby!!

GORGEOUS Pics mommab :) She's lovely!!

Amm - no judging here. Sometimes you just have to do what you have to do! Come on twinnies come out for mummy!!! :)
Is that your son in the last pic MommaB? So cute giving his sis a kiss! :)
Well I took 1ts at 12:00pm and nothing happened so I took another 1ts around 3pm, I have been crampy and peeing alot(upped water intake to stay hydrated) but nothing else..its now 8pm and I just went to the bathroom for the first time and it wasnt horrible, and I AM having contractions, now if they would just get going to dilate me 1-2cm more I can go the the hospital and have my section tomorrow!!! I will keep you all updated on the outcome and let you know if its works :)
Mommyh-sure hope you are feeling better and get home quickly!

Mommab- Morgan is adorable. Congrats! Hope you're feeling well!
MommaB congrats!!!!! She is beautiful!!!!

AMM hope that castor oil kicks in soon!! Absolutely no judgement!! That is so scary with DH being away I would do the same thing! I love having insurance, but hate the games we have to play. They really ought to have a separate policy for multiple births!

As for me.... Getting induced on Tuesday! Originally scheduled for a c section, but I'm worried my insurance won't cover it since its nit technically medically necessary yet. So the plan is to start induction Tuesday night and deliver Wednesday. I still think I'd rather just go straight to a c section since baby girl is do big, but again...have to play the insurance game do I don't get stuck with a $10k bill!

Glad to read the rest of you are doing well (despite stupid people comments!!). Can't wait to see who goes next --- hope AMM gets some relief!!
Good luck AMM, i so don't blame you, i only have the 1 in here and i'm so ready for bub's arrival and for not being pregnant, being heavily pregnant sucks with just the one let alone 2!!

Gorgeous pics of Morgan MommaB, especially that one of your son with her :)

Good luck for Tuesday Halfthyme, I'm jealous...a possible Halloween baby!!
Major contractions :) but hubby wants me to wait aslong as possible to go in so after we watch the Tigers game(we are in MI) I am going to shower and shave my legs(with hubbys help)and then I am going to try and get some sleep but still keeping my hopes up that this is it....
Halfthyme....I was going to be induced with my son on a friday and it was the summer of was record HOT and I was SOOOOO swollen, and wouldnt you know that I woke up thursday morning in labor! I went to the hospital at noon and by 7:30pm I had only dilated to 7 and then they decided that he was to big so I ended up having a c-section and he was born at 8:37pm weighting in at 8lbs 15oz!!!! I think if you are atleast 39 weeks you can have a c-section and insurance will pay for it....My insurance wont pay for it for a twin delivery until 38weeks unless I am contracting or my water breaks and they cant stop it, thats why he wants to wait til I cant bear it anymore.
feel like i've missed a lot.

mommyH I am so so sorry.. i hope you are all better soon and get to be with Ela soon!!

Mommybarry-she is beautiful! love all that hair!!

i have had intense lower back pain tonight and a lot of BH i really hope this means i am progressing more. i can not believe how much it hurts... cant imagine what true labor is like. my teeth were chattering which is a sure sign i was in pain as thats how my body responds usually. just took a shower but could hardly stand.

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