November 2012 Due Dates

Awesome that you don't have long to wait Ashley!! :)
Yay Ashley!

It is such a relief when they say those magic words!
yay!!! happy for you ashley!!

how can i convince my dr to give me a plan? lol. ive been 1-2cm for weeks and my body is officially exhausted from the contractions. she won't listen to me though..

sorry just throwing myself a pity party over here..
Thanks ladies.
wishful- I believe mine has been waiting for my due date to be here. :) Not much longer for you.
yeah i asked today if because ive been having contractions for so long she would induce me on my due date and she said most likely not.. 10 days past due is when she will think about it :( hopefully i dont get that far
Sorry. :( All doctors are different I guess. Hang in there. You'll have your baby soon :)
Yey Ashley for a plan!! I'm hoping mine arrives this weekend too as have had a good bloody show this morning with some on and off cramps :) So we may well share birthing days!!

You never know Wishful, it may well happen for you sooner than later and hopefully you won't need to be induced.
Well, we've got an induction date of the 7th, so at least we now have an end in sight :)
eek a bloody show is the right way to be going Charlie :) They say usually within 3 days you'll go into labour when you get that!!

Stephers - good luck today

Ashley - yaaaaay to being induced on Sunday :)
I was wondering how long after, 3 days would be good though as would love a fireworks baby!! or even the 4th as bubs would share a birthday with one of my oldest, closest friends.

Good luck stephers
So after all the testing my protein is good I have a appt Monday and ultra sound wesnday and possiable induced Thursday r next Thursday!!
annie- glad they think they'll be able to wait at least until you're full term. :)
Hey ladies!!! I have missed you all so much <3

I am finally home from the hospital and starting to feel a little has been a crazy experience...i don't even remember how much I have told you all! Here is a short little recap...

Ela was born on 10/24 7:43am easy happy healthy labor and delivery (except the epidural part, I'll explain that later!) and was a healthy 6.13lb beautiful little girl! I literally pushed her out in one contraction with 2 pushes and she has been a perfect easy easy baby from the moment she entered this world <3

We went home the next morning but by that night I was in a lot of pain with a headache and stiff neck...they said it was a pinched nerve or strained muscle so I cried all night trying to relieve the pain but I couldn't hardly move. The next morning I had enough and had my hubby call the midwife and dr to ask what to do, they said I should go to urgent care so we did. Urgent care said they couldn't help us and wanted us to go to the emergency room so we did. Once we got there it seemed as my whole world went upside down. Within a couple hours I was admitted for having white blood cells in my spinal tap (they did a lumbar puncture to rule out meningitis) and in fact had meningitis! I was put in a room where I couldn't have my family or visitors or my 2 day old baby :( I was devastated. They made my husband leave and take our baby as they began 5 days of testing and antibiotics on me. I wasn't allowed to pump and save my breast milk because it could be contaminated, I wasn't allowed to see anyone because I was in isolation as to not spread whatever I had (they couldn't tell me exactly what I had), they treated me like dirt because I tested positive for cocaine (I HAVE NEVER TOUCHED OR SEEN THE STUFF IN MY LIFE!!!), and most of all I was sicker than I can even express...looking back I thank God for how sick and oblivious I was because I don't know how mentally a woman can go through and come out sane after childbirth, getting torn away from her newborn husband and family, be put in isolation, and be treated so awful :( 4 days later after multiple mri scans and bloodwork and testing and pain meds I was finally told that my intensive tox screen came back negative for cocaine after all and it was either a lab error or a false chemical reaction from some medication they gave me! I didn't even know this could happen but apparently many antibiotics and things they give you in labor and delivery can show false positives for opiates, methanfetamines, and cocaine!!! They got child welfare services involved and everything I was so terrified of how they could get a false positive and they swore they never had a false positive and I was hyperventilating telling them they screwed up and it wasn't my blood and urine they tested it was someone else's and no one believers me I was so scared they were going to take my baby, they made her come in and get tested along with our other daughter and my hubby, they were all clear (JUST LIKE I SHOULD HAVE BEEN) and they were able to go home. I was then allowed to start saving all the breast milk I had been having to pump and dump. As far as the neck and head pain they ended up with the final diagnosis that I had gotten a epidural hematoma which is a blood clot bruise that traveled up my spine from the epidural spot and it stopped luckily in my neck before it reached my brain or heart and caused a stroke or aneurism! Because of all the damage it caused to my spine area traveling up I ended up with chemical meningitis which is basically meaning my body reacted poorly to the epidural anesthesia and chemically clashed causing a non contagious form of meningitis.

Looking back through it all I didn't realize how sick I was but I was so close to death that they can't believe I pulled out of it in just under a week. I just got home a couple days ago, I'm now finally getting to begin to bond with my sweet girl, I can't believe she is already almost 10 days old...I feel like I missed out on so much but my husband has been the most incredible man through it all, he took on both our girls and as hard as it has been to trust him through this pregnancy I know with out a doubt he is a faithful loving strong supportive man that I always knew in my heart he was <3 the thought of something so terrible and scary happening to me never seemed to cross my mind this whole pregnancy, I was always worried about the baby but this mdefinitely opened my eyes to how easily things can change your world upside down and tear it all apart when you least expect it to. This was supposed to be the best experience of our lives and I would do it all again in a heartbeat if Ela came out just as effect again in the end but I am thankful for my life and that I am still with her and my other daughter and husband...I have learned to appreciate everything a lot more and I pray no one else has to go through what we did!! The infectious disease group, internal medicine group, OBGYN group, and pediatricians have told us this is a 1 in 100,000 chance of happening to anyone...I should have played the lottery instead ;)

Here is a quick picture of what kept me brings tears to my eyes, I love my family so so much <3

Oh and we are back to breast feeding and its going great :)
Charlie I lost my plug at 4cm dilated while in labor ;) This is a great sign things are changing in your cervix!! Good luck I bet by the end of today the contractions will have picked up lots, start walking or bouncing on a birth ball if you can!!!
mommyh- i am so very sorry you had to go through such a living nightmare! and to be treated like a drug addict on top of it???? i'm just shocked! but i'm so good your prognosis is good and you're recovering fairly quickly (considering the severity of what you've been through) and i'm so happy that you've finally been reunited with your family and have been able to return home. :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: lots of hugs and prayers for your continuing recovers!
OH MY GOD MOMMYH. i can not believe all you went through. seriously. i am so so SORRY. i am so happy that you are well and back home with your sweet family. i am so sorry fo how you were treated. that is terrible.

ugh this all made me cry. you are a very strong women.. i don't know how i would of dealt. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

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